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Noiembrrrr si o cafea irlandeza cu rom

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Azi ori sunt obosita ori deprimata. Nu am chef de nimic, parca as sta si nu as face nimic. Nici sa vorbesc nu am chef. Nu am un motiv anume. Prea multe pe cap, lucruri care nu imi ies asa cum as vrea, in sfarsit.


Miha, am vazut pozele cu baia in making, imi place tare! O sa fie super!

Ant, super impresionata cu facutul sapunului. Poate ar trebuie sa incerc si eu.


Eu beau mult ceai si cafele, sau cel putin asa cred :)))

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De acord, Din experienta mea (si a multor prieteni din jur, adulti), daca nu beau apa in mod constient, ma trezesc ca trec ore bune si nu am baut niciun lichid (nu beau cafea/ ceai dimineata asa ca nu am reflexul asta).


asta nu e bine deloc si contrazice teoria cu “bei cand ai nevoie”. Nu bei deloc cand ai nevoie si cand se instaleaza senzatia de sete exista ceva deficiente deja.

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De unde acum ceva ani beam apa tot timpul, am devenit un soi de camila si nu imi "amintesc" sa beau apa. Imi impun sa beau doua sticle pe zi (am doua sticle pe birou si le umplu dimineata). 


Daca nu beau suficienta apa, ma doare capul, ma simt obosita cind ma apuc de exercitii...nu sint in largul meu. 

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Roxana, dar studiile spun totuși ca setea e semnul ca ai nevoie de hidratare. Nu ca e deja târziu. 

2 l de apa in 24 de h, nu înseamnă sa bei 2 l de apa, înseamnă sa aduci aport de apa din tot ce consumi in 25 de h. Când ai consumat mai puțin, intervine “setea” ca sa regleze. 

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Roxana, dar studiile spun totuși ca setea e semnul ca ai nevoie de hidratare. Nu ca e deja târziu. 


2 l de apa in 24 de h, nu înseamnă sa bei 2 l de apa, înseamnă sa aduci aport de apa din tot ce consumi in 25 de h. Când ai consumat mai puțin, intervine “setea” ca sa regleze. 


Asa stiu si  eu, Mihaela.

Si apoi indemnul este de 2 litri de lichide  pe zi, asa cum zici tu.  Nu 2 litri de apa.

In aia 2 litri de lichide intra si cafeaua si ciorba, ceaiul, testele de covid.

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Eu nu sint medic dar din ce am citit si din ce mi s-a recomandat este ca daca ti-e sete, e deja tarziu.

Vad ca si Mayo Clinic e de aceeasi parere:




Thirst isn't a helpful indicator of hydration.

In fact, when you're thirsty, you could already be dehydrated, having lost as much as 1 to 2 percent of your body's water content. And with that kind of water loss, you may start to experience cognitive impairments — like stress, agitation and forgetfulness, to name a few.


In theory, a liquid that boosts mood, helps the body function properly and gets rid of excess toxins should be the go-to strategy for better health. But despite the fact that it's essential to survive — and that the body's made up of 60 percent of it — water often becomes a forgotten nutrient.

Want to know if you're hydrated? Check your urine.

Experts say a quick urine check could be the most effective DIY way to tell how hydrated you are. Simply look at the color of your urine. If it's pale yellow, you're hydrated. If it's a darker yellow, it's time for a glass of water (or two).

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends that men drink 15.5 cups of water a day, and women drink 11.5 cups a day. But this is just a guideline.


How much water you need depends on a number of factors, such as what you eat and the way you move your body. Adequate hydration can even change based on climate and what the weather's like on any given day.

But figuring out how hydrated you are is only a part of the hydration equation. Upping your water intake takes practice — and consistency.

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doar asa, de distractie, ma bag si eu in discutie - n-am mai baut apa de sambata [:-)))]


si o sa mai beau sambata care vine (desi nu-s sigura, daca e peste vin se pune? [alcool] )


si acum serios vorbind, stiti povestea mea cu cola zero. daca m-as lua dupa cei care zic ca alte lichide nu se pun, eram stafida demult [:-)))]

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Mayo mai zice și asta: 


Most healthy people can stay hydrated by drinking water and other fluids whenever they feel thirsty. For some people, fewer than eight glasses a day might be enough. But other people might need more.


You might need to modify your total fluid intake based on several factors:

  • Exercise. If you do any activity that makes you sweat, you need to drink extra water to cover the fluid loss. It's important to drink water before, during and after a workout.
  • Environment. Hot or humid weather can make you sweat and requires additional fluid. Dehydration also can occur at high altitudes.
  • Overall health. Your body loses fluids when you have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea. Drink more water or follow a doctor's recommendation to drink oral rehydration solutions. Other conditions that might require increased fluid intake include bladder infections and urinary tract stones.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, you may need additional fluids to stay hydrated.
Is water the only option for staying hydrated?

No. You don't need to rely only on water to meet your fluid needs. What you eat also provides a significant portion. For example, many fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon and spinach, are almost 100% water by weight.

In addition, beverages such as milk, juice and herbal teas are composed mostly of water. Even caffeinated drinks — such as coffee and soda — can contribute to your daily water intake. But go easy on sugar-sweetened drinks. Regular soda, energy or sports drinks, and other sweet drinks usually contain a lot of added sugar, which may provide more calories than needed.


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