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Copilasi din 2002 (11)

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Snow-White and Rose-Red




By: Jane Carruth


Illustrated by: Mary Dinsdale



Once upon a time there was a poor window that had a little cottage at the edge of a forest. Her greatest joy was tow rose trees, one white and the other red, which grew in a small patch of garden. She named her tow daughters after the rose trees, Snow-White and Rose-Red. Snow-White was quiet and gentle and helped a great deal in the house while Rose-Red was always gay and liked nothing better than to chase through the forest on sunny days.


But although the sisters were different, as sisters so often are, they were very close friends and were nearly always together. They had explored the forest so often that they were never afraid to go there on their own and sometimes the little rabbits would come and eat out of their hands.


In the summer, the girls would fill their basket with berries and talk to the shy little forest creatures. But in the winter, when the snow was on the ground, their mother would bolt the door and call them over to sit by the fire. Then, out would come her spectacles and Snow-White would give her the big book of stories and legend that they all loved. As they settled on a rug at their mother’s feet, their pet deer would lie down beside them just as if he, too, wanted to hear a story.


One night, as they sat together around the fire, there was a loud knock at the door. “Go quickly, Rose – Red,” said the mother, looking up from her book. “Some poor traveler must have lost his way in the snow.”


When Rose – Red opened the door, there was a huge black bear, who thrust his head forward and said, “Will you let me come in? I won’t do you any harm and I am nearly frozen to death.”


Rose – Red screamed in fright and tried to shut the door, but her mother called out, “Let the poor bear come in, Rose – Red. You heard what he said. We cannot turn away any living thing on a night like this.”


So Rose – Red opened the door wide and the bear stepped into the cottage. He stood on the mat, looking quite enormous in the tiny room. “Will one of you kindly brush the snow from my back?” he said. And, half-ashamed that she should have been so frightened, rose – Red did as he asked.


The Snow – White made a place for him beside the fire, and her mother said, “You may stay here as long as you want to. You are welcome to come as often as you wish during these hard cold months of winter.”


There was no more reading from the book of stories that night for although the bear said vary little, he allowed the girls to tug at his fu and pretend to roll him on his back. And, soon, even the timid deer was joining in the fun.


When it was time for bed, the widow said, “Stay here by the hearth where you will be nice and warm,” and the bear nodded in a friendly way before stretching himself out on the rug.


In the morning, when Rose – Red ran into kitchen, he was gone, but he returned the next evening and once again they spent a happy time together.


All through the cold winter, the bear never missed a night and the girls grew to look forward to the evening and to hearing his knock. But when spring came and the little birds welcomed Snow – White and Rose – Red into the forest with their songs, the bear said, “I must leave you now until winter comes again.”


“Where will you go?” Snow – White asked sadly, scarcely able to hide her tears. “We shall miss you so much.”


“Deep in the forest,” the bear told her. “My treasure lies hidden there and I must guard it. In the winter the ground is hard and the wicked dwarfs who would steal in cannot dig it up. But in the spring and summer the earth is soft and the dwarfs dig deep burrows and steal all they can lay their hands on.”


How sad Snow- White and Red – Rose were to see the bear go and as they watched him tort away, Snow – White said, “It won’t be the same now that he has gone.”


Some day later, their mother asked them to go into the forest and gather some wood. “You will enjoy the sunshine,” she said, “and perhaps it will help you to forget the bear.”


As the two girls wandered along the paths, searching for sticks, they were suddenly surprised to see an odd little man whose long white beard was caught in the branches of a tree.


“Look!” whispered Rose – Red, “the tree must have fallen and trapped that funny little man by his beard.”


The little man, his face all lined and wrinkled like a crab apple, was struggling desperately to free him self and when he caught sight of the girls, he screamed, “Fools! Idiots! Don’t stand gasping! Help me, can’t you?”


At this, the sisters bent down, took hold of the Dwarf’s tunic and began to pull. But no matter how they tugged and pulled they could not free him. At last Snow – White took a pair of small scissors out of her pocked. “It won’t hurt,” she said, and snip, snip, she cut off the end of his beard. “There!” she said, “Now you are free.”


If you thinking that the Dwarf was grateful, you couldn’t be more wrong. “Ruined! Ruined!” he screeched, hopping up and down holding his beard. “You’ve ruined my handsome white beard.” And with a fierce scowl, he ran to a sack, which was filled with gold, threw it over his shoulders and stumped off into the bushes.


