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Fulguleti de noiembrie-decembrie 2006 (97)


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Asa a inceput totul:id="orange">id="size2">


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Fulguleti de noiembrie-decembrie 2006id="orange">

id="size1">1,id="size1"> 2,id="size1"> 3,id="size1"> 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,


SUNTEM 132[mamica]id="purple">id="size4"> cu 68 id="blue">id="size4"> [baietel] si 65id="red">id="size4"> [fetita]



26 august (00:00)id="size1"> - Veroniciid="purple">,(16.08.1974)id="size1">, 28s - nastere normala,

[bibe] Rares Stefan

id="blue">id="size2">, 1400 g, 00 cm, Apgar 6id="size1">

17 septembrie (00:00)id="size1"> - Piscoticaid="purple">,(15.12.1974)id="size1">, 32s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Toby-Ionut

id="blue">id="size2">, 1500 g, 44 cm, Apgar 5/6/7id="size1">, [copil] - Alexandra id="red">(06.10.97)id="size1">

7 octombrie (00:00)id="size1">- pet72id="purple">,(11.11.1972)id="size1">,s - ,

[bibe] Alice id="red">

id="size2">, 1700 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">,[bibe] Beatriceid="red">id="size2">, 1850 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

15 octombrie (00:00)id="size1"> - roanaid="purple">,(00.00.00)id="size1">, 00s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,


id="size2">, 4000 g, 55 cm, Apgar 8id="size1">

19 octombrie (00:00)id="size1"> - dia biid="purple">,(00.00.00)id="size1">, 00s - nastere ...,


id="size2">, 0000 g, 00 cm, Apgar 00id="size1">

24 octombrie (11.50)id="size1"> - lavyadaid="purple">,(19.02.1979)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana

[bibe] Andrada Ioana id="red">

id="size2">,2950 g,49 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

26 octombrie (01:30)id="size1"> - Zinaid="purple">,(00.00.00)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Rares

id="blue">id="size2">, 3800 g, 56 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

26 octombrie (07:30)id="size1"> - Nana72id="purple">,(19.02.1972)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Amaliaid="red">

id="blue">id="size2">, 3500 g, 00 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

26 octombrie (00:00)id="size1"> - Deny75id="purple">,(17.05.1975)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Irinaid="red">

id="blue">id="size2">, 2830 g, 00 cm, Apgar 8id="size1">

27 octombrie (15:35)id="size1"> - Kokorinaid="purple">,(18.01.00)id="size1">, 35s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Pascal Andreas

id="blue">id="size2">, 2580 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1"> si [bibe] Sophia Mariaid="red">id="size2">, 1700 gr, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

28 octombrie (07:30)id="size1"> - Cipi13id="purple">,(22.08.73)id="size1">, 35s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] David Andrei

id="size2">, 2650 g, 00 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

30 octombrie (00:00)id="size1"> - Adinazotid="purple">,(13.04.1976)id="size1">, 38s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Alessiaid="red">

id="size2">, 2900 g, 00 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

30 octombrie (00:00)id="size1"> - mekoid="purple">,(00.00.00)id="size1">,

[bibe] Matei

id="blue">id="size2">, 3000 g, 50 cm, Apgar 8id="size1">

31 octombrie (00:00)id="size1"> - Atudorid="purple">,(24.08.1977)id="size1">, 39s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Tiberiu Mihai

id="blue">id="size2">, 3400 g, 53 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

31 octombrie (13:30)id="size1"> - Porumbita80id="purple">,(09.12.1980)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala,

[bibe] Mario Gabriel

id="blue">id="size2">, 3400 g, 00 cm, Apgar 10id="size1"> poze

31 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Somleacid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 00s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Matia Stefanid="blue">

id="size2">, 3600 g, 00 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">, [copil] - Daria id="red">(29.01.99)id="size1">, [copil] - Alexid="blue">(07.02.03)id="size1">

