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Jurnal de pandemie editia 2021

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Eu nu pricep burzuiala [:D] asta a voastra, d eparca Marius a facut impartirea de ...esential si neesential!!!


marius zice ca inchiderea magazinelor neesentiale pentru min. 14 zile nu afecteaza economia.


acu', eu nu stiu cat de des iese marius din casa si pe unde se plimba el prin oradea.

dar stiu ca e dezolant sa intri pe o strada si sa vezi gol, gol, gol, spatii lipite unele de altele goale, cand stii ca nu asa erau cu ceva vreme in urma. am mai scris despre asta, mai demult.


sper sa existe studii, statistici care, peste ani, sa arate nivelul somajului din romania pana la declansarea primului lockdown - 12.03.2020 - si la finalul perioadei de pandemie, cand o fi ala.

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Nu stiu ce vom face, eu sper sa tinem sub control cu mijloacele ce le avem-vaccinarea in primul rind!!!



Ce sa tinem sub control? de asta e nasoala situatia cu Olanda, ca sunt 80 %vaccinati si intra in restrictii. Si poate le vin idei si la altii.

Si mai vine si sezonul rece, sarbatorile, vacanta, etc

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marius zice ca inchiderea magazinelor neesentiale pentru min. 14 zile nu afecteaza economia.


Marius a preluat si adus pe forum o expresie folosita si deja consacrata!!!


Nu Marius a facut impartirea in esential si neesential!!!Altii au factut-o, la nivel de societate, nu discutie pe forum.

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Noua in UK ni s-a promis ca nu vom mai avea lockdown, sper așa sa fie.  Ani de zile va dura pina o sa ne revenim după aceste lockdownuri catastrofale. 5 milioane de oameni își așteaptă rindul la tratament in sistemul medical de stat. Asta e doar un aspect, dar sint multe altele.



Si la noi la fel s-a spus, ca nu vom mai avea lockdown.


Chiar m-am uitat pe corona app si avem 13,4% din statii de terapie intensiva, ocupate.

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Marius a preluat si adus pe forum o expresie folosita si deja consacrata!!!


Nu Marius a facut impartirea in esential si neesential!!!Altii au factut-o, la nivel de societate, nu discutie pe forum.



tot astept statisticile alea. mai demult, postasem eu.



Un milion de români și-au pierdut locul de muncă din cauza noului coronavirus. Industriile cele mai afectate au fost turismul, transporturile, domeniul ospitalității și al restaurantelor, iar criza economică apărută este departe de a se termina. Piața muncii a fost greu încercată în această perioadă. Mulți oameni au rămas fără slujbe, iar angajatorii au fost nevoiți fie să tragă obloanele, fie să reducă drastic activitatea.


sau asa: https://www.zf.ro/companii/cum-schimba-pandemia-piata-muncii-angajatii-romani-spun-ca-au-ramas-19514212


sau asa: https://www.zf.ro/eveniment/aproape-jumatate-milion-locuri-munca-au-disparut-economia-locala-19601168


sau, international: https://romania.europalibera.org/a/efectul-covid-asupra-pietei-muncii/31288753.html

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eu daca mai aud noul coronavirus ma ia mai rau capu'.


nu inteleg nici eu restrictiile din Olanda...nu vreau sa cred nicio teorie a conspiratiei, da'e cam ciudat.  pentru ca asta arata ca nu mai conteaza nici vaccinul. ce sa facem next step? cam ce? sau asta e viata de-acum? restrictii, ca nu se atinge 100% vaccinati.  


mie  80% mi se pare  destul. 

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Am citit un articol tare interesant. 

"When the Covid pandemic ends: Government’s best and worst-case scenarios revealed

‘Steady state’ Covid treated like a routine infection

Under the optimistic scenario, a steady state – meaning the virus is no longer a pandemic threat but has become endemic – would be reached between this year and 2023.

Covid-19 would be treated like a routine infectious disease that no longer causes major surges in hospital admissions or deaths, with testing, vaccination and anti-virals keeping serious cases in check.

Yet this would mean the virus is no longer putting pressure on NHS hospitals in winter, which is not expected for at least another year. Even though hospital admissions due to coronavirus are falling now, they are still at a high level of more than 800 a day.


Under this optimistic scenario, Covid-19 would still be a problem in countries with poor vaccine and testing coverage.

There would be no need to reintroduce any restrictions, and with the virus clearly in retreat throughout 2022, there would be an economic recovery with GDP restored to pre-pandemic levels, and resurgent consumer spending due to a “feelgood” factor that the pandemic was in the past.

Winter pressures for the next two years

The central case, seen as the most likely, would see the steady state reached between 2023 and 2024, with Covid-19 adding to winter pressures for the next two years, but not throughout the rest of the year.

It would mean cases would still be high in some countries and new variants would be causing waves, but they would not be serious due to anti-virals, vaccines and testing.

This central case does not envisage further lockdowns, but there is a possibility of some extra measures if there were winter surges of covid, such as the reintroduction of face masks, as under the Government’s Plan B.

The economic picture would be where we are now – some growth since the slump of 2020, but no major bounceback with people working from home affecting high street recovery, and uncertainty over supply of labour and goods pegging back GDP.

Lockdowns until 2026 as vaccines lose power

The worst case – which is seen as highly unlikely, because it would mean vaccines would no longer be effective against new variants and anti-virals would fail – sketches out a grim scenario in which certain emergency powers such as lockdowns would be needed until 2026, with Covid-19 causing fresh waves and high prevalence around the world.


This would severely dent economic growth in the UK, with the Chancellor once again forced to spend billions to support workers on furlough during further lockdowns and yet more hits on hospitality and retail sectors due to closures. It is likely that many companies which managed to cling on through two years of on-and-off restrictions would be forced to close with resulting job losses.

There is concern across Europe that a fourth wave is threatening hospitals on the continent this winter, with cases surging in Germany and France and a partial lockdown imposed in the Netherlands.

But the UK’s booster campaign, which surpassed 9 million doses this week, could protect this country from the worst of that fourth wave.

One further major development in recent weeks has been the creation of new anti-virals – including Pfizer’s Paxlovid, which trials suggest can reduce hospitalisations by up to 90 per cent – which will cause a serious dent in Covid’s ability to keep spreading.

When and how will pandemic end?

“How” the pandemic will end is an easier question to answer than “when” it will end – with scientists predicting it will be broadly manageable in richer countries which are buying up anti-virals in the tens of thousands of doses, as well as annual booster shots – but poor coverage in developing countries.

This raises the question of whether WHO can declare the pandemic over if many countries could not offer their people a vaccine."


Sursa: https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/covid-pandemic-end-another-year-government-forecasts-1297889

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Eu nu pricep burzuiala [:D] asta a voastra, d eparca Marius a facut impartirea de ...esential si neesential!!! Ati uitat cind s-a inceput vaccinarea ca primii au fost vaccinati "cei din sectoarele esentiale"????Vorbesc de Romania, care a vaccinat batrinii mult mai tirziu fata de cei ...esentioali!!!! [:D]


Incorect, in Ro s-a inceput vaccinarea cu cei batrani. Maica-mea s-a vaccinat in ianuarie si februarie, chiar in prima tura. Apoi au inceput cei esentiali. 

Imi aduc aminte discutia din primavara cand ziceai ca tatal tau nu se poate vsccina si toata lumea iti spunea ca se poate. 

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