bbdeiulie_august2005 Publicat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Raport Distribuie Publicat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Un nou inceput …[bibe]...BABY ON BOARD...[bibe] id="size5">id="red">"red"> [grup]bbdeiulie_august2005 Link to comment Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
bbdeiulie_august2005 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Autor Raport Distribuie Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Povestea mamicilor cu ingerasi id="size4">id="green"> [flo][flo][floare3][floare3] Bebelusi de iulie-august 2005 (57) id="purple">id="size2"> (56) , (55) , (54) , (53) ,(52), (51), (50), (49) , (48), (47), (46) , (45) , (44), (43) , (42), (41), (40),(39), (38) , (37) , (36) , (34) ,(33), (32), (31),(30),(29), (28), (27)id="size1"> (26) , (25)id="size1">, (24) , (23), (22), (21) , (20) (19) , (18) , (17) , (16) , (15) , (14) , (13) , (12) , (11) , (10), (9) , (8) , (7) , (6) , (5) , (4), (3) , (2), , (1)id="size1">id="size1">Informatii utileid="size4">id="Book Antiqua"> :id="blue"> lunile si kg bbid="red">id="size1"> , despre dezvoltarea bb la 4luniid="red">id="size1"> , despre diversificareid="red">id="size1"> ,alimentatia bb id="red">id="size1">,mancarea bb dupa 4 luni id="red">,indici de greutateid="red">id="size1">id="size1">bbdeiulie_august2005 Link to comment Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
bbdeiulie_august2005 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Autor Raport Distribuie Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Asa a inceput……id="size5">id="limegreen"> REMEMBER povestea burticilor cu ingerashi id="green">[gravi]id="size4">: (90) , (89) , (88) ,(87), (86) , (85) , (84) , (83) , (82) , (81) , (80) , (79) , (78) , (77) , (76) , (75) , (74) , (73) , (72) , (71) , (70) (69) (68) (67) (66) (65) (64) (63) (62) (61) (60) (59) (58) (57) (56) (55) (54) (53) (52) (51) (50) (49) (48) (47) (46) (45) (44) (43) (42), (41), (40), (39), (38), (37), (36), (35), (34), (33), (32), (31), (30), (29), (28), (27) (26), (25), (24), (23), (22), (21), (20), (19), (18), (17), (16), (15), (14), (13), (12), (11), (10), (9), (8), (7), (6), (5), (4), (3), (2), (1) id="size1"> bbdeiulie_august2005 Link to comment Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
bbdeiulie_august2005 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Autor Raport Distribuie Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Asa continuam…… id="size5">id="limegreen">[batetoba]BEBELUSI DE SF.IUNIE-IULIE-AUGUST 2005 id="size4">id="limegreen"> [batetoba] 59 id="blue"> + 42 id="red">[fetita] = 101id="blue"> [bibe] si 98id="purple"> id="size3"> [copil] IUNIE:id="size4">id="limegreen">1. - [bibe] ** NICHITA id="blue"> ** [ Cezara08 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 29.05.2005 , [baietel]2.200 g (sapt.36 id="size1"> id="green"> ) - dr.Badiu - Municipalid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti2. - [bibe]+[bibe] ** RARES MIHAIid="blue"> + BIANCA ANDREEAid="red">**[ Laura25id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 13.06.2005id="green">, cezarianaid="orange">id="size1">,2.900 g (49cm - ora12.30,Apgar 8,sapt.36id="size1">id="green">)+[fetita] 1.600g (43cm-ora12:35 ,Apgar7id="size1">id="green">)- dr.irina Dumitrascu – Maternitatea Cuza Vodaid="brown">id="size1"> - Iasi** [foto]id="red">id="size3">EVENIMENTEid="teal">:- 2iulie id="red"> - venirea acasa de la maternitate, 23iulieid="red"> - botezul ,16noiembrieid="red"> - prima zapada, 26 decembrieid="red"> - primul pipi la olita al lui Rares, 3 ianuarie 2006id="red"> - primul pipi la olita al Biancai, DATEid="size2">id="purple"> : 13.01.2006id="red"> *** - Raresid="blue">: sta in funduletz, in picioare, daca e sustinut paseste f. frumos, se rostogoleste de pe spate pe burta, Mananca mar, banana, branzica de vaci, legume, galbenus de ou, ficatzel si cereale, plus lapte de la mami, 13.01.2006id="red"> - *** Biancaid="red">: sta bine in funduletz, sta binisor in picioare, vorbeste tot timpul, mananca la fel ca Rares, numai ca laptele e"size1"> *** News :***id="purple"> 13.01.2006 - - primii 2 dintisori ai Biancaiid="red">id="size1"> [fetita]4luni+13z - 4.900g /59cm, 5luni jumatate - 5.600 g /61cm , 6luni - 5.800 g, 7 luni - 6.200 g/66 cmid="purple">id="size1"> [baietel]4luni+13z - 6.850g /64cm , 5luni jumatate - 7.400 g /69cm , 6luni - 7.800 g, 7 luni - 8.100 g/73 cmid="purple">id="size1">3. - [bibe] ** ALEX id="blue"> ** [ nem id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 15.06.2005 , id="green"> 3.030 g (sapt.35 id="size1"> id="green"> )4. - [bibe]+[bibe] ** STEFAN GABRIELid="blue"> + TUDOR MIHAIid="blue">**[isabelele2id="size1">]id="limegreen">- 20.06.2005id="green">,cezarianaid="orange">id="size1">,3.100gid="green">+ 2.700gid="green">**[foto]id="red">id="size3"> STEFANid="green"> -16.12.2005 - 8.700 g/72cm id="purple">TUDORid="green"> - 16.12.2005 - 7.200 g / 70cm id="purple">id="size1">5. - [bibe] ** RARES STEFAN id="blue"> ** [ palmyrah2002 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 20.06.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.200 gid="green"> id="green"> – Maternitatea Cuza Vodaid="brown">id="size1"> -IasiEVENIMENTEid="teal">:-19 ianuarie 2006id="red"> - primul pipi si kk la olitaid="size1"> 3luni - 6.000g, 4 luni – 6.400 g /64cm, 7 luni - 8.000 gid="purple">id="size1">6. - [bibe] ** MARC DAVID id="blue"> ** [ AC id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 22.06.2005 , 3.260 g ( 50cm-ora10:00 ) id="size1">id="green"> 21.12.2005 - 6.800 gid="purple">id="size1">7. - [bibe] ** MIHNEA GABRIEL id="blue"> ** [ Monica-Elena id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 25.06.