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Radar familia Bodnariu


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It can not be a decision on care orders for children on holiday or passing through. In other cases, it must be assessed specifically whether the child has strong enough ties to Norway that it can be taken such a radical measure.


Cu alte cuvinte nu vor emite ordine pentru copiii care sunt in vacanta sau in tranzit. Wow. Nu ma credeati cand scriam ca bugetul le-a scazut si prognozele pentru urmatorii ani sunt si mai nasoale. N-au bani  asa ca pentru turisti se rezuma la consiliere, situatii cu adevarat necesare, etc.

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daca ai vrea sa si traduci....

New guidelines on child protection across borders

News | Date: 12/16/2015

New circular provides guidelines to local authorities on how to handle child welfare cases in which children relate to other countries.

An increasing number of children in Norway is related to other countries, for example by having foreign citizenship, parents or other family abroad. Such cases can be challenging for child welfare services to deal with, and the Ministry has drawn up a circular.

- The circular clearly states that child welfare services should always try to contact the child's family abroad before starting a case concerning care, says Children and Equality Minister Solveig Horne. - If your child is closely related to another country, the CPS consider whether it is best for your child to receive care abroad rather than a care order which means that the child moves to a foster home in Norway.

Help for municipalities

- Municipalities have asked for guidance on how such matters should be handled. The circular will make it easier for social workers in child welfare to know how to proceed, says Horne.

The guidelines provide information on how child welfare services to investigate and follow up children with ties to other countries, how to cooperate with immigration authorities if your child has an ongoing immigration and how to deal with requests from foreign authorities, particularly embassies.

Children belonging to several countries, may be more susceptible and it can be especially challenging to safeguard and protect these children.

- The CPS is primarily a service center, says Minister Solveig Horne. - By coming early into the family and get a good dialogue can build trust and cooperate on aid measures, thus addressing problems before they become too large.

Examining the child care situation

- The child's best child welfare main principle. The child welfare service must take into account the child's ties with Norway and other countries when considering the child care that is best for the child, says Solveig Horne.

The child welfare service shall also cooperate with the immigration authorities if the family has an ongoing immigration case. If children and parents want contact with their home country's embassy, ​​the services must, as a rule to facilitate this.

Ratification of the Hague Convention

The Government is working for Norway to ratify the Hague Convention 1996 in the course of 2016. Upon ratification, Norway will get rules on voluntary placements in foster homes and institutions in other Convention countries. There will also be rules on voluntary placement in foster homes or institutions in Norway on the basis of a decision made in another convention country. A child care will also exceptionally be transferred to another Convention country when this is considered to be best for the child. The Convention contains provisions on cooperation and information exchange with other convention countries. Such cooperation occurs mainly via a central authority in each member country. The Government should therefore designate a central authority under the Convention to provide guidance to municipalities and assist in dialogue with foreign governments. The circular will be adjusted by Norwegian ratification of the Hague Convention in 1996.

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Cum se spune măgărie în limba norvegiană  BURSA 15.01.2016


Cred ca indignarea romanilor are la baza tocmai toleranta fata de abuzuri asupra copiilor.

Nu putem concepe ca niste copii ar putea avea conditii institutionalizate mai bune decat in familie, pentru ca gandul ne duce la conditile din institutiile romanesti.


Sunt foarte putini in institutii. Doar cei care au probleme psihice, cei care necesita supraveghere 24/24 ore. Cei mai multi sunt la asistenti maternali.


De acord ca parintii nu-s perfecti. Dar nici BV, nici asistentii nu sunt.

Puteti citi aici caz aparut azi in presa lor.

Mai bine pun traducerea in engleza ca sa intelegeti mai bine.


Police believe the father from northern Norway first drugged daughters with sleeping pills and then assaults against them - while he was employed by the child welfare system.


Now the father in the 50s indicted for atrocities against their two daughters. One of the aggrieved girls were minors when the abuse started, according to the indictment.

Father of the family - which for several years has been employed in child protection as a manager and worker - should also have taken pictures and filmed assaulting the oldest of daughters. He is therefore also charged with "manufacturing and possession of child sexual abuse or representation sexualize children."

According to the indictment, shall abuses including having taken place in the family home in northern Norway and abroad. Abuses against the elder daughter should have taken place in the period 2006 to 2009, while assaults against the youngest daughter should have happened in the summer of 2012.

Lawyer: Hege Salomon represents one of the victims in the case.

Lawyer: Hege Salomon represents one of the victims in the case.

- Acknowledged parts of indictment

Police believe the father drugged her daughters with a sedative prior to the abuses so they were not able to resist.

- He has acknowledged parts of the indictment, said family father defends VG.

