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Dulceturi si papanasi de sept-oct 2007 (58)

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Dupa o odisee in 104 episoade , mandrele mamici de septembrie-octombrie 2007 pasesc in Clubul scutecelorid="Georgia">id="purple">id="size3">: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27,28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,44 ,45, 46,47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57Luam cu noi si albumul de fotografii si ne mandrim cu dulceturile si papanasii nostri aiciid="Georgia">id="size3">id="purple"> Adresa de email: septoct2007@yahoo.com Pentru parola contului de yahoo si albumului foto trimite PM aiciid="red">Lista de telefoane se gaseste sub forma unui atasament la un email (Subiect mesaj: Lista cu numere de telefon), in folderul Informatii utile din casuta comuna de email. id="size1">

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Cele 134 [mamica] aduc cu ele bucate alese.. dulceturi si papanasi… Folosind cam aceeasi reteta, dar cu ingrediente proprii, am plamadit 70 [fetita] si 65[baietel]

7 iulie -[bibe] Ryuji id="blue"> ,27sapt+3z, 1004gr,35cm,Apgar x si [bibe] Naokiid="blue">, 27sapt, 954gr, 34cm, Apgar x - Ayumiid="maroon"> 26 iulie-[bibe] Maia-Iuliaid="red">, 31 sapt,ora XX, 1.500 gr, XX cm, Apgar X, XX- Sheherezadaid="maroon">

09 august-[bibe]Andreiid="blue">, 36 sapt,ora 20.30, 2500 gr, 47 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - Teodoranid="maroon">16 august-[bibe]Mario - Alexandruid="blue">, 38 sapt,ora 11.17, 3.480 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9/10, cezariana- betty78id="maroon">16 august-[bibe] Iarina Andreeaid="red">, 37 sapt,ora 12.35, 3.000 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- mrl_dumitriuid="maroon">21 august-[bibe] Miruna Ioanaid="red">, 38 sapt,ora 10.55, 4.300 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Lia_Bid="maroon">22 august-[bibe] Olivia Ioanaid="red">, 38 sapt,ora 10.05, 3.600 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- Alinkavid="maroon">22 august-[bibe] Cristian Nicolaeid="blue">, 38 sapt,ora 18.33, 3.560 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Afibebeid="maroon">24 august-[bibe] Yannisa Milena id="red">, 36 sapt,ora 19.11, 2.870 gr, 47 cm, Apgar 10, naturala -Marunzikaid="maroon">25 august-[bibe] Maria-Teodora id="red">, 39 sapt,ora 11.51, 2.880 gr, 48 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana -Luyid="maroon">25 august-[bibe] Stefanid="blue">, 39 sapt,ora 15.42, 4.220 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Sim_Stoianid="maroon">26 august-[bibe] Teodora id="red">, 39 sapt,ora 5.25, 2.800 gr, 50 cm, Apgar X, naturala -Irina.cid="maroon">26 august-[bibe] Andra Mariaid="red">, 39 sapt,ora 7.24, 3.350, 48 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana -alina.clauid="maroon">26 august-[bibe]Vera Helenaid="red">, 38 sapt, ora 17.20, 2.610 gr, 48 cm, Apgar 9 - mishutaid="maroon">27 august-[bibe] Ana-Elena id="red">, 35 sapt,ora 22.00, 1.700 gr, 45 cm, Apgar X, cezariana -bernixid="maroon">28 august-[bibe] Alexandruid="blue">, XX sapt,ora 11:59, 4.300 gr, 56 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - Oana MCid="maroon">29 august-[bibe] Bianca Elenaid="red">, 40 sapt,ora 09.30, 2.700 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana -Veroborodaid="maroon">29 august-[bibe] Sara Ioanaid="red">, 37 sapt,ora 23.15, 3.300 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 10, naturala -Gabriela77id="maroon">29 august-[bibe] Ana Martinaid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.120 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 9, naturala - HaveF8id="maroon">30 august-[bibe] Antonia Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 7.20, 3.200 gr., 51 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Mandarinutzaid="maroon">30 august-[bibe] Elisa Laviniaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 11.20, 2.700 gr., 48 cm, Apgar 8, naturala - myralid="maroon">31 august-[bibe] Erikaid="red">, 37 sapt 6 z, ora 15.13(ora Japoniei), 2.832 gr, 49 cm, Apgar x, naturala - Devyllaid="maroon">31 august-[bibe] Andrei Serbanid="blue">, 40 sapt,ora 17.20, 4.850 gr, 53,5 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- Roxana_Gid="maroon">31 august-[bibe] Davidid="blue">, 38 sapt,ora 9.32, 3.620 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, xx- andreeaiosifid="maroon">