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.100 g ( ora10:30,Apgar9) id="size1">id="green"> dr.Protopopescu - Municipalid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti **[foto]id="red">id="size3"> EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-25.12.2005id="red"> - a spus TATA, 15.01.2006id="red"> - merge in "patru labe"id="size1">DATEid="purple">: s-a inceput diversificarea la 5 luni id="size1"> News:id="purple"> 26.01.2006 - - primul dintisorid="size1"> 1luna -3.700g , 2 luni- 4.800/57cm , 3 luni - 5.450 g / 59cm, 4luni -6.000 g / 60cm, 5 luni - 6.500 g / 63 cm, 6 luni jumate - 7.020 g /70 cm id="purple">id="size1">8. - [bibe] ** MIHAIid="blue"> ** [ Cris Ciurea id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 25.06.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.750 g ( 48cm,ora 13.50, Apgar 9) id="size1">id="green"> dr.Mircea Dumitru –Spt.Municipalid="brown">id="size1">- Bucuresti ** botez&[foto]id="red">id="size3"> 1 luna- 5.100/58cm ,2luni -6.500g/60cm , 3luni+10z - 7.700 g /64cm , 4luni- 8.000 g/ 66cmid="purple">id="size1">9. - [bibe] ** ANDREI id="blue"> ** [ corbioana id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 27.06.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1">, 3.400 g (53cm,ora 9.25,Apgar 9) id="size1">id="green"> - **[foto]id="red">id="size3"> 1luna -4.600g/57cm , 2 luni- 6.500/60cm, 3luni si 2z - 7.150 g /63.5cm , 4luni – 7.700 g / 68,5cm , 5luni - 8.100g/70cm, 6 luni-8.450g/72cm, 7 luni+6z - 9.100 g/73,5 cmid="purple">id="size1">10. - [bibe] ** AIDAN ALEXANDER id="blue"> ** [ blackpanterro id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 27.06.2005 , 3.150 g (ora 12:46,Apgar 9, sapt.39) id="size1">id="green"> - USA EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-6.01.2006id="red"> - s-a intors de pe burta pe spateid="size1"> *** News :***id="purple"> 16.01.2006- - primul dintisor, ** 25.01.2006 - al doilea dintisorid="size1"> 2 luni si 2 zile -6.200g/58.5 cm, la 15.09 - 6.600 g, 3 luni - 7.050g/61 cm, 4luni+1sapt - 7.500 g / 66 cm, 6 luni jumate - 8.200 g/70 cm, 7 luni - 9.000 gid="purple">id="size1">11. - [bibe] ** EVA - CHRISTINA id="red"> ** [ Oana C id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 29.06.2005 , [fetita] 3.530 g (50cm,ora 11:54pm,Apgar 9, 37 sapt) id="size1">id="green"> - USA ** [foto]id="red">id="size3"> News:id="purple"> 19.11.2005 - - primul dintisorid="size1"> 1L fara 3z-4.420g/53cm, 2L fara 5z-5830g/58cm, 2L10z-6.730g, 3L-7.440g/63cm, 4L fara 4z-8.450g/67cm, 5L-9.520g/70cm, 6L5z-10.550g/75cmid="purple">id="size1">12. - [bibe] ** DARIANNA id="red"> ** [ Ioana Co id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 30.06.2005 , [fetita] 3.500 g (55cm) id="size1">id="green"> [copil] IULIE:id="size4">id="limegreen">13. - [bibe] ** DANIELid="blue"> ** [ Orca id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 01.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.330 g ( 51cm, Apgar 10) id="size1">id="green"> ** [foto]id="red">id="size3">14. - [bibe] ** ANDREI-PAVELid="blue"> ** [ Alina78 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 01.07.2005 , nastere normala cu epiduralaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.750 g ( 51,5cm, ora 0:30) id="size1">id="green"> dr.Nayel Isreb –Spt.CF2id="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti 15. - [bibe] ** DARIA-IOANAid="red"> ** [ Calina 03 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 01.07.2005 , [fetita] 3.500 g ( 51cm, Apgar 9) id="size1">id="green"> - Bucuresti**[foto]id="red">id="size3"> 16. - [bibe] ** OANA id="red"> ** [ emaaimee id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 2.07.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> [fetita] 3.220 g (47cm,ora 06:30,Apgar 10,sapt. 39) id="size1">id="green">-Rotunda Hospitalid="size1">id="brown"> , Irlanda *****[foto]id="red">**POVESTEA MINUNIIid="size2">id="red"> *** News :***id="purple"> 30.12.2005- - primii 2 dintisoriid="size1">EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-16.12.2005id="red"> - prima rostogolire completa-fata/spate si inversid="size1">DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 3.090g,alaptata exclusiv de la nastereid="size1">1 luna-4.220g, 2 luni-5.330g, 3 luni-6.030g, 4 luni-6.500g, 5 luni-7.020gid="purple">id="size1">17. - [bibe] ** MATEI id="blue"> ** [ Monicutz id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 3.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> 3.050 g (48cm,ora 06:45) id="size1">id="green"> – Canada Bebelushul ingeras Matei a fost botezat si s-a dus la ingerasii din ceruri la numai 10 ore dupa ce s-a nascut……id="limegreen"> 18. - [bibe] ** MATEIid="blue"> ** [ starchi id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 03.07.2005 , cezariana,id="orange">id="size1"> , 2.900 g (49cm,Apgar 9), id="size1"> id="green"> Maternitatea Giulesti,dr.Bucur Cezaraid="size1">id="brown">EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-22.01.2006id="red"> - a zis MAMAid="size1"> *** News :***id="purple"> - - primul dintisor , 5.ian.2006 id="red"> - - al doilea dintisor id="size1"> 5 luni - 6.000 g /63cm, 6 luni - 6.850 g/65 cmid="purple">id="size1">19. - [bibe] ** RADUid="blue"> ** [ Sorel id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 04.07.2005 , cezariana,anestezie totalaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.200 g id="green">- Fagaras 20. - [bibe] ** MATEIid="blue"> ** [ bebestrumfitza id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 04.