1 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1"> - Dandusaid="purple">,(27.08.1977)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Crina Mariaid="red">

id="size2">, 3800 g, 53 cm, Apgar 0id="size1"> poze

1 noiembrie (18:55)id="size1">- Bambolettaid="purple">,(08.01.1983)id="size1">, 38s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Antonia Gabrielaid="red">

id="size2">, 2900 g, 50 cm, Apgar 9id="size1"> poze

1 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Otikerekesid="purple">,(14.12.1977)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Norbertid="blue">

id="size2">, 3200 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

1 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Patrisid="purple">,(00.00.00)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Oliver Viktorid="blue">

id="size2">, 4350 g, 56 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

2 noiembrie (15:22)id="size1">- Almoid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 37s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Ana Nicoleid="red">

id="size2">, 3185 g, 00 cm Apgar 0id="size1">

3 noiembrie (06:09)id="size1">- Mironaid="purple">,(08.11.1974)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Karina Ioanaid="red">

id="size2">, 2550 g, 49 cm, Apgar 8id="size1"> poze

3 noiembrie (09:30)id="size1">- Mayaioneid="purple">,(20.12.1976)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Anamariaid="red">

id="size2">, 4030 g, 53 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

5 noiembrie (20:20)id="size1">- Danidaniid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 41s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Emmaid="red">

id="size2">, 3180g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

6 noiembrie (16:30)id="size1">- nusicasielyid="purple">,(16.01.2006)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Elyid="red">

id="size2">, 3000 g, 50 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

7 noiembrie (06:30)id="size1">- Bubi26id="purple">,(26.06.1972)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Bogdanid="blue">

id="size2">, 4200 g, 53 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

7 noiembrie (17:55)id="size1"> - Lorymid="purple">,(12.09.1980)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Catrinel Riannaid="red">

id="size2">, 3650 g, 53 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

7 noiembrie (14:35)id="size1">- Luciaroid="purple">,(18.04.1977)id="size1">, 39s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Serban-Alexandruid="blue">

id="size2">, 2900 g, 49 cm, Apgar 8id="size1">

7 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Flavia Mariaid="purple">,(11.05.1979)id="size1">, 33s,

[bibe] Alexian Gabrielid="blue">

id="size2">, 2400 g, 47 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

7 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Remekszimat id="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Csanadid="blue">

id="size2">, 3450 g, 54 cm, Apgar 9/10id="size1">

8 noiembrie (14:00)id="size1">- Fatimaid="purple">,(27.11.1977)id="size1">, 38s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Eva Ioanaid="red">

id="size2">, 3420 g, 52 cm, Apgar 8id="size1">

8 noiembrie (15:10)id="size1">- Ruxandra_sbid="purple">,(17.05.1974)id="size1">, 37s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Grigoreid="blue">

id="size2">, 2900 g, 49 cm, Apgar 8id="size1">, [copil] - Mateiid="blue"> (07.01.02)

8 noiembrie (23:55)id="size1">- Ramsanid="purple">,(29.06.1977)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Rares Mihaiid="blue">

id="size2">, 3750 g, 00 cm, Apgar 9id="size1"> poze

9 noiembrie (02:30)id="size1">- Mio75id="purple">,(06.09.1975)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Leon Robertoid="blue">

id="size2">, 3600 g, 55 cm, Apgar 8id="size1">

9 noiembrie (10:30)id="size1">- Roxana c.id="purple">,(25.01.1971)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Calin Constantinid="blue">

id="size2">, 3100 g, 50 cm, Apgar 8id="size1">, [copil] - Oana id="red">(21.07.1997)id="size1">, [copil] - Ana-Maria id="red">(04.02.2002)id="size1"> poze

9 noiembrie (02:30)id="size1">- Simo29id="purple">,(15.02.1976)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Davidid="blue">

id="size2">, 2700 g, 00 cm, Apgar 8/9id="size1">

10 noiembrie (10:25)id="size1">- Bebytaid="purple">,(10.12.1973)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Tudor Mateiid="blue">

id="size2">, 3550 g, 51 cm, Apgar 8id="size1">

10 noiembrie (23:15)id="size1">- Lory32id="purple">,(01.08.1974)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Delia Ana-Mariaid="red">

id="size2">, 2900 g, 50 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

10 noiembrie (11:20)id="size1">- Nanukid="purple">,(08.07.1975)id="size1">, 34s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Radu Ioanid="blue">

id="size2">, 2250 g, 48 cm, Apgar 8id="size1">

11 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Claireid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 00s - nastere naturala,

