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Jurnal de pandemie editia 2021

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Cei mai activi membri în acest subiect

Cei mai activi membri în acest subiect

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Nu, absolut nu este! Eu am fost in vacanța in Spania, unde masca era sfinta, hotelul cerea măști oricunde, in afara de camera, piscina sezlong, mergeam peste tot cu măști! In aeroport m-a luat durerea de git și pina acasă am avut ditai gripa! Luată de unde? DA! MAȘTILE NU FUNCȚIONEAZĂ!


Epidemiologi si studii medicale facute in multe tari te contrazic. 

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 Eu am fost in vacanța in Spania, unde masca era sfinta, hotelul cerea măști oricunde, in afara de camera, piscina sezlong, mergeam peste tot cu măști! 

Plus restaurant/bar  [:-)))] , mai se purtau masti la receptie si pe holul hotelului.

Mastile astea sunt eficiente in aglomeratii, s-au si facut niste studii la evenimente/concerte, cu si fara masca. 

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Da, Instagram, Tik-tok, w up, Snap chat, pe ce ii intereseaza potrivit varstei, am mari dubii ca stau pe  feisbuci la discutii socio-politice oricat de albastra ar fi situatia.


My point. 

Eu am spus FB in mare, asa. Normal ca stau pe retelel pe care spui tu , dar " activistii" acolo sunt si ei, la datorie. Daca crezi ca ii intereseaza doar poze cu catei si pisici te inseli. Ala de a candidat la presedentie, nu tot pe Wapp sau Tiktok tinea lectii cu copiii?

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Meanwhile, Professor Lisa Bero, an expert in study fraud at Cochrane, one of the world's foremost research organisations, warns of 'paper mills' – shadowy companies that operate online, churning out sham studies much like the 'essay mills' that profit by selling work to students.

Academics investigating these paper mills recently flagged more than 1,000 potential research fraud cases linked to them.

'Paper mills can generate hundreds of fraudulent studies, far more than the odd 'bad egg' researcher, and saturate certain topics, such as cardiology. I expect we'll only see more of it in the future,' adds Prof Bero.

Despite being vocal about their concerns, Smith and others argue little has been done within the mainstream medical world over the past few decades to stem the tide of 'tainted data', which means it will likely have been used to underpin NHS medical guidance, potentially putting lives at risk.

'I have no doubt that this is a major threat to global public health,' warns Ian Roberts, Professor of Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, who claims the regulatory systems 'are not fit for purpose'.

In the mid-1990s, South African oncologist Dr Werner Bezwoda claimed to have effectively cured women with late-stage breast cancer by giving them bone-marrow transplants. 

His findings, published in major medical journals, were later revealed to have been invented – but not before thousands of patients had died after undergoing the ineffective treatment.

Eric Poehlman, a Canadian researcher, was the first and one of the only scientists to be jailed for research fraud after ten of his publicly funded studies – looking at weight gain in the menopause, ageing and hormone-replacement therapy – were found to be fabricated.

Then there's Korean pioneer Woo Suk Hwang, who became a national hero when he and his research team reportedly cloned a human embryo and extracted stem cells from it – a technique that could potentially cure a wide range of diseases. The claims turned out to be bogus.

The Covid pandemic, and the global rush to find treatments, has been 'rife' with research fraud, says Prof Bero.

An investigation found that more than a third of the 26 studies into anti-parasitic medication ivermectin, which many hoped could ease Covid symptoms, have signs of potential fraud. 

Studies last year looking at whether the antimalarial hydroxychloroquine could reduce Covid severity – it was touted as a 'wonder drug' by President Trump – were also revealed to have grave flaws.


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In Anglia, mai sunt si alti factori care au crescut incidenta sistemul de sanatate (nepregatit si subfinantat) si starea generala de sanatate a populatiei (  printre cele mai crescute rate de obezitate de pe continent). Plus procesul de vaccinare lent in randul copiiilor.



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In Anglia, mai sunt si alti factori care au crescut incidenta sistemul de sanatate (nepregatit si subfinantat) si starea generala de sanatate a populatiei (  printre cele mai crescute rate de obezitate de pe continent). Plus procesul de vaccinare lent in randul copiiilor.




 Ce inseamna lent?

Vaccinarea adolescentilor a inceput cu cateva saptamani in urma.

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