01 septembrie-[bibe] Albert Raoulid="blue">,40 sapt, ora 3, 3.320 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala - mirella76id="maroon">01 septembrie-[bibe] Vlad Mihaiid="blue">, 39 sapt,ora 23.05, 3.300 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- Slippers76id="maroon">02 septembrie-[bibe] Matteoid="blue">, 39 sapt,ora 13.32, 3.195 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9-10, naturala- Piccaflorid="maroon">03 septembrie-[bibe] Gabriel Alexandruid="blue">, 40 sapt,ora 7.32, 4.250 gr,XX cm, Apgar 9, cezariana-adrianaolimpia id="maroon">03 septembrie-[bibe] Constantin Vladimirid="blue">, 40 sapt,ora 13.23, 4.000 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- Aniast72id="maroon">04 septembrie-[bibe] Andreea Cristinaid="red">, 36 sapt, ora 10.00, 2.400 gr, 47 cm, Apgar x, naturala - georgi_ana25id="maroon"> 04 septembrie-[bibe] Stefania Dariaid="red">, 37 sapt, ora 12.50, 3.350gr, 46 cm, Apgar x, cezariana - florentinaloid="maroon"> 04 septembrie-[bibe] Mateiid="blue">, 40 sapt,ora 21.30, 3.750gr, xx cm, Apgar xx, naturala- Aminoreanuid="maroon">04 septembrie-[bibe] Alexia Rhianaid="red">, 40 sapt si 3 zile, ora xx, 3.156 gr, 50, 5 cm, Apgar x, xx- aurelia27id="maroon">05 septembrie-[bibe] Mirunaid="red">, 40 sapt, ora xx, 3.000 gr, 53 cm, Apgar x, naturala - LaviniaNid="maroon"> 05 septembrie-[bibe] Rares Fabianid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora xx, 3.700 gr, 55 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana - alina mid="maroon">05 septembrie-[bibe] Maria Teodoraid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.150 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - bikmariaid="maroon"> 05 septembrie-[bibe] Ana-Mariaid="red">, 37 sapt, ora 10.20, 3.200 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - magdazid="maroon"> 06 septembrie-[bibe] Raresid="blue">, XX sapt,ora 07.26, 3.460gr, 50 cm, Apgar 10, XX- Pinacoladaid="maroon">06 septembrie-[bibe] Mirunaid="red">, 41 sapt, ora 10:10, 3.950 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 8, cezariana - prisiid="maroon"> 06 septembrie-[bibe] Gheorgheid="blue">, 39 sapt,ora 12.05, 2.900gr, xx cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Sabinaid="maroon">06 septembrie-[bibe] Stefanid="blue">, 40 sapt,ora 14.55, 3.300, 52 cm, Apgar x, cezariana- Mariadiaid="maroon">06 septembrie-[bibe] Elizaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 18:39, 2.900 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Ramonaianiid="maroon"> 06 septembrie-[bibe] Raisa-Mariaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 13:50, 3.150 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 9, naturala - Si_Bvid="maroon"> 07 septembrie-[bibe] Raisaid="red">, 38 sapt, ora XX, 3.150 gr, XX cm, Apgar x, cezariana - Mada Ele07id="maroon"> 07 septembrie-[bibe] Cristian Mihaiid="blue">,39sapt,ora 13:00, 3.450gr,53cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - ANDREEA11id="maroon">07 septembrie-[bibe] Yannisid="blue">,39sapt+3zile,ora 16:30, 3.810gr,52cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Annisiaid="maroon">07 septembrie-[bibe] Cristian Mateiid="blue">,40 sapt,ora 22:50, 3.280gr,55cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Cecilia Lid="maroon">09 septembrie-[bibe] Briana Mariaid="red">, 31 sapt, ora 07.00, 1.700 gr, 41 cm, Apgar 6, naturala - annitha_clid="maroon"> 09 septembrie-[bibe] Daria Anamariaid="red">, XX sapt, ora 09.00, 3.000 gr, XX cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - Dony74id="maroon"> 09 septembrie-[bibe] Robertid="blue">,39 sapt,ora 16.02, 3.540gr,51cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Crishtinaid="maroon">09 septembrie-[bibe] Robert Stefanid="blue">,40 sapt,ora 23.00, 3.610gr,54cm, Apgar 9, naturala - alehiamid="maroon">10 septembrie-[bibe] Kosmasid="blue">,39 sapt,ora xx, 3.920gr,xxcm, Apgar xx, cezariana - Iuli8700id="maroon">11 septembrie-[bibe] Gruiaid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 08.40, 3.100 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - ion_easca (Flory)id="maroon">11 septembrie-[bibe] Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 17.55, 3.150 gr, xx cm, Apgar 8, naturala - danielaraduid="maroon">12 septembrie-[bibe] Alexia Cristinaid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 2.920 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 9, xx - Gemaid="maroon">13 septembrie-[bibe] Natalia Ioanaid="red">, 40 sapt, ora 11.47, 2.570gr, 49 cm, Apgar x, naturala - toma_llyid="maroon">13 septembrie-[bibe] Anaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 15.20, 3.000 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 10, xx -anamicaid="maroon">14 septembrie-[bibe] Sasha Gabrielid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 10.10, 3.000 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Alice_ id="maroon">[ruga]14 septembrieid="black"> [bibe] Maya id="black">- youngrita200id="maroon">[ruga] 14 septembrie-[bibe] Rares Cristianid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 22.20, 3.900 gr, 57 cm, Apgar 9/10, naturala - diwanaid="maroon">15 septembrie-[bibe] Rebeca-Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 14.10, 2.850gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - bebekaid="maroon">16 septembrie-[bibe] Oana Isabellaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 2.07, 3.530gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Amarid="maroon">16 septembrie-[bibe] Andrei Laurentiuid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 10.40, 3.160 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, xx - Terrapin id="maroon">17 septembrie-[bibe] Maiaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 9.45, 3.300gr, 50 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - Missyid="maroon">17 septembrie-[bibe] Tudor Constantinid="blue">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.800 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, xx - urmychanceid="maroon">17 septembrie-[bibe] Nathanid="blue">, 41 sapt, ora xx, 3.900 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala - Tabyid="maroon">18 septembrie-[bibe] Alexandra Mihaelaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 13.45, 2.900 gr, 47 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Cristina floreaid="maroon">18 septembrie-[bibe] Dariaid="red">, XX sapt, ora 17.45, 3.450 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - Erinaid="maroon">19 septembrie-[bibe] Darius Filipid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 16.15, 3.630 gr, 55 cm, Apgar 7/9, naturala - rodicamariesid="maroon">20 septembrie-[bibe] Karinaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora xx, 3.600 gr, 51 cm, Apgar x, cezariana - emma76id="maroon">21 septembrie-[bibe] Mihai Sebastianid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 09.05, 3.000 gr, 50 cm, Apgar x, cezariana- ceamicaid="maroon">21 septembrie-[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 09.35, 3.450 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana -aeperjuid="maroon"> 21 septembrie-[bibe] Giuliaid="red">, 40 sapt, ora 18.44, 3.630 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9, naturala - cristina85ssid="maroon">21 septembrie-[bibe] Alexandra Elenaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 23:56, 3.694 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 9.9, naturala - a_alintaid="maroon">22 septembrie-[bibe] Vlad Mateiid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 06.25, 3.550 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, naturala -isabelutaid="maroon"> 23 septembrie-[bibe] Eduard Alexandruid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 02.45, 4.400 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9, naturala -Flori si Vmkrissid="maroon"> 25 septembrie-[bibe] Maria Dianaid="red">, 36 sapt 3z, ora 01.40 ,3.000gr,47 cm, Apgar 9/8, naturala -tzucid="maroon">24 septembrie-[bibe] Ana-Adelinaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 09.00, 3.400 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 8, cezariana -greyerasid="maroon">25 septembrie-[bibe] Mariaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 07.25, 3.200 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana -tomasaid="maroon">25 septembrie-[bibe] Eduard Stefanid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 10.00, 3.550 gr, 53 cm, Apgar x, naturala -bumbitaid="maroon">25 septembrie-[bibe] Robertid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 22.30, xx gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala -laurici_27id="maroon">26 septembrie-[bibe] Andrei Stefanid="blue">, 41 sapt, ora 00.36, 3.470 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, naturala -Nana Motocid="maroon">26 septembrie-[bibe] Andra Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.350 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, xx -nikol31id="maroon">26 septembrie-[bibe] Luca Mihaiid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 15.55, 4.120 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - mada28id="maroon">26 septembrie-[bibe] Vlad Dominicid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora xx, 3.600 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, cezariana -moldoveancaid="maroon">27 septembrie-[bibe] Ioanaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 01.32, 3.580 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 10, naturala -carpatinaid="maroon">27 septembrie-[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 13.08, 4.290 gr, 53,5 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- miauniciid="maroon">27 septembrie-[bibe] Tudor Gabrielid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 16.40, 3.535 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 8/10, naturala -carmaid="maroon">27 septembrie-[bibe] Deanid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 17.55, 3.115 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala- saphirid="maroon">29 septembrie-[bibe] Teodora Ioanaid="red">, sapt xx, ora 9.30, 2.800 gr, 48 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- jojo_mihaid="maroon">29 septembrie-[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 03.16, 3.900 gr, 52 cm, Apgar x, cezariana -daliaailadid="maroon">30 septembrie-[bibe] Sofia Dianaid="red">, sapt 37, ora 02.17, 3.100 gr, xx cm, Apgar 10, naturala - isa13belleid="maroon">30 septembrie-[bibe] Vladid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 18.18, 3.750 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 9/10, naturala - ramonaroscaid="maroon">