[bibe] Alexandra Ioanaid="red">

id="size2">, 3200 g, 48 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

12 noiembrie (20:50)id="size1">- Raluca_uid="purple">,(13.06.1981)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Adina Andreeaid="red">

id="size2">, 3900 g, 53 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

14 noiembrie (06:10)id="size1">- Laura13id="purple">,(09.08.1980)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Danielid="blue">

id="size2">, 3200 g, 50 cm, Apgar 9id="size1"> poze

14 noiembrie (12:47)id="size1">- Iulia P.id="purple">,(12.05.1976)id="size1">, 40s,

[bibe] David Williamid="blue">

id="size2">, 4160 g, 54 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

15 noiembrie (06:05)id="size1">- Lia_C id="purple">,(23.07.1980)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Mirela Briannaid="red">

id="size2">, 4230 g, 54 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

16 noiembrie (07:10)id="size1">- Biabaus id="purple">,(27.11.1976)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Mateiid="blue">

id="size2">, 3500 g, 52 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

16 noiembrie (23:04)id="size1">- Carla2005 id="purple">,(05.03.1979)id="size1">, 38s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Alexandra Mariaid="red">

id="size2">, 3250 g, 49 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

16 noiembrie (23:04)id="size1">- Kikineata id="purple">,(04.01.1974)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Sara Mariaid="red">

id="size2">, 3100 g, 48 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

16 noiembrie (23:04)id="size1">- sbogdanaid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Tahfeem Zaraid="red">

id="size2">, 4030 g, 51 cm, Apgar 8/9id="size1">

18 noiembrie (07:25)id="size1">- Deborah77 id="purple">,(28.06.1977)id="size1">, 39s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Eduard Stefan id="blue">

id="size2">, 3700 g, 51 cm, Apgar 9/10id="size1">

19 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Pitikot id="purple">,(26.10.1979)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Adrian id="blue">

id="size2">, 00 g, 00 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

19 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- miruna25 id="purple">,(18.11.1972)id="size1">, 39s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Bogdan Cristian id="blue">

id="size2">, 2500 g, 50 cm, Apgar 10id="size1"> si [copil] - Miruna id="red">(25.09.2003)id="size1">

19 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Elise id="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 36s - nastere ...,

[bibe] Lisa id="red">

id="size2">, 2700 g, 46 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

20 noiembrie (20:45)id="size1">- Panaa id="purple">,(14.11.1977)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Ana Mihaela id="red">

id="size2">, 3500 g, 54 cm, Apgar 10id="size1"> poze

20 noiembrie (21:45)id="size1">-Roxanica2006id="purple">,id="size1">, 37s -nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] David Mihai id="blue">

id="size2">, 3000 g, 53cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

20 noiembrie (02:25)id="size1">- crykettid="purple">,(07.08.1978)id="size1">, 40s

[bibe] Antonioid="blue">

id="size2">, 3600 g, 51 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">, [copil] - Andreiid="blue">(31.08.04)id="size1">

21 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Auras_vid="purple">,(03.08.1974)id="size1">, 40s nastere normala cu epidurala

[bibe] Anca-Alexandraid="red">

id="size2">, 3400 g, 00 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">, [copil] - Cristina Ioanaid="red"> (01.05.99)id="size1">

21 noiembrie (12:40)id="size1">- Saryta id="purple">,(02.02.1980)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Antonia id="red">

id="size2">, 3350 g, 53 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">,[copil] - Andra id="red">(12.02.99)id="size1">; [copil] - Sara id="red">(27.06.05)id="size1"> -pozele iedutelor

