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Dulceturi si papanasi de sept-oct 2007 (59)

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Dupa o odisee in 104 episoade , mandrele mamici de septembrie-octombrie 2007 pasesc in Clubul scutecelorid="Georgia">id="purple">id="size3">: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27,28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,44 ,45, 46,47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58Luam cu noi si albumul de fotografii si ne mandrim cu dulceturile si papanasii nostri aiciid="Georgia">id="size3">id="purple"> Adresa de email: septoct2007@yahoo.com Pentru parola contului de yahoo si albumului foto trimite PM aiciid="red">Lista de telefoane se gaseste sub forma unui atasament la un email (Subiect mesaj: Lista cu numere de telefon), in folderul Informatii utile din casuta comuna de email. id="size1">

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Cele 137 [mamica] aduc cu ele bucate alese.. dulceturi si papanasi… Folosind cam aceeasi reteta, dar cu ingrediente proprii, am plamadit 71 [fetita] si 67[baietel]

7 iulie -[bibe] Ryuji id="blue"> ,27sapt+3z, 1004gr,35cm,Apgar x si [bibe] Naokiid="blue">, 27sapt, 954gr, 34cm, Apgar x - Ayumiid="maroon"> 26 iulie-[bibe] Maia-Iuliaid="red">, 31 sapt,ora XX, 1.500 gr, XX cm, Apgar X, XX- Sheherezadaid="maroon">

09 august-[bibe]Andreiid="blue">, 36 sapt,ora 20.30, 2500 gr, 47 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - Teodoranid="maroon">16 august-[bibe]Mario - Alexandruid="blue">, 38 sapt,ora 11.17, 3.480 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9/10, cezariana- betty78id="maroon">16 august-[bibe] Iarina Andreeaid="red">, 37 sapt,ora 12.35, 3.000 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- mrl_dumitriuid="maroon">21 august-[bibe] Miruna Ioanaid="red">, 38 sapt,ora 10.55, 4.300 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Lia_Bid="maroon">22 august-[bibe] Olivia Ioanaid="red">, 38 sapt,ora 10.05, 3.600 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- Alinkavid="maroon">22 august-[bibe] Cristian Nicolaeid="blue">, 38 sapt,ora 18.33, 3.560 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Afibebeid="maroon">24 august-[bibe] Yannisa Milena id="red">, 36 sapt,ora 19.11, 2.870 gr, 47 cm, Apgar 10, naturala -Marunzikaid="maroon">25 august-[bibe] Maria-Teodora id="red">, 39 sapt,ora 11.51, 2.880 gr, 48 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana -Luyid="maroon">25 august-[bibe] Stefanid="blue">, 39 sapt,ora 15.42, 4.220 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Sim_Stoianid="maroon">26 august-[bibe] Teodora id="red">, 39 sapt,ora 5.25, 2.800 gr, 50 cm, Apgar X, naturala -Irina.cid="maroon">26 august-[bibe] Andra Mariaid="red">, 39 sapt,ora 7.24, 3.350, 48 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana -alina.clauid="maroon">26 august-[bibe]Vera Helenaid="red">, 38 sapt, ora 17.20, 2.610 gr, 48 cm, Apgar 9 - mishutaid="maroon">27 august-[bibe] Ana-Elena id="red">, 35 sapt,ora 22.00, 1.700 gr, 45 cm, Apgar X, cezariana -bernixid="maroon">28 august-[bibe] Alexandruid="blue">, XX sapt,ora 11:59, 4.300 gr, 56 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - Oana MCid="maroon">29 august-[bibe] Bianca Elenaid="red">, 40 sapt,ora 09.30, 2.700 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana -Veroborodaid="maroon">29 august-[bibe] Sara Ioanaid="red">, 37 sapt,ora 23.15, 3.300 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 10, naturala -Gabriela77id="maroon">29 august-[bibe] Ana Martinaid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.120 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 9, naturala - HaveF8id="maroon">30 august-[bibe] Antonia Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 7.20, 3.200 