“Well!” said Rose – Red. “What a horrid little man! I wish we had left him alone.”


“We had to help him,” said Snow – White. “But I think he might have thanked us. Let’s forget him and collect some wood.”


But the girls were to see the Dwarf again much sooner than they expected. The very next day they went down to the stream to feed the wild ducks, and there was again.


“It’s the Dwarf!” Snow – White whispered, taking her sister’s arm. “And he’s in trouble again.”


“So I see,” said Rose – Red, although she didn’t sound very sorry. “It looks as if he has been fishing and his beard has got tangled up in his line. Well, I don’t care. This time I refuse to help.”


But gentle Snow – White murmured, “I think we should try to get him free or else that huge fish at the end of his line is going to pull him right into the water.”


“Then he’ll get a soaking, that’s all,” said Rose – Red, rather heartlessly. The little man was in great danger of being pulled into the water, as she spoke, and he was now clinging desperately to some tall reeds. When he glanced up and saw the girls, the screamed, “Help! Help! Help me you – you idiots! Don’t stand there like stupid sheep. Do something”


Snow – White and Red – Rose did as he said. They ran to him, and Snow – White took hold of his tunic and pulled. What a tug of war it was for the big fish was pulling too, to get free! But no matter how hard she tugged and pulled she could not free the little man. His beautiful white beard was so tangled up with the fishing rod that nothing, it seemed, could move it.


“You know what you’re going to have to do,” said Rose-Red, as Snow-White, all out of breath sank to the ground. “You’re going to have to use your scissors again.”


“I suppose I must,” Snow-White said. And scrambling to her feet, she took out her scissors. Snip, snip, snip! Off came some more of the little man’s beard.


The Dwarf was almost speechless with rage when he saw part of his precious beard lying on the grass. “You’re spoiled my beard again!” he spluttered. “You did it on purpose!”


“We did not,” cried Rose-Red. But the little man, his face all red and wrinkled with hate, glared at her so hard that she stopped, feeling suddenly frightened. Then, without another word, he went to a big stone and picked up a sack that lay behind it. As he heaved it up to his shoulder, a handful of gleaming pearls fell out of it. Then he disappeared into the bushes.


Snow-White and Rose-Red said nothing of the unpleasant little Dwarf to their mother because they were afraid she might say they couldn’t go into the forest.


“It isn’t as if he could do us any real harm,” said Rose-Red as they talked about him. “He is just horrid and ungrateful.”


“I thinks he is wicked,” said Snow-White, with a shiver. “And what is he doing with the gold and pearls? I don’t believe they belong to him.”


They were still talking about the Dwarf when their mother came into the kitchen the next day and asked them to go down to the village to buy some needles and thread.


Pleased at the chance of doing something for her and going outdoors, Snow-White and Rose-Red ran off through the forest, for that was the shortest way to the village. While they were still among the trees, they notice a huge eagle soaring above their heads. Suddenly it swooped downwards and Rose-Red cried, “Oh dear, it must have seen something to eat. I hope it isn’t after one of our little rabbit friends.”


Then a familiar cry reached their ears: “Help! Help! Help me!”


“It’s the Dwarf!” Snow-White cried, and she began to run. “The eagle must be after little man.”


The girls rushed into a clearing in the forest just as the big bird dropped down on the Dwarf and was preparing to carry him off. With a cry of horror, Rose-Red grabbed the little man’s feet while her sister took hold of his beard. The eagle had no intention of giving up its prey to easily and the dwarf screamed in pain and terror as he was lifted off the ground. But the sisters hung on with all their strength until the bird gave up the struggle and flew away.


No sooner had the Dwarf recovered from his fright than he shook his fist angrily at Snow-White and Rose-Red. “Fools! Idiots!’ he shouted at them. “You have torn my coat. My head aches with the way you pulled at my beard. Couldn’t you take more care?” And he ran off, picking up a sack that lay half-hidden in the long grass.


“I don’t care,” said Snow-White. “I’m glad we saved him. Just imagine being carried off by an eagle!”


On their way back from the village, the sisters were surprised to come upon the little man again. Rose-Red pulled her sister behind a tree and they watched as he emptied one of his sacks on a flat stone. The precious stones shone like tiny stars in the bright sunlight and Snow-White let out a gasp of amazement.