The defender would not comment on what points in the indictment as the father has acknowledged.

After the VG get enlightened, was the father employed in child welfare services in a municipality in northern Norway in several periods from 2009 to 2014. He allegedly had a management position, worked as a social worker and had responsibility for children and young people.

Family His father also worked affairs among psychiatry and church.

According to the indictment, the father of the family also since the beginning of the 1990s, and until this year have threatened and been violent towards his wife and two daughters.

Indicted for domestic violence

Police believe they can prove a pattern of mental and physical abuse - partly because he threatened to commit suicide if the family is not complying with him.

Lawyer Hege Salomon did not want to comment yet beyond that there is a very serious matter as set out in the indictment.

Another local counsel in the case describes assault case as grotesque to VG.

- There is a case that has been a very heavy burden for all the victims, said a legal aid lawyer.

- The family has lived in a permanent situation it described as psychological and material violence, threats and additionally a widespread sexual abuse of especially the one daughter who appears to be pretty awful. While outwardly appears the defendant as a successful person who helps others and who works as a therapist in many contexts.

Another local counsel has not had an opportunity to answer VG inquiries Wednesday.

The trial of the father starts Tuesday in a district court in northern Norway.

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Daca mai tineti minte am scris acum ceva timp ca se va schimba legislatia. S-a publicat o circulara cu noi norme de aplicare pentru copii care nu au cetatenia lor sau au legaturi stranse cu alte tari. Aici e versiunea completa.


Norvegia schimba legislatia, fiindca se fac presiuni asupra ei din toate partile lumii. 

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"De ce nu am așteptat mai multe informații înainte să îmi exprim public susținerea pentru reîntregirea familiei Bodnariu și totodată indignarea față de gestul abuziv făcut de autoritățile norvegiene:

Să fie clar. Nu discutăm despre o diferență de mentalitate în acest caz. Nu dezbatem ce înseamnă să-ți disciplinezi fizic copilul sau cum interpretăm noi și norvegienii, diferit, astfel de gesturi. Vorbim despre practica unei instituții girate de stat de a separa părinții de copii, fără o justificare corespunzătoare, fără o decizie a unei instanțe neutre, fără transparență. Din orice punct de vedere ai privi problema, devine cu atât mai clar că practica autorităților norvegiene nu se înscrie în nicio normă pe care lumea o poate înțelege.

Atitudinea total netransparentă a norvegienilor este primul motiv care m-a făcut să cred în familia Bodnariu și în cauza sa. Mai mult decât atât, nu este singurul caz semnalat de abuz direcționat împotriva unor familii de români. 16 copii români au fost separați de familie, folosind aceleași proceduri. Refuz să cred că suntem atât de incompatibili, noi românii, cu normele impuse de un stat civilizat cum se pretinde a fi Norvegia.

Respectăm legea, dar legea ce respectă? 

S-a discutat foarte mult despre legislația norvegiană pentru protecția copilului. Fără a face o analiză empirică a sistemului legislativ din Norvegia, consideră cineva că este drept sau just să răpești 5 copii din sânul familiei, fără o decizie finală, definitivă și irevocabilă a justiției? Până la urmă legea ne dictează că trebuie să avem încredere în competențele angajaților unei instituții independente (Barnevernet) atunci când vine vorba despre un subiect foarte sensibil, cum este separarea a cinci copii de către părinții lor. Aceeași lege ne dictează că interpretarea unui copil de 9 ani poate atrage după sine distrugerea celulei familiale, dacă acesta spune, în urma unui interogatoriu, ce au nevoie să audă „anchetatorii”.

Și legile pot fi abuzive, sau chiar dacă nu sunt, acestea pot fi interpretate în mod abuziv. De ce trebuie să avem noi încredere în interpretarea legislației de către angajații serviciului local pentru protecția copilului din Norvegia? Putem contesta deciziile lor, putem protesta, ne putem adresa justiției, dar asta numai după ce acești oameni acționează și pur și simplu răpesc copiii din familia care i-a crescut. 

Solidaritatea românilor cu familia Bodnariu îmi dă încredere că familia va fi reîntregită.

Drama familiei Bodnariu este drama unei națiuni. Românii s-au unit și au reacționat, îndemnați de empatie și solidaritate, în sprijinul unei familii care trece prin momente deosebit de dificile. Sunt rare cazurile care pot să mobilizeze un popor sau o națiune. Acesta este unul dintre ele.

Nu trebuie să ne oprim aici, cazul Bodnariu trebuie să fie vizibil și analizat, inclusiv la nivel european. 

Cred cu foarte multă convingere că protecția cetățenilor români, care sunt supuși unui abuz, este de îndatorirea directă a instituțiilor naționale și europene"


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