01 octombrie-[bibe] Flavia Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 04.00, 3.150 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, xx - pitic-03id="maroon">01 octombrie-[bibe] Lucaid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 08.00, 4.320 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 9, naturala -Katrinid="maroon">01 octombrie-[bibe] Miruna Andreeaid="red">, 38 sapt, ora 10.00, 3.300 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 8, natural - Danuta36id="maroon">01 octombrie-[bibe] Ioanaid="red">, 37 sapt, ora 10.25, 3.120 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 8/9, cezariana - anomar12id="maroon">01 octombrie-[bibe] Lisa Mariaid="red">, 41 sapt, ora 17.36 (ora Sidney), 3.740 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - adimercedesid="maroon">01 octombrie-[bibe] Alexandraid="red">, 39 sapt, ora xx ,3.800 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana - daniela76id="maroon">02 octombrie-[bibe] Eboneeid="red">, 41 sapt, ora 03:33, 3.430 gr, xx cm, Apgar 9, naturala - danielle02id="maroon">02 octombrie-[bibe] David Andreiid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 15.10, 3.400 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 8, cezariana-mami25_7id="maroon">02 octombrie-[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.300 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, cezariana- Carmenitaid="maroon">05 octombrie-[bibe] Maria Dianaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 07.15, 3.550 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - oanacris28id="maroon">05 octombrie-[bibe] Antonia Theodoraid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 09.00, 3.080 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 8, naturala - LoredanaGid="maroon">06 octombrie-[bibe] Vlad Constantinid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 12.12, 3.520 gr, 51 cm, Apgar xx, cezariana- ancasilvid="maroon">06 octombrie-[bibe] Ana Iasmineid="red">, xx sapt, ora 17.50, 3.850gr, 53 cm, Apgar x, naturala- Picoid="maroon">07 octombrie-[bibe] Stefaniaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 05.10, 3.250gr, 50 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- Crisjoid="maroon">08 octombrie-[bibe] Michaelid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 0.35, 3.590 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- Piciulikaid="maroon">08 octombrie-[bibe] Tudor Cristianid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 3.59, 3.615 gr, 50 cm, Apgar x, naturala- Yaiaid="maroon">08 octombrie-[bibe] Mihaiid="blue">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.000 gr, 52 cm, Apgar x, xx- Ralucaid="maroon">08 octombrie-[bibe] Alexandruid="blue">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.950 gr, 58 cm, Apgar x, cezariana- Adhnanaid="maroon">09 octombrie-[bibe] Paula Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 05.55, 4.100 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9, naturala- naviculaid="maroon">10 octombrie-[bibe] Iulius Teodorid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 02.25, 3.200 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 8/9, naturala- Alinus_25id="maroon">10 octombrie-[bibe] Iris Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 2.600 gr, 50 cm, Apgar x, cezariana- Ripleyid="maroon">10 octombrie-[bibe] Stefaniaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 10.35, 3.260 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Andrruzzaid="maroon">10 octombrie-[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.350 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 8, naturala- aandreea27id="maroon">12 octombrie-[bibe] Andri Gabrielid="blue">, 38 sapt, ora 13.15, 3.700 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- valentina_22id="maroon">14 octombrie-[bibe] Mihaiid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 14.00, xx gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala- vickyfilipid="maroon">15 octombrie-[bibe] Amalia Mariaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora xx, 3.500 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- crissintibunid="maroon">15 octombrie-[bibe] Raul Catalinid="blue">, XX sapt, ora 12.20, 3500 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, xx- micki13id="maroon">16 octombrie-[bibe] Alessia Stefanaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 8.44, 2.950 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- Kriss79id="maroon">16 octombrie-[bibe] Lucaid="blue">, 37 sapt, ora xx, 2700 gr, xx cm, Apgar 10, xx- ligeeaid="maroon">17 octombrie-[bibe] Mihnea Andreiid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 10.12, 3.900 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana - mihailescu_teodoraid="maroon">17 octombrie-[bibe] Raulid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora xx, 3.500 gr, 51 cm, Apgar x, naturala- ank83id="maroon">22 octombrie-[bibe] Soniaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 