gr., 51 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Mandarinutzaid="maroon">30 august-[bibe] Elisa Laviniaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 11.20, 2.700 gr., 48 cm, Apgar 8, naturala - myralid="maroon">31 august-[bibe] Erikaid="red">, 37 sapt 6 z, ora 15.13(ora Japoniei), 2.832 gr, 49 cm, Apgar x, naturala - Devyllaid="maroon">31 august-[bibe] Andrei Serbanid="blue">, 40 sapt,ora 17.20, 4.850 gr, 53,5 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- Roxana_Gid="maroon">31 august-[bibe] Davidid="blue">, 38 sapt,ora 9.32, 3.620 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, xx- andreeaiosifid="maroon">

01 septembrie-[bibe] Albert Raoulid="blue">,40 sapt, ora 3, 3.320 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala - mirella76id="maroon">01 septembrie-[bibe] Vlad Mihaiid="blue">, 39 sapt,ora 23.05, 3.300 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- Slippers76id="maroon">02 septembrie-[bibe] Matteoid="blue">, 39 sapt,ora 13.32, 3.195 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9-10, naturala- Piccaflorid="maroon">03 septembrie-[bibe] Gabriel Alexandruid="blue">, 40 sapt,ora 7.32, 4.250 gr,XX cm, Apgar 9, cezariana-adrianaolimpia id="maroon">03 septembrie-[bibe] Constantin Vladimirid="blue">, 40 sapt,ora 13.23, 4.000 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- Aniast72id="maroon">04 septembrie-[bibe] Andreea Cristinaid="red">, 36 sapt, ora 10.00, 2.400 gr, 47 cm, Apgar x, naturala - georgi_ana25id="maroon"> 04 septembrie-[bibe] Stefania Dariaid="red">, 37 sapt, ora 12.50, 3.350gr, 46 cm, Apgar x, cezariana - florentinaloid="maroon"> 04 septembrie-[bibe] Mateiid="blue">, 40 sapt,ora 21.30, 3.750gr, xx cm, Apgar xx, naturala- Aminoreanuid="maroon">04 septembrie-[bibe] Alexia Rhianaid="red">, 40 sapt si 3 zile, ora xx, 3.156 gr, 50, 5 cm, Apgar x, xx- aurelia27id="maroon">05 septembrie-[bibe] Mirunaid="red">, 40 sapt, ora xx, 3.000 gr, 53 cm, Apgar x, naturala - LaviniaNid="maroon"> 05 septembrie-[bibe] Rares Fabianid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora xx, 3.700 gr, 55 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana - alina mid="maroon">05 septembrie-[bibe] Maria Teodoraid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.150 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - bikmariaid="maroon"> 05 septembrie-[bibe] Ana-Mariaid="red">, 37 sapt, ora 10.20, 3.200 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - magdazid="maroon"> 06 septembrie-[bibe] Raresid="blue">, XX sapt,ora 07.26, 3.460gr, 50 cm, Apgar 10, XX- Pinacoladaid="maroon">06 septembrie-[bibe] Mirunaid="red">, 41 sapt, ora 10:10, 3.950 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 8, cezariana - prisiid="maroon"> 06 septembrie-[bibe] Gheorgheid="blue">, 39 sapt,ora 12.05, 2.900gr, xx cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Sabinaid="maroon">06 septembrie-[bibe] Stefanid="blue">, 40 sapt,ora 14.55, 3.300, 52 cm, Apgar x, cezariana- Mariadiaid="maroon">06 septembrie-[bibe] Elizaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 18:39, 2.900 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Ramonaianiid="maroon"> 06 septembrie-[bibe] Raisa-Mariaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 13:50, 3.150 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 9, naturala - Si_Bvid="maroon"> 07 septembrie-[bibe] Raisaid="red">, 38 sapt, ora XX, 3.150 gr, XX cm, Apgar x, cezariana - Mada Ele07id="maroon"> 07 septembrie-[bibe] Ana Alexandraid="red">, 40 sapt, ora 12:20, 3.760 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 8/10, naturala - anca_tamasid="maroon"> 07 septembrie-[bibe] Cristian Mihaiid="blue">,39sapt,ora 13:00, 3.450gr,53cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - ANDREEA11id="maroon">07 