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se poate ramane insarcinata prin acupunctura?

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Buna, dragelor,

as avea o intrebare pentru fericitele viitoare mamici. Cunoaste vreuna dintre voi cabinetul de acupunctura al dr. Stratulat din Dristor si ce rezultate are? Cineva mi-a dat cateva detalii, inclusiv cat ar costa si, inainte de a face acest pas, as dori sa stiu daca vreuna dintre voi a fost pacienta acolo, sau a reusit tot prin acupunctura sa ramana insarcinata.


Multumesc, si [bb] frumosi si sanatosi!




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Eu nu am fost pacienta acolo si nici nu stiu ce rezultate au ei, dar am citit un articol f. interesant in care se spune ca se ramane insarcinata in urma acupuncturii. O sa caut articolul din nou daca vrei.id="teal">


Uite ca am gasit :


Fertility and Acupuncture


Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can increase the chances of becoming pregnant. It can be useful for individuals or couples who hope for a natural conception or for those who are undergoing Assisted Reproduction Technology (ie; IVF, IUI, etc.,). Recent research has shown that having acupuncture treatment in conjunction with ART increases women’s chances of becoming pregnant. It is important to realise acupuncture can be of benefit to males to enhance fertility as it can help improve the quality and motility of the sperm. For best results acupuncture should begin at least 3 months prior to ART procedure.




How Acupuncture and TCM can enhance fertility.



Regulates the menstrual cycle

Regulates hormones by reducing stress

Improves the thickness of the uterine wall lining

Reduces uterine contractions after the embryo transfer

Improves blood flow to the ovaries and uterus

Improves ovarian function – encourages the production of follicles and enhances their quality

Enhances the immune system

Reduces the chance of miscarriage

Improves sperm parameters ( takes at least 3 months)

Improves quality of oocytes (takes at least 3 months)



Acupuncture and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)



For the best results acupuncture should begin at least 3 months prior to ART procedure. Generally treatments are given once a week. For optimal results a treatment is given 12-48 hours before and after embryo transfer.




Acupuncture and Natural Conception


If you are attempting to become pregnant through natural means, acupuncture can benefit you by balancing the flow of Qi (energy) and blood in the body. When Qi and blood are not flowing smoothly clots, blocked tubes, premenstrual pain and endometriosis can occur.




Stress is a big factor in infertility and acupuncture can help the body relax while stress management techniques can also be of benefit. The clinic offers stress management therapists and sessions are done in 45minute sessions.




Diet & Lifestyle


Diet and nutrition are of the utmost importance to both male and females for optimal results in fertility. Dietary advice is given by qualified nutritional advisors throughout the course of treatment, as required and a qualified stress management therapist can help with breathing and relaxation techniques.




What Symptoms Acupuncture can treat in relation to Infertility




Blocked Tubes

Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Premenstrual Cramps, pain and clots



Lack of ovulation

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Low Sperm Count

Poor Motility Rates



Acupuncture During Pregnancy


Once pregnancy occurs, medication is usually prohibited therefore acupuncture is the ideal tool to help with morning sickness, coughs, colds, headaches, back pain, constipation, tiredness and the many afflictions the human body has to deal with daily. It can also be used to induce labour and to turn breach babies if necessary.




Increased Success of IVF when done in conjunction with Acupuncture


A recent study done by Paulus in Germany surveyed 160 women who had IVF treatment. 80 of the women had acupuncture before and after transfer of the embryo and 80 did not. The group that did not have acupuncture were found to have a 26.3% success rate, while the group that had the acupuncture had a 42.5% success rate. Success was determined by those who had a successful scan confirming pregnancy at 6 weeks pregnant. This clinic includes this protocol for those women undergoing IVF treatment.




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Cum creste pisoiul nostru [gravi]12+




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Dianadi,si eu stiu ca ajuta.Eu am facut acum un an,dar pt.depresia...capatata in urma incercarilor de a avea un bebe.Dr.cu care faceam eu m-a asigurat ca e utila si pt.a ramane insarcinata,dar n-am mai apucat sa merg,pt.ca am ramas fara niciun efort dupa ce am incheiat tratamentul medicamentos,acupunctura+homeopatie pt.depresie.Eu am facut gratuit,la Centrul National pt.Acupunctura,aveau cabinete la Spitalul Colentina,aveai nevoie doar de adeverinta de salariat.Pot sa-ti spun ca m-am simtit tare bine dupa fiecare sedinta.Tot ei dau si tratamente homeopate.E acolo un dr.renumit,eu nu am facut cu ea,dar am citit multe despre ea,Liana Comsa.Eu zic sa incerci,stiu ca si celebrul dr.Tutunaru recomanda homeopatia.Bafta multa.



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