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.200 g id="green"> , dr. Ancaid="brown">id="size1"> 21. - [bibe] ** BIANCA IOANAid="red"> ** [ Adina Nicoleta id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 06.07.2005 , [fetita] 3.300 g (ora 10)id="size1">id="green"> - Canada22. - [bibe]+[bibe] ** VICTORid="blue"> + ALEXIAid="red">** [ 17lory id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 06.07.2005id="green"> , 2.570 g ( ora 09.32,Apgar 10 id="size1"> id="green"> ) + [fetita] 2.200g (ora 09:34 ,Apgar 10id="size1">id="green">) 2 luni+1sapt.-[baietel]5.320g si [fetita] 4.300 id="purple">id="size1">23. - [bibe] ** GIAid="red"> ** [ Lia2000 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 06.07.2005 , [fetita] 2.450 g (ora 07:15,48cm ,37saptamani) id="size1">id="green">- Canada EVENIMENTEid="teal">:- a ras in hohote ** a vorbit (ta-ta ,bu-ba) ** se intoarce de pe spate pe burtaid="size1"> 4luni -5.400g /63cm, 6 luni - 6.320 g/66 cmid="purple">id="size1">24. - [bibe] ** MATEIid="blue"> ** [ pisi ella id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 07.07.2005 , cezariana cu epiduralaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.200 g id="green"> 25. - [bibe] ** LUCA IOANid="blue"> ** [ Albinutzza id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 7.07.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.100 g (50cm,ora 22:05,Apgar 9) id="size1">id="green"> , dr. Bacalbasa ,Spt Sf.Pantelimonid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti **Botez[foto]id="red">id="size3"> , [foto]id="red">id="size3">EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-4.01.2006id="red"> - a mers de-a busileaid="size1"> 1 luna - 3.900/52cm ,2 luni- 5.400/56.5cm , 3luni - 6.200 g/60cm , 4luni - 6.750 g / 64cm , 5luni - 7.400 g /66 cm, 6 luni - 7.900 g/69 cmid="purple">id="size1">26. - [bibe] ** REMUSid="blue"> ** [ roxanuta id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 9.07.2005 , 4.075 g (Apgar 9,9) id="size1">id="green"> - USA 3luni jumatate- 7.600 gid="purple">id="size1">27. - [bibe] ** ADRIANid="blue"> ** [ pitecantrop id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 9.07.2005 , cezariana (42 saptamani)id="orange">id="size1">, 4.050 g (51cm,Apgar 4) id="size1">id="green"> - Lausanne, ELVETIA 6 luni - 8.000 g/72 cmid="purple">id="size1">28. - [bibe] ** CLARAid="red"> ** [ cristina33 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 10.07.2005 , [fetita] 3.800 g (58cm,Apgar 10) id="size1">id="green"> - Oradea 29. - [bibe] ** IULIA SIMONAid="red"> ** [ gogoutza id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 11.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.100 g (ora 11:10,Apgar 9-10) id="size1">id="green"> , dr.Badea Iulian ,SptMunicipalid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti **[foto]id="red">id="size3"> DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 2.920 gid="size1"> 2luni +1sapt.. – 4.700 gid="purple">id="size1">30. - [bibe] ** GLAD HELMUT IOAN DUCKADAMid="blue"> ** [ diana maria d id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 11.07.2005 , 3.700 g (52cm,ora 03:20) id="size1">id="green"> - Arad 31. - [bibe] ** DARIA MARIAid="red"> ** [ Irda id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 13.07.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 2.000 g (44cm,Apgar 9,sapt.35) id="size1">id="green"> , dr.Nayel Isreb,Spt. CF2id="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti **[foto]id="red">id="size3">EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-16.01.2006id="red"> - a zis TATAid="size1"> *** News :***id="purple"> 26 decembrie - - primul dintisor (canin)id="size1"> 1luna -3.210g/50cm ** 2luni - 4.350g/55cm** 3luni - 5.250 g /59cm ** 4 luni - 5.400 g/60 cm ** 5 luni - 6.200 g/64 cm, 6 luni - 6.500 g/66 cmid="purple">id="size1">32. - [bibe] ** DINUid="blue"> ** [ gyly id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 13.07.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.300 g (51cm,ora 10:10) id="size1">id="green"> 33. - [bibe] ** ALEXANDRUid="blue"> ** [ Tia id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 14.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.300 g (50cm,Apgar 8-9) id="size1">id="green"> , prof.Dr.Ancar ,Spt Sf.Pantelimonid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti **[foto]id="red">id="size3"> 3luni – 5.600 g /63 cm, 5 luni - 6.700/65.5 cmid="purple">id="size1">34. - [bibe] ** ANDREIid="blue"> ** [ laura-s id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 14.07.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.500 g (53cm,Apgar 10,sapt.38+3z) id="size1">id="green"> , prof.Dr.Butnaru ,Spt Spt.Gine1id="brown">id="size1"> - Cluj-Napoca DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 3.280 gid="size1"> 1luna - 4.750g , 2luni - 6.400 g , 3luni - 7.100 g , 4luni - 7.900 g , 4luni+5z - 8.000 g / 66cm id="purple">id="size1">35. - [bibe] ** MIHAIid="blue"> ** [ geaninaelena id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 14.07.