septembrie-[bibe] Yannisid="blue">,39sapt+3zile,ora 16:30, 3.810gr,52cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Annisiaid="maroon">07 septembrie-[bibe] Cristian Mateiid="blue">,40 sapt,ora 22:50, 3.280gr,55cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Cecilia Lid="maroon">09 septembrie-[bibe] Briana Mariaid="red">, 31 sapt, ora 07.00, 1.700 gr, 41 cm, Apgar 6, naturala - annitha_clid="maroon"> 09 septembrie-[bibe] Daria Anamariaid="red">, XX sapt, ora 09.00, 3.000 gr, XX cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - Dony74id="maroon"> 09 septembrie-[bibe] Robertid="blue">,39 sapt,ora 16.02, 3.540gr,51cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Crishtinaid="maroon">09 septembrie-[bibe] Robert Stefanid="blue">,40 sapt,ora 23.00, 3.610gr,54cm, Apgar 9, naturala - alehiamid="maroon">10 septembrie-[bibe] Kosmasid="blue">,39 sapt,ora xx, 3.920gr,xxcm, Apgar xx, cezariana - Iuli8700id="maroon">11 septembrie-[bibe] Gruiaid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 08.40, 3.100 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - ion_easca (Flory)id="maroon">11 septembrie-[bibe] Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 17.55, 3.150 gr, xx cm, Apgar 8, naturala - danielaraduid="maroon">12 septembrie-[bibe] Alexia Cristinaid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 2.920 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 9, xx - Gemaid="maroon">13 septembrie-[bibe] Natalia Ioanaid="red">, 40 sapt, ora 11.47, 2.570gr, 49 cm, Apgar x, naturala - toma_llyid="maroon">13 septembrie-[bibe] Anaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 15.20, 3.000 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 10, xx -anamicaid="maroon">14 septembrie-[bibe] Sasha Gabrielid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 10.10, 3.000 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Alice_ id="maroon">[ruga]14 septembrieid="black"> [bibe] Maya id="black">- youngrita200id="maroon">[ruga] 14 septembrie-[bibe] Rares Cristianid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 22.20, 3.900 gr, 57 cm, Apgar 9/10, naturala - diwanaid="maroon">15 septembrie-[bibe] Rebeca-Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 14.10, 2.850gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - bebekaid="maroon">16 septembrie-[bibe] Oana Isabellaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 2.07, 3.530gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Amarid="maroon">16 septembrie-[bibe] Andrei Laurentiuid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 10.40, 3.160 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, xx - Terrapin id="maroon">17 septembrie-[bibe] Maiaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 9.45, 3.300gr, 50 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - Missyid="maroon">17 septembrie-[bibe] Tudor Constantinid="blue">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.800 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, xx - urmychanceid="maroon">17 septembrie-[bibe] Nathanid="blue">, 41 sapt, ora xx, 3.900 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala - Tabyid="maroon">18 septembrie-[bibe] Alexandra Mihaelaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 13.45, 2.900 gr, 47 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - Cristina floreaid="maroon">18 septembrie-[bibe] Dariaid="red">, XX sapt, ora 17.45, 3.450 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - Erinaid="maroon">19 septembrie-[bibe] Darius Filipid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 16.15, 3.630 gr, 55 cm, Apgar 7/9, naturala - rodicamariesid="maroon">20 septembrie-[bibe] Karinaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora xx, 3.600 gr, 51 cm, Apgar x, cezariana - emma76id="maroon">21 