22 noiembrie (10:59)id="size1">- Cleomoni id="purple">,(17.02.1980)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Elisabetha Maria id="red">

id="size2">, 3600 g, 53 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

22 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Acs id="purple">,(09.02.1975)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Victor id="blue">

id="size2">, 3700 g, 51 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">, [copil] - Maria id="red">(03.07.02)id="size1">; [copil] - Ioana id="red">(23.02.04)id="size1">

23 noiembrie (03:50/55)id="size1">- Flavia Ioanaid="purple">, (00.00.000)id="size1">, 30s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Daria id="red">

id="size2">,1450 g, 40 cm, Apgar 8id="size1"> si [bibe] Alexia id="red">id="size2">,1200 g, 37 cm, Apgar 7id="size1">

23 noiembrie (07:30)id="size1">- Alexandra_25 id="purple">,(22.08.1980)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Mark Andrei id="blue">

id="size2">, 3600 g, 50 cm, Apgar 8/9id="size1"> poze

23 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Dbunnyid="purple">,(28.07.1979)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Daniel id="blue">

id="size2">, 3650 g, 52 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

24 noiembrie (18:43)id="size1">- Ktrinel id="purple">,(18.04.1976)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Ana Julia id="red">

id="size2">, 3130 g , 00 cm, Apgar 9/10id="size1">

26 noiembrie (10:00)id="size1">- Lavinia_P id="purple">,(25.07.1977)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Mihai Laurentiu id="blue">

id="size2">, 3800 g, 52 cm, Apgar 8id="size1">

27 noiembrie (08:55)id="size1">- iasmi id="purple">,(16.06.1979)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Gabriela Bianca id="red">

id="size2">, 3290 g, 52 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

28 noiembrie (20:13)id="size1">- Ralumatid="purple">,(21.06.1978)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] David Calin id="blue">

id="size2">, 3300 g, 49 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

28 noiembrie (07:55)id="size1">- mihaela_pid="purple">, 41s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Maia Andreea id="red">

id="size2">, 3950 g, 52 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">,[copil] - Mariaid="red">id="size2"> (26.12.01)id="size1">

29 noiembrie (02:50)id="size1">- p_onuid="purple">,(19.06.00)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Octavian id="blue">

id="size2">, 3500 g, 54 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

29 noiembrie (08:40)id="size1">- Danitaid="purple">,(06.10.1970)id="size1">, 39s - nastere cu cezariana,

[bibe] Tudor id="blue">

id="size2">, 3700 g, 00 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

29 noiembrie (15:30)id="size1">- Dia1609id="purple">,(16.09.1976)id="size1">, 39s - nastere cu cezariana,

[bibe] Oana id="red">

id="size2">, 3300 g, 52 cm, Apgar 10id="size1"> poze

30 noiembrie (04:05)id="size1">- Monisid="purple">,(31.03.1976)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala,

[bibe] Razvan id="blue">

id="size2">, 3650 g, 56 cm, Apgar 9/10id="size1">

30 noiembrie (08:55)id="size1">- Melinda25id="purple">,(12.12.1980)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala,

[bibe] Dominikid="blue">

id="size2">, 3600 g, 57 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

30 noiembrie (00:00)id="size1">- bebinutaid="purple">,(29.10.1978)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Ada Natalia id="red">

id="size2">, 3050 g, 51 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

30 noiembrie (11:25)id="size1">- leylaid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 00s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Kaan Cristianid="blue">

id="size2">, 3040 g, 49 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

1 decembrie (06:30)id="size1">- Madanaid="purple">,(13.04.1979)id="size1">, 36s - nastere naturala,

[bibe] Bianca-Andreeaid="red">

id="size2">, 2880 g, 49 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

1 decembrie (08:20)id="size1">- Cristina1974id="purple">,(18.07.1974)id="size1">, 41s - nastere naturala,

[bibe] Georgia Heliaid="red">

id="size2">, 3625 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">,[copil] - Iasmina-Timeea id="red">id="size2">(29.09.02)id="size1">