The Dwarf whirled around immediately and saw them. “Spies! Robbers!” he shouted in sudden fury. “Be off with you!”


“We are nor spies and we don’t want anything from you,” said Rose-Red stepping out from behind the tree and facing the angry Dwarf. “So please don’t shout at us.”


“We have saved your life three times,” said Snow-White, joining her sister. “And you haven’t even thanked us.”


Her words sent the little man into such a rage that he began hopping up and down, shaking his fist, and shouting at them to leave him alone. No wonder he failed to see the huge back bear had come padding up behind him in his broad paw. When he found himself a prisoner, the Dwarf’s angry shouting changed to a pathetic whine.


“Spare me, Lord Bear,” he whimpered. “I meant no harm. Take these precious stones – they are worth a fortune. And take those stupid girls there. They’ll make you a much tastier meal than me.”


Snow-White and Rose-Red clung to each other in terror for they did not recognize the big black bear as their friend and playmate of the long winter evening.


Still holding the Dwarf in his paw, the bear turned to them, saying, “I am your friend. Don’t you know me?” As he spoke, he dropped his captive to the ground, killing him with a single blow from his great paw. Instantly, something strange and wonderful happened. In place of the bear stood a handsome young man, clothed in a suit of gold.


Snow-White and Rose-Red stared in amazement until the young man said, “The death of that wicked Dwarf has set me free from the spell he cast upon me. Out of greed he condemned me to wander through this forest in shape of bear so that he might rob me of my treasure. Now I am free and able to return to my father’s palace.”


“Will – will you not return first to our cottage?” said Snow-White shyly. “Our mother would love to see you.”


“Most certainly,” said the young Prince, “for there is something very important that I must ask her.”


Can you guess what it was? The Prince had long ago fallen in love with the gentle Snow-White and wished to ask her mother for permission to make her his wife. Of course this was gladly given. And after they were happily married, Snow-White told her sister and mother that she wanted them to live with her in the splendid palace. This they gladly consented to do, and great was the mother’s joy when the Prince himself planted two rose trees in the royal gardens, one white and the other red, just like the ones that had once bloomed in her tiny cottage garden.




Gabbriela [flo] & Julianid="blue"> [bibe]id="purple">

0 - 2 years 2 - 3 years

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sinzi_anaid="red"> imi pare rau pt ce sa intamplat cu David si imi pare rau pt exerienta urata prin care a trebuit sa treaca... va doresc multa sanatate si toate cele bune.

gabi.iid="red"> nu e greu pt mine sa pun cate o poveste aici, eu asa exersez la sc in lb eng. scriu povesti, cantecele si poezii si le salveziin word... daca va place si le vreti sigur ca vi le dau.. am si mai lungi si mai scurte, si clasice in mai multe variante si care voi prin ro nu cred ca le-ati auzit.. o sa va dau in fiecare zi cate ceva, sau in fiecare saptamana, sa vad cat de "eleva siarguincioasa" sunt.

crig72id="red"> poze din calatorie ai adus? Ma bucur ca sa sfarsit calatoria cu bine si ca vati distrat.


O zi buna si multa sanatate la toata lumea si la toti pitici [pup] [flo]id="purple">



Gabbriela [flo] & Julianid="blue"> [bibe]id="purple">

0 - 2 years 2 - 3 years

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Avem si noi o veste ! Kenutzu merge si pe trotineta :)

Prima oara nu-si dadea el seama cum sa inainteze,ca se urka cu ambele

picioare pe ea.E o trotineta su 3 roti si nu stau cu frica-n san ca-si pierde ekilibrul.


Pupicei de la noi cat mai putine lovituri si cazaturi.

DAVID-sa-ti treaca repede repede buba:) de la capshor.


id="size3"> Samurai-lady si bb Kenid="red">id="Comic Sans MS">


Pagina personala DC[dc]


Web-poze Kenutz[asia]


[japan]Cum a venit pe lume Samurash bebe[copil]






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Buna fetelor, aseara am scris un mesaj luuung, insa a fost o furtuna puternica, a cazut netul si...[bang]

Lucia, scuze ca iti scriu azi: La multi ani lui[bicla] Liviuid="blue">[flo], sa va bucurati mereu de el si mai ales sa va fie sanatos!