septembrie-[bibe] Mihai Sebastianid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 09.05, 3.000 gr, 50 cm, Apgar x, cezariana- ceamicaid="maroon">21 septembrie-[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 09.35, 3.450 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana -aeperjuid="maroon"> 21 septembrie-[bibe] Giuliaid="red">, 40 sapt, ora 18.44, 3.630 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9, naturala - cristina85ssid="maroon">21 septembrie-[bibe] Alexandra Elenaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 23:56, 3.694 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 9.9, naturala - a_alintaid="maroon">22 septembrie-[bibe] Vlad Mateiid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 06.25, 3.550 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, naturala -isabelutaid="maroon"> 23 septembrie-[bibe] Eduard Alexandruid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 02.45, 4.400 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9, naturala -Flori si Vmkrissid="maroon"> 25 septembrie-[bibe] Maria Dianaid="red">, 36 sapt 3z, ora 01.40 ,3.000gr,47 cm, Apgar 9/8, naturala -tzucid="maroon">24 septembrie-[bibe] Ana-Adelinaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 09.00, 3.400 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 8, cezariana -greyerasid="maroon">25 septembrie-[bibe] Mariaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 07.25, 3.200 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana -tomasaid="maroon">25 septembrie-[bibe] Eduard Stefanid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 10.00, 3.550 gr, 53 cm, Apgar x, naturala -bumbitaid="maroon">25 septembrie-[bibe] Robertid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 22.30, xx gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala -laurici_27id="maroon">26 septembrie-[bibe] Andrei Stefanid="blue">, 41 sapt, ora 00.36, 3.470 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, naturala -Nana Motocid="maroon">26 septembrie-[bibe] Andra Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.350 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, xx -nikol31id="maroon">26 septembrie-[bibe] Luca Mihaiid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 15.55, 4.120 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - mada28id="maroon">26 septembrie-[bibe] Vlad Dominicid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora xx, 3.600 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, cezariana -moldoveancaid="maroon">27 septembrie-[bibe] Ioanaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 01.32, 3.580 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 10, naturala -carpatinaid="maroon">27 septembrie-[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 13.08, 4.290 gr, 53,5 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- miauniciid="maroon">27 septembrie-[bibe] Tudor Gabrielid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 16.40, 3.535 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 8/10, naturala -carmaid="maroon">27 septembrie-[bibe] Deanid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 17.55, 3.115 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala- saphirid="maroon">29 septembrie-[bibe] Teodora Ioanaid="red">, sapt xx, ora 9.30, 2.800 gr, 48 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- jojo_mihaid="maroon">29 septembrie-[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 03.16, 3.900 gr, 52 cm, Apgar x, cezariana -daliaailadid="maroon">30 septembrie-[bibe] Sofia Dianaid="red">, sapt 37, ora 02.17, 3.100 gr, xx cm, Apgar 10, naturala - isa13belleid="maroon">30 septembrie-[bibe] Vladid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 18.18, 3.750 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 9/10, naturala - ramonaroscaid="maroon">