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.600 g (51cm) id="size1">id="green"> , Dr.Toma ,Mat.Cantacuzinoid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti **[foto]id="red">id="size3"> 1luna -5.300g/57cm *** 2 luni+1sapt - 6.500 g ** 4luni - 7.550g/64cmid="purple">id="size1">36. - [bibe] ** RARES-ANDREIid="blue"> ** [ Lory2004 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 15.07.2005 , 3.250 g (49cm) id="size1"> id="green"> - Bucuresti **Botez[foto]id="red">id="size3"> 2 luni -6.300 g/58cm, 3luni+2z - 7.600 g /63cmid="purple">id="size1">37. - [bibe] ** RAZVAN MIHAILid="blue"> ** [ mika1 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 15.07.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.150 g (50cm) id="size1">id="green"> , Dr.Tutunaru ,Spt Municipalid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti 38. - [bibe] ** IULIA ANASTASIAid="red"> ** [ Diana Mirela ]id="size1">id="limegreen"> - 15.07.2005[fetita] 3700g (52cm,Apgar 10)id="size1">id="green"> , Dr.Badiu ,Spt. Municipalid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti **[foto]id="red">id="size3">id="size2">id="size2">EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-11.09.2005id="red"> - botezul, ** 12.10.2005id="red"> - prima iesire la restaurant, 5ian.2006id="red">- prima intoarcere de pe spate pe burtaid="size1">DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 3.560 g ,** alaptata exclusiv , ** 29dec.2005id="red"> - s-a inceput diversificareaid="size1">id="size1"> *** News :***id="purple"> 15dec.2005id="red"> - - primul dintisorid="size1">, 30dec.2005id="red"> - - al doilea dintisorid="size1">1luna - 4.640 g /57cm ** 2luni - 6.000 g / 59 cm , ** 3luni - 6.560 g /60cm , ** 4luni - 6.900g /62cm , ** 5luni - 7.400g /65cm, ** 6 luni - 7.800 g/68 cmid="purple">id="size1">39. - [bibe] ** ALEXIA MARIAid="red"> ** id="navy"> [ rosi id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 15.07.2005 , [fetita] 3.695 g (52.5cm) id="size1">id="green"> id="green"> *** News :***id="purple"> 14.01.2006- - primul dintisorid="size1">40. - [bibe] ** SARAid="red"> ** [ MONAI id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 16.07.2005 , nastere normala cu epiduralaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 2.800 g (ora 16:20, Apgar 10) id="size1">id="green"> id="green">**[foto]id="red">id="size3">id="size2">41. - [bibe] ** MARIUS ALEXANDRUid="blue"> ** [ ancutzathree id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 17.07.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.800 g (58cm,ora 1:30am) id="size1">id="green"> - Bucuresti 42. - [bibe] ** MARIO-GABRIELid="blue"> ** [ simonaci79 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 22.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.190 g (52cm,ora 08:20am,Apgar 10) id="size1">id="green"> Dr.Vlad Nicolae ,Spt. Giulestiid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti **[foto]id="red">id="size3">EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-25.09.2005id="red"> - botezul, ** 10.10.2005id="red"> - prima rostogolire, ** 22.10.2005id="red">- s-a jucat prima oara cu o jucarie si a ras in hohote, ** 25.12.2005id="red"> - a stat singur in funduletid="size1">DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 3.060 g ** papa lapte de la mami si completare Humana1 si suntem cam cheliosi (asa zice mami)..da’ eu va zic am sa fiu un pletos , ** 25.10.2005id="red"> - s-a inceput diversificarea id="size1"> 1luna si o sapt. - 4.450g /56cm , 8sapt. – 5.400 g , 3luni - 7.850 g / 66cm, 4luni-8.860 g / 70cm , 5luni - 9.680 /71cm , 5.01.2006 ~ 10.040 gid="purple">id="size1">43. - [bibe] ** LUCAid="blue"> ** [ Letitia Maria id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 22.07.2005 , 3.900 g (ora 9) id="size1">id="green"> la 3luni - 7.200 g id="purple">id="size1">44. - [bibe] ** TOMAid="blue"> ** [ ada si toma id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 22.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.950 g (51cm) id="size1">id="green"> Spt. Municipalid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti DATEid="purple">: alaptat exclusiv pana la 1 lunaid="size1"> la 8.10 - 8.100 g /66cm id="purple">id="size1">45. - [bibe] ** NIKO VLADid="blue"> ** [ peca id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 23.07.2005 , 3.090 g (51cm,ora 5:20,Apgar 10) id="size1">id="green"> - Germania DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 2.900 g id="size1"> in 26.08. - 5.000g /56cm ,29.09 – 6.250 g/59cm ** in 10.11.2005 - 7.200g /64cmid="purple">id="size1">46. - [bibe] ** VICTORIA HRISTINAid="red"> ** [hristinaid="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 23.07.2005,[fetita]3.100 g (50 cm,ora 19:00) id="size1">id="green">-Campulung Muscel**[foto]id="red">id="size3"> 4luni - 6.200 g ** 3.01.2006 - 7.200g id="purple">id="size1">47. - [bibe] ** ALEXANDRU-MARIANid="blue"> ** [ BB23 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 23.07.2005 , 3.500 g (50cm,Apgar 10) id="size1">id="green"> - Constanta 48. - [bibe] ** ALEXANDRAid="red"> ** [ caterina71 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 24.