2 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Mamaanaid="purple">,(04.09.1967)id="size1">, 36s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Stephanieid="red">

id="size2">, 2000 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">,[bibe] Isabelid="red">id="size2">, 2500 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1"> si [copil] - Tudorid="size1"> id="blue">(12.12.1996)id="size1"> poze

2 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Ama.liaid="purple">,(17.02.1978)id="size1">, 40s ,

[bibe] Stefaniaid="red">

id="size2">, 3480 g, 51 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

2 decembrie (02:40)id="size1">- mormelvioid="purple">,id="size1"> 41s - nastere naturala,

[bibe] Alinid="blue">

id="size2">, 3000g, 51cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

2 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Maraniid="purple">,(05.12.1983)id="size1">, 38s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Ana Mariaid="red">

id="size2">, 3200 g, 50 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

2 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Oradeancaid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 00s - nastere ....,

[bibe] Dacianid="blue">

id="size2">, 4530 g, 57 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

3 decembrie (14:45)id="size1">- lulyid="purple">,(26.07.1972)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala,

[bibe] Maria Isabelaid="red">

id="size2">, 3800 g, 00 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">,[copil] - Diana id="size1">id="red">(04.12.03)id="size1">

3 decembrie (19:05)id="size1">- Dianocicaid="purple">,(20.12.1980)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] David Alexandruid="blue">

id="size2">, 3600 g, 52 cm, Apgar 10id="size1"> poze

4 decembrie (09:23)id="size1">- Elenalove27id="purple">,(19.04.1976)id="size1">, 00s,

[bibe] David Andrewid="blue">

id="size2">, 0000 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">,[copil] - Alvaro id="blue">(10.12.03)id="size1">

4 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- eri_kaid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 00s,


id="size2">, 3250g, 49 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

5 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- radu.ancaid="purple">,(25.12.1977)id="size1">, 40s,

[bibe] Andrei Danielid="blue">

id="size2">, 3270 g, 50 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

5 decembrie (20:50)id="size1">- carliemaid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 40s,

[bibe] Soranaid="red">

id="size2">, 3000 g, 50 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

5 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Ziggyid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Calin Ioanid="blue">

id="size2">, 3400 g, 51 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

6 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- ank999id="purple">,(16.06.1977)id="size1">, 41s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Erica Elena Nicoleta id="red">

id="size2">, 3250 g, 53 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

6 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- luciabid="purple">,(09.11.1981)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Andrei Nicolas id="blue">

id="size2">, 3150 g, 50 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

6 decembrie (04:30)id="size1">- Monicabbid="purple">,(12.03.1979)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala,

[bibe] Ioan Dragos Nicolae id="blue">

id="size2">, 3400 g, 52 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

7 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- chris80id="purple">,(06.04.1980)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Alexandra Graziellaid="red">

id="size2">, 3200 g, 50 cm, Apgar 9/10id="size1"> poze

8 decembrie (00.00)id="size1">- avdanaarhireid="purple">,(03.12.1974)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Celeste Mariaid="red">

id="size2">, 3550 g, 00 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

8 decembrie (16.35)id="size1">- marcelacid="purple">,(09.03.1976)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Anaid="red">

id="size2">, 3900 g, 56 cm, Apgar 9/10id="size1">

8 decembrie (11:11)id="size1">- Desireeid="purple">,(12.03.1976)id="size1">, 39s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Mihnea Octavianid="blue">

id="size2">, 4500 g, 53 cm, Apgar 9/10id="size1">

8 decembrie (12:35)id="size1">- Ruxmaxid="purple">,(04.08.1971)id="size1">, 39s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Tudor Alexandruid="blue">

id="size2">, 3250 g, 48 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

10 decembrie (10:00)id="size1">- Teutzid="purple">,(19.08.1976)id="size1">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Alexia Iarinaid="red">

id="size2">, 2600 g,45 cm, Apgar 9id="size1"> poze

10 decembrie (11:50)id="size1">- Irinabrid="purple">,(03.04.1973)id="size1">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Matei Cristianid="red">

id="size2">, 3150 g, 48 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">, [cavaler] - Mihneaid="blue">(18.02.99)id="size1">