01 octombrie-[bibe] Flavia Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 04.00, 3.150 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, xx - pitic-03id="maroon">01 octombrie-[bibe] Lucaid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 08.00, 4.320 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 9, naturala -Katrinid="maroon">01 octombrie-[bibe] Miruna Andreeaid="red">, 38 sapt, ora 10.00, 3.300 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 8, natural - Danuta36id="maroon">01 octombrie-[bibe] Ioanaid="red">, 37 sapt, ora 10.25, 3.120 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 8/9, cezariana - anomar12id="maroon">01 octombrie-[bibe] Lisa Mariaid="red">, 41 sapt, ora 17.36 (ora Sidney), 3.740 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana - adimercedesid="maroon">01 octombrie-[bibe] Alexandraid="red">, 39 sapt, ora xx ,3.800 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana - daniela76id="maroon">02 octombrie-[bibe] Eboneeid="red">, 41 sapt, ora 03:33, 3.430 gr, xx cm, Apgar 9, naturala - danielle02id="maroon">02 octombrie-[bibe] David Andreiid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 15.10, 3.400 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 8, cezariana-mami25_7id="maroon">02 octombrie-[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.300 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, cezariana- Carmenitaid="maroon">02 octombrie-[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, xx sapt, ora xx, XX gr, xx cm, Apgar 9/10, cezariana- papanashid="maroon">05 octombrie-[bibe] Maria Dianaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 07.15, 3.550 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, naturala - oanacris28id="maroon">05 octombrie-[bibe] Antonia Theodoraid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 09.00, 3.080 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 8, naturala - LoredanaGid="maroon">06 octombrie-[bibe] Vlad Constantinid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 12.12, 3.520 gr, 51 cm, Apgar xx, cezariana- ancasilvid="maroon">06 octombrie-[bibe] Ana Iasmineid="red">, xx sapt, ora 17.50, 3.850gr, 53 cm, Apgar x, naturala- Picoid="maroon">07 octombrie-[bibe] Stefaniaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 05.10, 3.250gr, 50 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- Crisjoid="maroon">08 octombrie-[bibe] Michaelid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 0.35, 3.590 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- Piciulikaid="maroon">08 octombrie-[bibe] Tudor Cristianid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 3.59, 3.615 gr, 50 cm, Apgar x, naturala- Yaiaid="maroon">08 octombrie-[bibe] Mihaiid="blue">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.000 gr, 52 cm, Apgar x, xx- Ralucaid="maroon">08 octombrie-[bibe] Alexandruid="blue">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.950 gr, 58 cm, Apgar x, cezariana- Adhnanaid="maroon">09 octombrie-[bibe] Paula Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 05.55, 4.100 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9, naturala- naviculaid="maroon">10 octombrie-[bibe] Iulius Teodorid="blue">, 39 sapt, ora 02.25, 3.200 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 8/9, naturala- Alinus_25id="maroon">10 octombrie-[bibe] Iris Mariaid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 2.600 gr, 50 cm, Apgar x, cezariana- Ripleyid="maroon">10 octombrie-[bibe] Stefaniaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 10.35, 3.260 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana- Andrruzzaid="maroon">10 octombrie-[bibe] Andreiid="blue">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.350 