12.00, 2.670 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala- Roxaliid="maroon">23 octombrie-[bibe] Alesiaid="red">, 40 sapt, ora 17.30, 3.400 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- rnicoid="maroon">25 octombrie-[bibe] Elianaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 12,35, 3.000 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- mihaStroescuid="maroon">26 octombrie-[bibe] Razvan Dimitrieid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora xx, 3.900 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 8, cezariana- Beeid="maroon">27 octombrie-[bibe] Tudor Ianisid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 22.20, 4.100 gr, 53 cm, Apgar x, - doinidoiniid="maroon">28 octombrie-[bibe] Hannah Patriciaid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.950gr, xx cm, Apgar x, cezariana- Dantjeid="maroon">28 octombrie-[bibe] Elizaid="red">, 38 sapt, ora 15:00, 2.500gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- gabitz78id="maroon">28 octombrie-[bibe] Angelik Melanyid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 23:20, 4.010gr, X cm, Apgar 10, normala- riceaid="maroon">29 octombrie-[bibe] Mircea Gabrielid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 09.50, 2.700 gr, xx cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- Andriesid="maroon">30 octombrie-[bibe] Ioana teodoraid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.950gr, xx cm, Apgar x, cezariana- doraboraid="maroon">31 octombrie-[bibe] George Ionutid="blue">, 41 sapt, ora xx, 2.870 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, xx- RGEid="maroon">[s] Zile de nastere - mamici [s]id="size2">id="Georgia">id="purple">Ianuarie:id="red">Carmenita -01.01.1977id="green"> [flo]Cristina85ss - 17.01.1985id="green"> [flo]Berarpiri - 19.01.1984id="green"> Februarie:id="red">Ank83 - 05.02.1983id="green"> Diwana - 06.02.1979id="green"> Lia_B - 07.02.1970id="green"> Prisi - 20.02.1979id="green"> mishuta - 21.02.1977id="green"> Ramonaiani - 25.02.1978id="green"> Martie:id="red"> tomasa -01.03.1977id="green"> Si_bv -03.03.1978id="green"> mihailescu teodora -04.03.1976id="green"> Alinkav -05.03.1981id="green"> Alehiam(Madalina) -12.03.1978id="green"> danuta36 -12.03.1971id="green"> bikmaria -12.03.1978id="green"> Irina.c. -17.03.1976 id="green"> veroboroda - 17.03.1974id="green"> carpatina - 19.03.1968id="green"> carma - 19.03.1968id="green"> Piccaflor - 22.03.1978id="green"> Mada28 - 22.03.1977id="green"> amar (Carmen) - 23.03.1971id="green"> Dony74 -24.03.1974id="green"> pitic-03 -30.03.1979id="green"> Annisia -31.03.1978id="green"> Aprilie:id="red">Maruntzica (Ana Maria) - 05.04.1975id="green"> Toma_lly (Alina) - 05.04.1979id="green"> cecilia_L - 05.04.1973id="green"> afibebe -17.04.1982id="green"> Betty78 -19.04.1978id="green"> Mai:id="red">Terrapin -01.05.1976id="green"> Oanacris28 -11.05.1979id="green"> tzuc -15.05.1974 id="green"> gabitz78 -17.05.1978 id="green"> adrianaolimpia - 19.05.1974id="green"> Alice_ - 20.05.1970id="green"> Yaia - 25.05.1978id="green"> MariaDia (Maria) - 31.05.1975id="green"> Iunie:id="red">rodicamaries - 02.06.1983id="green"> luy - 05.06.1974id="green"> Piciulika -07.06.1975id="green"> Pico - 16.06.1981id="green"> miaunici - 22.06.1975id="green"> mami25_7 - 25.06.1980id="green"> navicula - 25.06.1980id="green"> Aniast72 (Andreea - 28.06.1972id="green"> Iulie:id="red">Cristina florea -01.07.1972id="green"> danielle02 -02.07.1986id="green"> Roxali -02.07.1971id="green"> Adhnana - 09.07.1978id="green"> gema - 09.07.1978id="green"> Missy -17.07.1978id="green"> alinus_25 -27.07.1981id="green"> Myral -30.07.1976id="green"> August:id="red">ricea -02.08.1978id="green"> Sabina -03.08.1979id="green"> aeperju -15.08.1978id="green"> ancasilv -16.08.1978id="green"> crissintibun -22.08.1984id="green"> LoredanaG - 24.08.1973id="green"> daniela76 - 27.08.1976 id="green"> Septembrie:id="red">magdaz -02.09.1974 id="green"> ligeea (Dya) -06.09.1971 id="green"> Devylla -10.09.1984id="green"> Katrin -11.09.1982id="green"> Goe -12.09.1981id="green"> Sim_Stoian -13.09.1981id="green"> Roxana_G -27.09.1975id="green"> Bernix -28.09.1977id="green"> Octombrie:id="red">mihaStroescu - 02.10.1980id="green"> alina m - 07.10.1977id="green"> Isabeluta - 10.10.1973id="green"> kriss79 - 15.10.1979 id="green"> iuli8700 - 24.10.1978id="green"> NanaMotoc - 26.10.1977id="green"> Slippers76(Ana)- 26.10.1976id="green"> Noiembrie:id="red"> Oana MC - 06.11.1974id="green"> AYUMI - 12.11.1979id="green"> saphir - 15.11.1976id="green"> Bee - 23.11.1978id="green"> RGE - 23.11.1982id="green"> jojo_miha - 24.11.1980id="green"> Gabriela77 - 27.11.1977id="green"> Decembrie:id="red">Mirella76 - 01.12.1976id="green"> andrruzza - 04.12.1974id="green"> LaviniaN - 10.12.1974id="green"> Crishtina - 11.12.1983id="green"> Mandarinutza - 17.12.1981id="green"> id="size1">
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Multumim pt capitol nou ! [flo]