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.000 g (48,5 cm,Apgar 9) id="size1">id="green"> prof.Dr.V.Ancar,Spt Sf.Pantelimonid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucurestiid="navy"> id="size2">DATEid="size2">id="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 2.800g , papa lapte de la mami, la 5 luniid="red"> s-a inceput diversificareaid="size1"> 1luna -3.850 g/51cm, 2luni -5.000g/56cm, 3luni - 5.750 g/60cm, 4luni - 6.450 g/63cm, 5luni - 6.900 g/65cm, 6 luni - 7.200 g/66 cmid="purple">id="size1">49. - [bibe] ** ALEXANDRUid="blue"> ** [ pisicut id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 24.07.2005 id="green"> 50. - [bibe] ** CRISTINAid="red"> ** [ mitub id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 25.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.800 g id="green"> Dr. Sgarbura Zorela Adriana,Spt Filantropiaid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucurestiid="navy"> 1 luna – 4.700g/53cm, 2luni - 5.920 g, 3 luni - 6.670 g/60 cm, 4 luni - 7.200 g/63 cm, 5 luni - 7.590 g/67 cm, 6 luni – 7.920 g/67 cmid="purple">id="size1">51. - [bibe] ** GEORGE CALINid="blue"> ** id="navy"> [ monik25me id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 25.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.500 g id="green"> - Bucurestiid="navy">52. - [bibe] ** TUDORid="blue"> **id="navy"> [ oanabomboana id="size1">]id="limegreen"> nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1">- 25.07.2005 , 4.700 g (53cm) id="size1">id="green"> - Bucurestiid="navy">id="size2">DATEid="purple">: la 1 luna a luat 800g si 7 cm id="navy">id="size1">"navy"> - [bibe] ** ALESIAid="red"> ** [ Costi id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 25.07.2005 [fetita]"navy"> - [bibe] ** DAN EMILIANid="blue"> ** [ svety id="size1">]id="limegreen"> cezarianaid="orange">id="size1">- 26.07.2005 , 3.650 g (54cm, ora: 9.20) id="size1">id="green"> - Turda ** id="navy">[foto]id="red">id="size3">EVENIMENTEid="teal">:* la 6zid="red"> - bb saptamanii in ziarul local , ** la 7saptid="red"> - primul somn continuu noaptea ,*** la 20octid="red"> - s-a jucat si a tinut prima jucarie , **** la 15saptid="red"> - a ras in hohoteid="navy">id="size1"> 1luna - 5080 h/ 57cm ,** 2luni - 6.600 g / 60cm , ** 3luni -7.650 g / 64cm , ** 4luni - 8.480g /66cmid="purple">id="size1">55. - [bibe] ** MEDEEAid="red"> ** id="navy"> [ Delia Grozav id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 27.07.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.050 g (ora ~17:40, sapt.42) id="size1">id="green"> id="green">- Targu-Mures**id="navy">[foto]id="red">id="size3">DATEid="purple">: papa lapte de la mami id="navy">id="size1"> 1luna - 4.000g /55cm , 2 luni - 4.800 g , 3luni - 5.500 g / 62cm , 4luni - 6.100g / 64cm, 5 luni - 6.640 g / 66 cm, 6 luni - 7.000 g/67 cmid="purple">id="size2">56. - [bibe] ** IRISid="red"> ** id="navy"> [ Delia id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 27.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.250 g (48cm) id="size1">id="green"> id="green"> Conf. Dr. Valeriu Horhoianu id="brown">id="size1"> - Bucurestiid="size2">id="size1">57. - [bibe] ** ANDREEA CODRUTAid="red"> ** id="navy"> [ nicoll mada id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 29.07.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.600 g (51cm,ora 17.15) id="size1"> - Bucuresti (Hunedoara)id="navy"> **[foto]id="red">id="size3">DATEid="purple">: 4luni - 6.900 / 63.5cmid="navy">id="size1">[copil] AUGUST:id="size4">id="limegreen">58. - [bibe] ** VLAD-CRISTIANid="blue"> ** [ cin id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 01.08.2005 , nastere normala cu epiduralaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.750 g (53 cm,Apgar 9) id="size1">id="green"> Dr.Moisa Marcel, Spt.Giulestiid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti**[foto]id="red">id="size3"> la 10.09 - 5.250g, ** 5 luni jumate - 8.400 g/73 cmid="purple">id="size1">59. - [bibe] ** MARIAid="red"> ** [ id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 01.08.2005 - Romania 60. - [bibe] ** BRIANAid="red"> ** [ lacrimioara id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 01.08.2005, [fetita] 2.900 g (57cm, ora 21.30, scor Apgar 9/10) id="size1">id="green"> - Oradea 5 luni jumate - 7.800 g/70 cmid="purple">id="size1">61. - [bibe] ** IOANA SIMINAid="red"> ** [ nique15 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 02.08.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.1 00 g (49.5cm,ora 11:35) id="size1">id="green"> Spt. CF2id="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti **[foto]id="red">id="size3">DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 2.800g ,papa lapte de la mamiid="size1"> 1luna - 3.730 g/51,5cm *** 2 luni - 4.520 g/54,5cm *** 3luni – 5.160 g / 56,5cm *** 4luni - 5.800 g / 60 cmid="purple">id="size1">62. - [bibe] ** INGRID ALEXIAid="red"> ** [ anis id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 02.08.2005 , nastere normala cu epiduralaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.200 g (50cm,ora 16:05,Apgar 9-10) id="size1">id="green"> Spt. Municipalid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti **[foto]id="red">id="size3">EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-la 6zid="red"> de viata extrauterina a cazut buricul, 29noiembrieid="red"> - botezul , 31.12.2005id="red"> - prima intalnire cu un alt bebelush , 15.dec.2005 id="red"> - s-a rostogolit de pe burta pe spateid="size1"> *** News :***id="purple"> 4luni+3z - - primul dintisor , *** 4luni +1s - - al doilea dintisor, *** 23.ian.2006id="red"> (25sapt.,5luni si 3sapt)id="size1"> - - al 3-lea dintisorid="size1">DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 2.900g ,papa lapte de la mami id="size1"> 1luna - 3.850 g/56cm *** 2 luni - 4.810 g/61cm *** 3luni – 5.630 g / 64cm *** 4luni - 6.280 g / 66 cm , 5luni-6.800 g /69cmid="purple">id="size1">63. - [bibe] ** GABRIELA-MARIAid="red"> ** [ ellarot id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 02.08.2005 , nastere normala id="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.300 g (53cm,Apgar 10) id="size1">id="green"> Dr. Chicea Raduid="brown">id="size1"> - Sibiu EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-29.01.2006id="red"> - prima data cand a baut apa cu paharulid="size1">64. - [bibe] ** DAVID-ANDREIid="blue"> ** [ deny_82 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 02.08.