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 8, naturala- aandreea27id="maroon">12 octombrie-[bibe] Andrei Gabrielid="blue">, 38 sapt, ora 13.15, 3.700 gr, 53 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- valentina_22id="maroon">12 octombrie-[bibe] Andrei Davidid="blue">, XX sapt, ora XX, XX gr, XX cm, Apgar X, XX- andreea_deeaid="maroon">14 octombrie-[bibe] Mihaiid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 14.00, xx gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala- vickyfilipid="maroon">15 octombrie-[bibe] Amalia Mariaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora xx, 3.500 gr, 52 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- crissintibunid="maroon">15 octombrie-[bibe] Raul Catalinid="blue">, XX sapt, ora 12.20, 3500 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, xx- micki13id="maroon">16 octombrie-[bibe] Alessia Stefanaid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 8.44, 2.950 gr, 50 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- Kriss79id="maroon">16 octombrie-[bibe] Lucaid="blue">, 37 sapt, ora xx, 2700 gr, xx cm, Apgar 10, xx- ligeeaid="maroon">17 octombrie-[bibe] Mihnea Andreiid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 10.12, 3.900 gr, 54 cm, Apgar 10, cezariana - mihailescu_teodoraid="maroon">17 octombrie-[bibe] Raulid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora xx, 3.500 gr, 51 cm, Apgar x, naturala- ank83id="maroon">22 octombrie-[bibe] Soniaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 12.00, 2.670 gr, xx cm, Apgar x, naturala- Roxaliid="maroon">23 octombrie-[bibe] Alesiaid="red">, 40 sapt, ora 17.30, 3.400 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- rnicoid="maroon">25 octombrie-[bibe] Elianaid="red">, xx sapt, ora 12,35, 3.000 gr, 49 cm, Apgar 10, naturala- mihaStroescuid="maroon">26 octombrie-[bibe] Razvan Dimitrieid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora xx, 3.900 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 8, cezariana- Beeid="maroon">27 octombrie-[bibe] Tudor Ianisid="blue">, xx sapt, ora 22.20, 4.100 gr, 53 cm, Apgar x, - doinidoiniid="maroon">28 octombrie-[bibe] Hannah Patriciaid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.950gr, xx cm, Apgar x, cezariana- Dantjeid="maroon">28 octombrie-[bibe] Elizaid="red">, 38 sapt, ora 15:00, 2.500gr, 49 cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- gabitz78id="maroon">28 octombrie-[bibe] Angelik Melanyid="red">, 39 sapt, ora 23:20, 4.010gr, X cm, Apgar 10, normala- riceaid="maroon">29 octombrie-[bibe] Mircea Gabrielid="blue">, 40 sapt, ora 09.50, 2.700 gr, xx cm, Apgar 9, cezariana- Andriesid="maroon">30 octombrie-[bibe] Ioana teodoraid="red">, xx sapt, ora xx, 3.950gr, xx cm, Apgar x, cezariana- doraboraid="maroon">31 octombrie-[bibe] George Ionutid="blue">, 41 sapt, ora xx, 2.870 gr, 51 cm, Apgar 10, xx- RGEid="maroon">[s] Zile de nastere - mamici [s]id="size2">id="Georgia">id="purple">Ianuarie:id="red">Carmenita -01.01.1977id="green"> [flo]Cristina85ss - 17.01.1985id="green"> [flo]Berarpiri - 19.01.1984id="green"> Februarie:id="red">Ank83 - 05.02.1983id="green"> Diwana - 06.02.1979id="green"> Lia_B - 07.02.1970id="green"> Prisi - 20.02.1979id="green"> mishuta - 21.02.1977id="green"> Ramonaiani - 25.02.1978id="green"> Martie:id="red"> tomasa -01.03.1977id="green"> Si_bv -03.03.1978id="green"> mihailescu teodora -04.03.1976id="green"> Alinkav -05.03.1981id="green"> Alehiam(Madalina) -12.03.1978id="green"> danuta36 -12.03.1971id="green"> bikmaria -12.03.1978id="green"> Irina.c. -17.03.1976 id="green"> veroboroda - 17.03.1974id="green"> carpatina - 19.03.1968id="green"> carma - 19.03.1968id="green"> Piccaflor - 22.03.1978id="green"> Mada28 - 22.03.1977id="green"> amar (Carmen) - 23.03.1971id="green"> Dony74 -24.03.1974id="green"> pitic-03 -30.03.1979id="green"> Annisia -31.03.1978id="green"> Aprilie:id="red">Maruntzica (Ana Maria) - 05.04.1975id="green"> Toma_lly (Alina) - 05.04.1979id="green"> cecilia_L - 05.04.1973id="green"> afibebe -17.04.1982id="green"> Betty78 -19.04.1978id="green"> Mai:id="red">Terrapin -01.05.1976id="green"> Oanacris28 -11.05.1979id="green"> tzuc -15.05.1974 id="green"> gabitz78 -17.05.1978 id="green"> adrianaolimpia - 19.05.1974id="green"> Alice_ - 20.05.1970id="green"> Yaia - 25.05.1978id="green"> MariaDia (Maria) - 31.05.1975id="green"> Iunie:id="red">rodicamaries - 02.06.1983id="green"> luy - 05.06.1974id="green"> Piciulika -07.06.1975id="green"> Pico - 16.06.1981id="green"> miaunici - 22.06.1975id="green"> mami25_7 - 25.06.1980id="green"> navicula - 25.06.1980id="green"> Aniast72 (Andreea - 28.06.1972id="green"> Iulie:id="red">Cristina florea -01.07.1972id="green"> danielle02 -02.07.1986id="green"> Roxali -02.07.1971id="green"> Adhnana - 09.07.1978id="green"> gema - 09.07.1978id="green"> Missy -17.07.1978id="green"> alinus_25 -27.07.1981id="green"> Myral -30.07.1976id="green"> August:id="red">ricea -02.08.1978id="green"> Sabina -03.08.1979id="green"> aeperju -15.08.1978id="green"> ancasilv -16.08.1978id="green"> crissintibun -22.08.1984id="green"> LoredanaG - 24.08.1973id="green"> daniela76 - 27.08.1976 id="green"> Septembrie:id="red">magdaz -02.09.1974 id="green"> ligeea (Dya) -06.09.1971 id="green"> Devylla -10.09.1984id="green"> Katrin -11.09.1982id="green"> Goe -12.09.1981id="green"> Sim_Stoian -13.09.1981id="green"> Roxana_G -27.09.1975id="green"> Bernix -28.09.1977id="green"> Octombrie:id="red">mihaStroescu - 02.10.1980id="green"> alina m - 07.10.1977id="green"> Isabeluta - 10.10.1973id="green"> kriss79 - 15.10.1979 id="green"> iuli8700 - 24.10.1978id="green"> NanaMotoc - 26.10.1977id="green"> Slippers76(Ana)- 26.10.1976id="green"> Noiembrie:id="red"> Oana MC - 06.11.1974id="green"> AYUMI - 12.11.1979id="green"> saphir - 15.11.1976id="green"> Bee - 23.11.1978id="green"> RGE - 23.11.1982id="green"> jojo_miha - 24.11.1980id="green"> Gabriela77 - 27.11.1977id="green"> Decembrie:id="red">Mirella76 - 01.12.1976id="green"> andrruzza - 04.12.1974id="green"> LaviniaN - 10.12.1974id="green"> Crishtina - 11.12.1983id="green"> Mandarinutza - 17.12.1981id="green"> id="size1">
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quote:Originally posted by anca_tamas

Dragi mamici, eu v-am descoperit mai tarziu, sper ca ma primiti si pe mine in grupul vostru.Sunt o mamica de fetita nascuta pe 7sept 2007. O cheama Ana Alexandra si acum la aproape 4luni jumatate are 7.1kg, 64cm si ar vrea sa stea numai in fundulet .La nastere a avut 3760 , 54 cm si scor apgar 8/10.Am nascut-o normal la 12:20 dupa multe ore de chin. http://community.webshots.com/user/ancatamas aici avem si noi cateva pozici daca vreti sa ne vedeti.

id="quote">id="quote">Mama, ce de pitici s-au nascut in aceeasi zi cu pitziponea???!!! Sa nu uitati sa treceti pitica in listuta. Bine ai venit mami!Micul Yannis creste mareid="blue">id="size1">
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Annisiaid="green">, pai sunt marfa la pretul asta. Ma gandeam eu ca ai retinut ideea cu meleonu, dar apoi m-am confuzat. Maine dau si eu o raita si daca nu gasesc te apelez. Mumltumesc multumesc, esti o comoara. Meserie rau toalele, uite asa pentru bipu lui Andrei s-a mai ales si Yannis cu ceva. Imi place de mor caciulita aia. Este modelul ideal. Neicusorule, ma faci sa vin maine la Moghioros.


Mariaid="green">, [pup] cum ma incurajezi tu mereu. Oricum a se observa ca spre final de saptamana am avut alt tonus. Adica mai bun.






Rox id="green">,

Alexandra Maria id="red"> (10.02.2004) si BB Andrei Serban id="blue">(31.08.2007)



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