Nu n-o sa stau eu la schimbul 3, ma bag imediat la culcare, sa prind si eu 2 ore de somn pana isi cere printzesa drepturile.

Maine o sa incerc sa scriu si eu cate ceva, nu am avut nici o tragere de inima zilele astea.


Noapte buna va doresc !


Luy, fericita mamica de [bibe] Maria Teodora id="red">[il] ( 25 august 2007 )


Poze puteti vedea in contul comun pe flickr/contactsid="size1">id="green">

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buna dimineatza.

am facut o cafelutza, un ceiuc...fiecare ce vrea...promit sa le pastrez calde pana va treziti![:D][pup]

nu stiu ce are eliza de cateva zile, numai cu pumnul in gura este si suge la el de zici ca nu-i dau nimik de mancare![V]plus ca a reinceput sa se trezeasca noapte sa manance![bang]sper sa fie doar o faza, sa-si revina la programul ei...

va pup. merg si eu la nani..sper!


gabi, mamica de stefan(13.07.2003) si eliza(28.10.2007)http://s170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/cgaby/eliza/

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Buna dimineata!

Stiu ca e devreme, dar nu prea am somn.

Fetelor, as vrea sa va multumesc din tot sufletul ca ati fost alaturi de noi si sunteti in continuare, acum cand Maya e in dreapta lui Doamne-Doamne. Avem un ingeras care va avea grija de noi si o sa ne ajute de acolo de sus sa fie bine. Va multumesc inca o data din suflet. Gestul vostru m-a facut sa simt ca exista OAMENI pe lumea asta. Nu promit, dar poate ca am sa continui "Odiseea unui ciutic" si veti fi printre primele care o vor citi.

Aveti grija de comorile voastre si Doamne-Doamne sa le dea si lor, si voua imensitati de sanatate si vieti intregi de fericire.

Saru'mana inca o data


rita si maya - soarele meu

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Rita, sa stii ca suntem alaturi de tine pentru orice problema vei avea, nu ezita niciodata sa ceri ajutor!

Noi va iubim foarte mult, si pe Ingerasul tau si pe tine.





Zero toleranta pentru lipsa de toleranta fata de un copil!id="Century Gothic">id="red">id="size1">



Sabina, [hippi] Sofia Galagiaid="teal">id="Times New Roman">id="teal">id="Times New Roman"> si [yum] bb Gheoid="Times New Roman">id="teal">id="Times New Roman">id="teal">

Cea mai lungã cale este calea care duce de la urechi la inimã.id="Verdana">id="purple">id="size1">
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