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.600 g (52 cm,ora 15:05,Apgar 9) id="size1">id="green"> ** [foto]id="red">id="size3">DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 3.580g id="size1"> 1luna - 4.590g *** 2luni -5.630g /60cm , 3luni- 5.500g , 4luni - 7.100 /68cm , 5luni - 7.800 g id="purple">id="size1">65. - [bibe] ** ALEXANDRAid="red"> ** [ micha08 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 02.08.2005 , cezariana id="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 2.900 g (49cm) id="size1">id="green"> Spt.Municipalid="brown">id="size1"> - Bucuresti 66. - [bibe] ** ANDREI NICOLAEid="blue"> ** [ monicaI id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 03.08.2005 , cezariana id="orange">id="size1"> , 3.600 g (54cm, ora 10.25 ,Apgar 10 ) id="size1">id="green"> Spt din Fehergyarmat-Ungariaid="brown">id="size1"> - Satu-Mare 67. - [bibe] ** REBECAid="red"> ** [ Diu id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 04.08.2005 , nastere normala id="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.400 g (52cm,Apgar 6/8) id="size1">id="green">**[foto]id="red">id="size3">68. - [bibe] ** MARAid="red"> ** [ bebec07 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 04.08.2005 , cezariana id="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.300 g (49cm,ora 22.00,la 41 sapt.) id="size1">id="green"> Spt.Sf.Pantelimon , Dr. Crangu Ionescuid="brown">id="size1"> – Bucuresti 2 luni+1sapt. - 5.300 g / 56cmid="purple">id="size1">69. - [bibe] ** EMMA ANDREEAid="red"> ** [ Katink id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 05.08.2005 , nastere normala id="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.510 g (52cm,ora 13.40, 35.5cm circumferinta capului) id="size1">id="green"> – Germania**[foto]id="red">id="size3"> *** News :***id="purple"> 7.01.2006 - s-a inceput diversificareaid="size1">EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-25.noiembrie.2005id="red"> - prima ninsoare , 25.dec.2005 id="red"> - s-a rostogolit de pe burta pe spateid="size1">DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 3.330g ,papa lapte de la mamiid="size1"> la 3sapt.+ 4z - 4.600g *** 5sapt.+ 4z - 5.070g/56cm si 39cm circumferinta capului *** 2luni+2sapt -6.200g /60cm si circumferinta capului 40.5cm *** 3luni+5z - 6.650g / 62cm *** 4luni+11zile - 7.200g / 65cm *** 5luni+3sapt – 7.700 g/67 cmid="purple">id="size1">70. - [bibe] ** JULIAid="red"> ** [ cipcipcip id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 05.08.2005 , nastere normala cu epiduralaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.300 g (48cm,ora 14.20) id="size1">id="green"> – Portugalia**[foto]id="red">id="size3"> 3sapt. -3.900g , 3luni- 6.100 g /59cmid="purple">id="size1">71. - [bibe] ** ANA MARIAid="red"> ** [ brianamica id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 05.08.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 2.620 g (50cm) id="size1">id="green"> – Bucuresti 4luni jumatate -7.000 g / 60cmid="purple">id="size1">72. - [bibe] ** LAURA STEFANIAid="red"> ** [ bAly id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 05.08.2005 , nastere normala cu epiduralaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 2.568 g (47cm,ora 21.42) id="size1">id="green"> – USA 5 luni - 6.000 gid="purple">id="size1"> 73. - [bibe] ** LUCAS PAULid="blue"> ** [ gabirus id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 07.08.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.950 g (ora 00:05) id="size1">id="green"> – Timisoara 1 luna - 5.000/57cm , 2 luni - 6.000 g / 59cm & 40.5cm diametru capsorid="purple">id="size1">74. - [bibe] ** ALEXANDRU ADRIANid="blue"> ** [ cocoloasha id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 07.08.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.000 g ( 49 cm,ora 05:00 , Apgar 9) id="size1">id="green"> Dr. Rotaru Octavian , Spt. Polizu id="brown">id="size1"> – Bucuresti ** [foto]id="red">id="size3">DATEid="purple">: a luat 800g in prima lunaid="size1">75. - [bibe] ** PETRA-ALEXANDRAid="red"> ** [ codruta_grg id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 09.08.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.200 g ( 53 cm,ora 15:35 , Apgar 10) id="size1">id="green"> – Cluj DATEid="purple">: papa lapte de la mami id="size1"> 1 luna - 4.000 g , 2luni - 4.900g ,3luni - 5.700 g , 4luni - 6.360 g, 22.12.2005 - 6.600 gid="purple">id="size1">76. - [bibe] ** DANid="blue"> ** [ Petra id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 09.08.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 4.300 g (52cm) id="size1">id="green"> – USA 77. - [bibe] ** ALEXANDRU-NICOLAEid="blue"> ** [ ra_75 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 09.08.2005 , nastere normalaid="orange">id="size1"> , 4.500 g (63cm, Apgar 9) id="size1">id="green"> – Cluj-Napoca78. - [bibe] ** TUDOR ANDREIid="blue"> ** [ andre_ea id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 10.08.