10 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Miracoid="purple">,(07.06.1978)id="size1">, 39s - nastere provocata natural cu epidurala,

[bibe] Alessia Elena id="red">

id="size2">, 3300 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

11 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Anateo2004id="purple">,(28.12.1975)id="size1">, 40s,

[bibe] Sebastianid="blue">

id="size2">, 3850 g, 53 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">, [copil] - Teodoraid="red">(20.04.04)id="size1">

12 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Calina73id="purple">, 00s,

[bibe] Alice id="red">

id="size2">, 0000 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

12 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- dianavid="purple">, 00s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Oana id="red">

id="size2">, 3070 g, 48 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

12 decembrie (18:20)id="size1">- roxanalid="purple">, 00s - nastere naturala,

[bibe] Ioana Teodora id="red">

id="size2">, 2850 g, 49 cm, Apgar 7id="size1">

13 decembrie (12:35)id="size1">- Saftoiu Gina id="purple">, 40s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe]Ana-Beatrice id="red">

id="size2">, 3500 g, 52 cm, Apgar 10 id="size1">

13 decembrie (23:23)id="size1">- chinicoid="purple">,(06.12.1976)id="size1">, 38s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Beatrice Mariaid="red">, 3360 g, 51 cm, Apgar 9/10/10id="size1">

13 decembrie (22:39 )id="size1">- Doniaid="purple">, 38s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Christian Gabrielid="blue">

id="size2">, 4300g, 53cm, Apgar 00id="size1">

14 decembrie (12:00)id="size1">- madalutaid="purple">,(05.06.1976)id="size1">, 39s,

[bibe] Darius Cristianid="blue">, 3700 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

14 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- danutzid="purple">,(11.09.72)id="size1">, 42s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Rares Andreiid="blue">, 3400 g, 50 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

15 decembrie (10:00)id="size1">- a_dejuid="purple">,(20.03.1981)id="size1">, 39s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Ericid="blue">, 4000 g, 56 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

15 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Daphnaid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 00s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Elisa Cristianaid="red">, 3600 g, 52 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

16 decembrie (12:45)id="size1">- ingeras26aid="purple">,(16.01.1979)id="size1">, 39s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Maya Mariaid="red">, 3080 g, 52 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

16 decembrie (09:40)id="size1">- m_moniqueid="purple">,(27.11.1975)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, 4200 g, 56 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

16 decembrie (11:45)id="size1">- Flore26id="purple">,(26.01.1981)id="size1">, 38s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Alessia Lianeid="red">, 3600 g, 52 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

16 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Chani852id="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Ana-Mariaid="red">, 3300 g, 51 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

17decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- miki04 id="purple">,(04.10.1977)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Stefan Cristian id="blue">, 4250 g, 52.5 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

17 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- dianarus78id="purple">,(20.04.78)id="size1">, 35s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Marc Alexandruid="blue">, 2650 g, 49 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">, [cavaler] - Ianisid="blue">(14.09.04)id="size1">

17 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Dorsiliaid="purple">,(00.00.00)id="size1">, 00s - nastere naturala,

[bibe] Andreeaid="red">, 3710 g, 00 cm, Apgar 9/10id="size1">, [copil] fratiorid="blue"> (00.00.00)id="size1">

19 decembrie (14:00)id="size1">- Asiza id="purple">,(28.04.1979)id="size1">, 39s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Denis Cristian id="blue">, 4100 g, 58 cm, Apgar 9/10id="size1"> poze

19 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- Yagmur id="purple">,(07.09.1970)id="size1">, 39s - nastere prin cezariana,

[bibe] Luca id="blue">, 3300 g, 00 cm, Apgar 0id="size1">

20 decembrie (16:35)id="size1">- aka id="purple">,(12.02.1978)id="size1">, 40s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Maria Cristina id="red">, 3100 g, 50 cm, Apgar 9id="size1">

