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Cei mai activi membri în acest subiect

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There is a consensus in Africa that agriculture is one of the keys to achieving sustainable and inclusive growth there. Most of Africa’s population and its poor depend on agriculture, so this sector can provide potentially significant gains. Agriculture also has the potential to become one of the growth engines of the continent, help Africa’s industrialization through agro-processing and agro-business, and reduce the dependence on the services sector, which is currently the main driver of growth. Because of these advantages and despite its current low production, its high poverty, and the looming threat of climate change, Africa is uniquely placed to be a rising agricultural leader.

Indeed, Arezki, Denininger, and Selod (2012) find that a country’s attractiveness to foreign investors correlates directly to large amounts of uncultivated land with the potential to generate significant output. Now, where on planet Earth would we find such a treasure? Well, Africa accounts for about 60 percent of the world’s arable land, and most of its countries do not achieve 25 percent of their potential yield. No wonder, therefore, that there has been an increased interest on large-scale investment in agriculture in Africa, especially by China.



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There is a consensus in Africa that agriculture is one of the keys to achieving sustainable and inclusive growth there. Most of Africa’s population and its poor depend on agriculture, so this sector can provide potentially significant gains. Agriculture also has the potential to become one of the growth engines of the continent, help Africa’s industrialization through agro-processing and agro-business, and reduce the dependence on the services sector, which is currently the main driver of growth. Because of these advantages and despite its current low production, its high poverty, and the looming threat of climate change, Africa is uniquely placed to be a rising agricultural leader.

Indeed, Arezki, Denininger, and Selod (2012) find that a country’s attractiveness to foreign investors correlates directly to large amounts of uncultivated land with the potential to generate significant output. Now, where on planet Earth would we find such a treasure? Well, Africa accounts for about 60 percent of the world’s arable land, and most of its countries do not achieve 25 percent of their potential yield. No wonder, therefore, that there has been an increased interest on large-scale investment in agriculture in Africa, especially by China.

Adica daca stau pe asa un pamint fertil te astepti sa il cultive si sa se hraneasca, ba sa ma vinda si la altii. Ori asa ceva nu se intimpla, din contra, multi acolo asteapta sa fie hraniti de alte popoare. Astepta sa vina chinezii sa le cultive pamintul? 

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AAMOF , da. Pentru ei utilajele si fertilizatii si pesticidele sunt fff scumpe.


Africa's land size is larger than China, India, the US and most of Europe combined. More than half is arable land, suitable for crop growing. The weather in different parts of Africa provides perfect conditions for the growth of various crops.


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Farming inputs especially fertilisers are pricier in Africa. Most small-scale farmers simply do not use them as they are priced beyond reach. Even those who do use them often use the wrong ones as there is no soil testing. Africa uses 24kg of fertiliser per hectare of cropland, five times less than the global average.


Jane feels the direct effect of such missing inputs. In 2021, while she harvested 180kg of maize from her 0.8ha, her neighbour, Joseph – who is a teacher and uses some fertilisers on his maize – got 2,070kg from a plot of similar size, though yields were lower than in previous years. He sold some and had enough left to feed his family for a whole year. Jane has never used any fertilisers because “they are so expensive for poor people,” she says. 


Such real-life examples show how piecemeal policy intervention and low-quality investment are impacting food security, poverty, and inequality. And because the sector is dominated by women practising small-scale farming such as Jane, women are disadvantaged disproportionately. Women perform 66% of the farm work, produce 50% of the food yet only earn 10% of the income and own 1% of the agriculture property. For developing countries, closing the gender gap in agriculture would mean women increasing their yields by up to 30% and reduce the number of hungry people in the world by up to 17%. 

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E una din cauzele pentru care au aparut noii colonialisti in africa, Nigerul lupta sa se elibereze de colonialismul francez, ajutati de noii colonialisti:) sau tarile dincommonwealth carora nu le mai place sub coroana britanica.

Pleaca francezii si vin chinezii, ca africanii nu-s in stare sa se mobilizeze.Atitea tari africane si-au declarat independenta, ca sa faca ce cu ea? In atitea zeci de ani, sint la acelasi nivel ca inainte de independenta, daca nu mult mai rau. Mi-am pierdut demult compasiunea pentru Africa.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Să nu exagerăm (nu în privința atrocităților, ci a faptului că nicăieri nu e siguranță.) Conflictul israelo-palestinian nu e ceva nou, e o rană deschisă, extrem de complex. Au găsit o breșă pe fundalul agitației politice din Israel și încăpățânării lui Netanyahu de a rămâne la putere. 

Sunt convinsă că Hamas-ul va avea în final aceeași soartă ca ISIS, dar pace nu va fi prea curând în zonă. Doar armistiții întrerupte periodic de conflicte deschise.

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