Gabb, multumim pentru oferta, chiar daca englza nu e pe primul loc... gradinita incepe indata si e bine sa fie orice acolo (mai ales in engleza)[flo]

Sanzi, refacere grabnica lui David, imi pare tare rau pentru voi, niste incapabili...

Samurash, bravo lui Kenutzu, victorie, si cate vor mai fi...[:D]

Cristina, se pare ca David si Mariuca ta se inteleg tare bine...[;)]

Va pup, sunt la serviciu (aici merge netul)!



Mamiid="red"> ”de George”id="blue">





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David e bine acum, adica nu prea ii pasa ca are fruntea bandajata si spune cu mare pasiune ca "am dat cu capu de colorifer"! De parca cine stie ce minune a facut el!!!!

Sa vedem la serbarea de la gradi cum va fi asa cu capul bandajat...ce amintire pe capul lui!!! Prima serbare cu capul spart!!!


Drumul la Timisoara a fost o placere pt el, am fost cu trenul cu inca 2 prietete si fetita uneia dintre ele, am stat singure in compartiment, copiii au dormit toata noaptea iar DAvid era in al 9-lea cer ca mergem cu trenul!

Timisoara e un oras ff frumos, a fost ff cald, iar Ladyfest-ul a iesti super. DAvid a fost rasfatat de toata lumea, a stat numai pe afara, a dormit in carucior, s-a jucat numai cu adulti (adulte mai degraba!!!) si s-a indragostit de o austriaca, Rosemary pe care inca o viseaza!!!!


Si da, Mariuca si David sunt ff apropiati...deja discutam despre zestre!!!! hihi...


Samurai lady e tare dulce Kenutzu tau...asa de mult imi place de el...e haios...felicitari pentru realizarea de a merge pe trotineta....


Elena si la mine tot imi face pb netu...poate din cauza ca inca nu am primit factura, de vreo 2 luni si nici nu m-am obosit sa ma duc eu sa platesc...hihihi


". A man should treat all creatures in the world as he himself would like to be treated.




Sinzi [avion]si David[marinar]id="Georgia">

Poze de la intalneala mamicilor de Constanta si a bebeilorid="size2">id="red">id="Book Antiqua">


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Sinzi, imi pare rau pentru al tau pui. Bine ca-i trece repede.


Si Marceline a mea si-a spart spinceana pe masa din salon, asta se intimpla luni seara la 7. Am sunat la doctor sa-l previn, mi-am luat copila si baietii in masina, am fost la doctor care a cusut-o fara anestezie. Noaptea a plins apoi saracuta de durere. Astazi a uitat complet. Simbata o duc inapoi la doctor sa-i scoata firele.


Pupici la toti puii.




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Mik imi pare rau pentru fetita ta...deci oare asa se procedeza peste tot? ii coase fara anestezie???????

Am scapat de clubul muciosilor acum facem clubul copcilor!!!!

Lucia, nu tremuri deloc...actionezi ca un robot...eu am plecat singura la spital...hehe...



". A man should treat all creatures in the world as he himself would like to be treated.




Sinzi [avion]si David[marinar]id="Georgia">

Poze de la intalneala mamicilor de Constanta si a bebeilorid="size2">id="red">id="Book Antiqua">


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ca de obicei tot tarziu reusesc sa va mai scriu si eu cateva randuri.

Peste zi nu prea am loc de Mariuca care se distreaza cu niste joculete foarte frumoase si se descurca nemaipomenit.Cum face o pauza vin si eu dar cum ma vede imi spune sa nu-i inchid jocul cu "Bye Bye".[:)]

Asa ca seara mai citesc si eu un pic.Acum s-a incalzit afara si vom sta cat mai mult in parc si cred ca vom incepe sa mergem si la plaja.Trebuie sa ne schimbam programul deoarece e bine sa mergem dimineata la plaja.

Cu tricicleta inca nu am iesit dar cred ca vom incerca si noi zilele astea.Kenutz bravo mami!!

Lucia ce mi-a placut tractorasul de pe tort.A fost dorinta lui Liviu?Sau a fost o surpriza?

Gabriela am facut si poze dar inca nu am avut timp de ele.Poate le pune Sinziana sau poate reusesc eu maine.

Anina ce mai face Cristina?

Pupici de la noi.Pe maine!




Cristina si Mariucaid="blue">

Povestea nasterii


Prietenii Mariucaiid="blue">


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