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.850 g ( 53 cm,ora 09:50 , Apgar 9-10) id="size1">id="green"> Dr. Badiu , Spt. Municipalid="brown">id="size1"> – Bucuresti **[foto] id="red">id="size3">DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 3.570g /53cm id="size1"> 1 luna+4z – 5.000g/58cm, 2 luni+2z - 5.800g,3luni fara9z -6.340g/61cm , 3luni fara 2z - 6.400g/62cm, 4 luni si 10 zile - 7.340g/66cm, 5 luni si 9z - 7700 g/67 cmid="purple">id="size1">79. - [bibe] ** AL GABRIELid="blue"> ** [ ursuletulpanda2005 id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 10.08.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 4.580 g ( 55 cm,ora 09:04 , Apgar 10) id="size1">id="green"> DATEid="purple">: a iesit din spital cu 4.325 g/55cm id="size1"> 1 luna – 5.400 g / 58cmid="purple">id="size1">80. - [bibe] ** SOFIA IOANAid="red"> ** [ mamini id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 11.08.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.570 g (49cm,ora 08:54am) id="size1">id="green"> **[foto]id="red">id="size3"> 2luni+2z – 5.560 g / 58cm , ** in 15.11.2005 - 6.170g /61cm, 5 luni - 7.650 g/66 cmid="purple">id="size1">81. - [bibe] ** PETRU-DAVIDid="blue"> ** [valcampanid="size1">]id="limegreen">-11.08.2005,cezarianaid="orange">id="size1">, 3.350 g(51 cm)id="size1">id="green">Spt.Polizuid="brown">id="size1">–Bucuresti** [foto]id="red">id="size3">EVENIMENTEid="teal">:-1 oct. 2005id="red"> - botezulid="size1"> 1luna - 4.200 g ,** 2luni - 5.800g , ** 3luni - 6.800g ,** 4luni+2z - 7.800 g, ** 5 luni - 8,5 kg/65 cmid="purple">id="size1">82. - [bibe] ** MATEIid="blue"> ** [ ZenaO id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 11.08.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , 3.250 g ( 47 cm) id="size1">id="green"> – Bucuresti 83. - [bibe] ** id="blue"> ** [ clauela id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 11.08.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="size1"> , ( ora 14.10) id="size1">id="green"> Spt. Municipal ,Dr.Draghiciid="brown">id="size1"> – Bucuresti84. - [bibe] ** IOANA ALEXANDRAid="red"> ** [ irinabungau id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 13.08.2005 , cezariana id="orange">id="size1"> , [fetita] 3.200 g (50cm,Apgar 9) id="size1">id="green"> Dr. Florian Dantesid="brown">id="size1"> - Constanta **[foto]id="red">id="size3"> 2 luni+1sapt – 5.100 g id="purple">id="size1">85. - [bibe] ** EDUARD-ILIEid="blue"> ** [ joker id="size1">]id="limegreen"> - 14.08.2005 , cezarianaid="orange">id="s Link to comment Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
bbdeiulie_august2005 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Autor Raport Distribuie Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 CU CE ISI BAT[bang] CAPUL MAMICILE…… [hippi]id="size5">id="limegreen">CLUBUL [grasa] care vor ajunge id="red">id="size4">-id="limegreen">irinabungauid="purple"> (65kg ,1.64cm)... -3.5kgid="limegreen"> .....[cusca]data inceperii regimului: 2 Ian 2006id="red">.......[aerob] 50 kgid="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> anisid="purple"> (56kg).....................................................................................................................[aerob] 48-50 kgid="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> Diana Mirelaid="purple"> (76kg)..................[cusca](regim f usor{alaptez}id="size1">)...................................................[aerob] 57 kgid="limegreen">-id="limegreen">brianamicaid="purple"> (67kg ,1.64cm ) -3.5kgid="limegreen"> ........[cusca]data inceperii regimului: 9 Ian 2006id="red">......[aerob] 52 kgid="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> starchiid="purple"> (75kg)..................................................................................................................[aerob] 55 kgid="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> ankakid="purple"> (85kg , 1.64cm)......................................................................................................[aerob] 55 kgid="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> kultaid="purple"> (59kg , 1.60cm).-3kg......................................................................................................[aerob] 53 kgid="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> lulu75id="purple"> (57kg ,1.55cm)......................................................................................................[aerob] 49 kg id="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> laura25id="purple"> (61kg )................................................................................................................[aerob] 55 kg id="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> Albinutzzaid="purple"> (90kg ,1.67cm).... -3kgid="limegreen"> ....... [cusca]data inceperii regimului: 9 Ian 2006id="red">.......[aerob] 70 kg id="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> andre_eaid="purple"> (60kg ).............................................................................................................[aerob] 50 kg id="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> caterina71id="purple"> (71.5kg ,1.68cm)......-2,5kgid="limegreen"> .................................................................