20 decembrie (00:00)id="size1">- marinelaf id="purple">,(23.02.1973)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala cu epidurala,

[bibe] Rares Bogdan id="blue">, 3800 g, 54 cm, Apgar 9/10id="size1">

24 decembrie (20:50)id="size1">- DeeA id="purple">,(16.09.1984)id="size1">, 39s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] David Ionut id="blue">, 0000 g, 53 cm, Apgar 10id="size1">

24 decembrie (18:35)id="size1">- cleopiciuid="purple">,(00.00.0000)id="size1">, 37s - nastere naturala fara epidurala,

[bibe] Rahela Daria id="red">, 2700 g, 48 cm, Apgar 00id="size1">

25 de
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haidi 'neata!

vazut poze, da, alessia id="red">seamana perfect cu adina, did="blue">-ul este super craciunesc si se hlizeste de nu mai poate (admirat cu un colt invidios de ochi paturica cu pisici [:D]), urat in gand, si acum in scris, la multi ani fulguletilor care azi fac anisorul, si celor care mai adauga o lunisoara, prestat capitolul nou, si cazut deodata ochii pe faza aia cu mami n d care mai are putin si face mia... ha haaa :)) pai cred ca fac copchiii vreo 3 ani pana face mami mia :)) dar fie, votez si eu pt minunatele (nush cum de mi-a scapat discutiunea :))..).

motanul chitaie prin camere alaturate. ma duc sa vaz care-i treaba...


Deea, mami de [pis]Eric(15.12.2006)


[ruga] pentru sosonica [ruga]

"outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend (..'coz inside of a dog it's too damn dark to read..)"id="size1">


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quote:Originally posted by danita

sunt trista :(( colega mea si-a gasit azi dimineata drumul spre cer ... a ramas in urma o fata premianta de 15 ani care e disperata .....BeBelusca

id="quote">id="quote">Imi pare tare tare rau! D-zeu sa-i odihneasca sufletul in pace! [ruga]Oana cu Denis (19 dec 2006)Slideshow Varsta DenisLife is short...buy pink shoes!id="blue">
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chinico..?? haide, macar un "salut" cu ecou de prin butoi... stiu ca poti :)) da' piromanu' ce pazeste bre, de n-a facut deja foc de tabara din butoiu' asta nenorocit..??? :))


Deea, mami de [pis]Eric(15.12.2006)


[ruga] pentru sosonica [ruga]

"outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend (..'coz inside of a dog it's too damn dark to read..)"id="size1">


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quote:Originally posted by danita

sunt trista :(( colega mea si-a gasit azi dimineata drumul spre cer ... a ramas in urma o fata premianta de 15 ani care e disperata .....BeBelusca

id="quote">id="quote">offf.... dumnezeu s-o odihneasca... id="black">[ruga]Deea, mami de [pis]Eric(15.12.2006)[ruga] pentru sosonica [ruga]
"outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend (..'coz inside of a dog it's too damn dark to read..)"id="size1">
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quote:Originally posted by danita

sunt trista :(( colega mea si-a gasit azi dimineata drumul spre cer ... a ramas in urma o fata premianta de 15 ani care e disperata .....BeBelusca

id="quote">id="quote">Dumnezeu sa o odihneasca.si eu sunt la fel de trista. azi m-au anuntat colegii ca ne-a murit un director, cel care m-a angajat pe mine acum 7 ani, si care m-a acceptat chiar daca nu aveam experienta.[mamica] [bebic] Andrei (16.12.2006)pozebotezul lui Andrei
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Pentru fetele care au comandat jucaria de la mirobolanta firma quelle: intrucat au trecut 3 sapt si 4 zile, tocmai am sunat la ei sa intreb ce se intampla cu comanda...Raspunsul a fost ca mai dureaza 2 sapt, intrucat s-a facut o reaprovizionare la acest produs si inca se asteapta jucariile de la producator [alcool]...halal seriozitate...[xx(]


Oana cu Denis (19 dec 2006)


Varsta Denis

Life is short...buy pink shoes!id="blue">


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