[aerob] 54 kg id="limegreen">-id="limegreen">simona79id="purple"> (80kg ,1.76cm)............[cusca]data inceperii regimului: 22 dec 2005id="red">...........................[aerob] 65 kgid="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> corbioanaid="purple"> (56kg ,1.68cm).................................................................................................[aerob] 53 kg id="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> delia grozavid="purple"> (64kg)...........................................................................................................[aerob] 52 kg id="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> acusorid="purple"> (85kg ,1.64cm).... -3kgid="limegreen"> ....... [cusca]data inceperii regimului: 4 ian 2006id="red">..............[aerob] 60 kgid="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> valcampanid="purple"> (75kg ,1.65cm)............[cusca]data inceperii regimului: 10 ian 2006id="red">.........................[aerob] 65 kgid="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> lacrimioaraid="purple"> (52kg ,1.65cm)................................................................................................[aerob] 48 kg id="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> ordiadamid="purple"> (71kg ,1.65cm)...................................................................................................[aerob] 60 kg id="limegreen">-id="limegreen"> monicaIid="purple"> (75kg ,1.70cm)..............[cusca]data inceperii regimului: 10 ian 2006id="red">.............................[aerob] 55 kgid="limegreen">in masura in care apar modificari ale kg...spuneti sa sa fie in minus [;)]id="green"> si lista ramane deschisa cu alte preocupari... id="limegreen">bbdeiulie_august2005id="limegreen"> Link to comment Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Monica-Elena Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Raport Distribuie Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Acusor id="red">poti incerca linistita cu papa de la borcanele. Ei spun ca prelucreaza acele componente ale fructelor si legumelor care ar putea da alergii la bebelusi. Cati id="red">de ce te mai agiti cu vacinul antirujeola ca epidemia a trecut si oricum cred ca nu bagi copilul in colectivitati toata ziua buna ziua ca sa ia ceva. De ce nu astepti pana la un an cand se fac cele 3. asta este f controversat. Nu vreau sa supar doar intreb. Monica mamica unui globulet de aur - Mihnea-Gabriel Esentele tari se tin in sticlute mici. Link to comment Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
brianamica Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Raport Distribuie Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Mamici care vreti sa ajungeti , ce regim mai tineti id="maroon">? (in afara de Monti pe care nu il prea agreez). Sau poate nu in inteleg atat de bine. [grup] [help][help][help][help][help][help] Brianamica mamica de 2 fete cucuiete Link to comment Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
brianamica Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Raport Distribuie Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Am mare nevoie de un regim bun, ca de luni vreau sa o iau de la capat. In curand se face frumos afara ([cheers]) si vreau sa scap de stresul grasimutelor si al hainelor mari !!!! Brianamica mamica de 2 fete cucuiete Link to comment Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
caterina71 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Raport Distribuie Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Monica, nici o suparare. Dr mi-a recomandat sa-i fac vaccinul. N-o duc in aglomeratii, dar mai vin in vizita pe la noi prieteni cu copii de gradi sau scoala, si nu se stie niciodata. Acum astept sa apara si sa vad ce mai zice dr. Pupici, Cati si Alexia (24.07.2005) Link to comment Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Giana Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Raport Distribuie Postat Ianuarie 31, 2006 Dragele mult n-am mai intrat pe la voi.Am avut mai multe de facut + ca au fost 2 zile superbe cu soare de care am profitat din plin. Eu iau carnea nu congelata,o portionez si o congelez.Cand ii fac(odata la 3 zile) dezgiet exact o bucatica cat imi trebuie si o prepar.Eu ieri i-am pus in piure frunze de patrunjel...a iesit o bunatete,si cu un galbenus de ou...Yammm-Yammm.A papat tot,tot!Un adevarat succes si un + de vitamine.[il] Fructele de dimieata nu i le voi mai da cu branza.Asta pentru ca de cand am inceput cu branzica dimineata nu mai avea pofta de mancare la pranz si manca tocmai la 15...Asa ca i-am mai introdus o masa de solide la ora 16-17 de iaurtel cu branzica.Suppperrr!!! Luluid="red">...norocoasooo,FELICITARIIII!!! ce n-asi da sa o "comit" si eu acum...!Dar pana in toamna nu se poate.Mai avem de pus cateva la punct cu casa... Si chiar asa...vorba Brianeiid="red">,spuneti-ne de un regim bun!Vreau sa ma apuc si eu de dat jos.10 kg am de dat.Sau explicati cum e cu Montiacul asta ca nu am idee! Georid="navy">Giana de Dani POZEid="orange">[foto] Cum s-a nascut minuneaid="orange"> Varsta puiuluiid="orange">id="purple"> *** Faptul ca ai un pian nu te face pianist, dar nasterea unui copil sigur te va face parinte. *** Michael Levineid="size1">id="green"> Link to comment Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
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