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[cool] multumesc pentru ciorba de fasole - asa o fac si eu dar parca nu e asa de gustoasa ca la unele restaurante [q] iar cum eu merg in Ro mereu in plina vara ma oboseste sa comand fasole la pranz + e asa de satioasa ca nici nu am nevoie de felul 2 Cu rabdare si perseverenta nimic nu e imposibil.
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Luna, acum am vazut intrebarea ta; eu fac tot asa ciorba de fasole, numai ca le fierb cam jumatate din timp separat ciolanul si fasolea, si le mut pe ambele in apa proaspata (fierbinte) pentru ultimele 30 minute(la foc mic), cind fac si rintasul pe care-l sting cu suc de rosii; o acresc cu otet de pe tarhon (o fac intotdeauna cu tarhon pe care-l pastrez in borcane in otet in frigider- are gust mult mai bun decit proaspat, in mincare); smintina o servim in farfurie, la masa, cine vrea. are cineva reteta de gombotz cu brinza(fara prune)? mersi! http://www.floriinro.ro/ credinta vede invizibilul, crede incredibilul si primeste de la Dumnezeu imposibilul
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supa de fructe Se face din mar ,visine,gutui,cirese.Atat din fructe proaspete cat si din compot.Poti combina doua feluri de fructe e mai bun. Daca faci din fructe crude trebuie fierte in apa cu zahar si facut un habarash(smantana cu faina sau jumatate de budinca de vanilie)cu care se ingroasa zeama supei.Ea nu tre sa fie dulce cu dulce acrisoara la gust.Daca faci din compot ,re diluat si adaugat inca zahar. papanash cu branza pesmet de paine cu putin ulei il prajeste maroniu la foc mic. Branza se indulceste dupa gust se adauga un ou si gris.Sa nu adaugi prea mult gris ca daca e prea mult se intaresc f tare.Pun o oala cu apa cu sare la fiert ,cand fierbe apa fac bile cu mana si le fierb in apa.Daca mi se par prea moi mai adaug gris la branza nefiarta. se mai poate pune zahar vanilat sau stafide.Cand sau fiert le clatesc cu apa rece si le invelesc cu pesmet.Se serveste cu zahar ,cu smantana .Fiecar cum ii place. cylyche [mamica] lui Eduard (16.08.2007)
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Ana,ciorba ta de fasole e pe gustul meu - mi-am salvat reteta vad ca reteta de gombotz a fost postata deja...nu am mancat de veci de cand cu topicul asta imi tot vin idei noi de mancare pacat ca mai nou nu am nici o pofta de mancare ieri de ex.am facut o prajitura cu mere - tot invatata la mama acasa supersimpla si foarte buna bineinteles dar cand veni vorba sa o gust -nimic acum am pe lista de asteptare si turos gomboc - bine ca e usor de facut si in varianta dietetica Cu rabdare si perseverenta nimic nu e imposibil.
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revin pentru a-mi cere scuze pentru ca tot amintesc de dieta,dietetic,sanatos - dar am o adevarata manie [fuga] promit ca ma abtin... [bicla] cat mai multe retete eu putin lenesa in a pune retete dar am destule...daca exista vreo cerere expresa ma incumet[biz] in ale scrisului altfel citesc si [:D] copy-paste Cu rabdare si perseverenta nimic nu e imposibil.
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salutare , citit ce retete aveti voi pe aici , super ! o parte le mai faci si eu in varianta mai dietetica :) . bunica mea facea o ciorba cu zeama de varza acra si crutoane . nu imi aduc aminte mai mult , era f simplu de facut .... si bunutza . o stiti ? eu nu mai vizualizez decat o ciorba alb-galbui si stiu ca era buna . poate ... o stiti voi ?! pupici D [url="http://tickers.baby-gaga.com/t/bunbunard20061129_-8_P.png"]BeBelusca[/url]
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apropo de supa de fasole uscata: eu o fac in felul urmator: fasolea (inmuiata cu o seara inainte) vreo 2 cuburi de supa- ori afumat, ori supa de carne de orice fel, si carnati, apa si boia, toate in kukta. Nush cat timp fierb, ma orientez dupa miros:) Atunci e buna, cand fasolea incepe sa pocneasca[pofta]. Supa asta nu trebuie ingrosata, se ingroasa singura de la fasole:) Bunica mea mai punea si zarzavat si galuste de faina mai marunte in supa, (se numeste "csipetke", iar supa se numeste Jokai babgulyas). Offf ce pofta mi-am facut:) Gabi+Robert(20.05.1997)+Lili(17.05.2002) [url="http://cards.webshots.com/invite/pickup/132151376FICi/album/559662607HquaFl"]poze[/url] [url="http://forum.desprecopii.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=97022&whichpage=1"] Totul despre alaptat![/url]
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despre a fi maghiar... You Know You're Hungarian... 1. When you use sour cream more than ketchup. 2. When your parents come to visit for 3 weeks and you all stay in a one bedroom apartment. 3. When feeding your guests is your main priority even if they claim they're not hungry and in which case you get slightly offended/upset that they don't want your hospitality. 4. When someone says that Hungarian "is like Russian and all those other Slavic languages," and then you have to go into great detail about the origins of Hungarian with a scolding history lesson. 5. When Paprika is just as important as salt & pepper on the table & in food. 6. When you know what Unicum is and prefer it over Jagrmeister. 7. When it's shocking for you to realize that TV channels of foreign countries don't broadcast full live coverage of kayak-canoe and water polo world championships in prime time. 8. When you tell someone that you are Hungarian, they ask "Are you hungry?" Then you congratulate them on being the millionth person to say that to you. 9. When you've heard, "If you're hungry, why not go to Turkey?" at least once in your life. 10. When you have a relative who's named Attila. Or Jozsef. Or Janos. Or Laszlo. 11. When half of your mothers friends husbands have the name Jozsef. 12. When you know that the "goulash" you see in many restaurants has in actuality little/nothing to do with the gulyas leves we really eat. 13. When meeting another Hungarian in a country outside of Hungary is amazing. 14. When you know the meaning of "kurva" even if you don't know any other Hungarian word. 15. When you love Turó Rudi but cant really explain to foreigners what the hell that is untill they try it. 16. When your foreign friends ask you if you still believe that Santa Claus brings the presents on the night between December 24th-25th... then you answer somehow confused that Santa Claus brings the presents on the 6th of December and it is actually Little Jesus who brings the presents on Christmas, but the presents are already there on the 24th at 6PM. 17. When a pancake is extremely flat in your country and you roll it up instead of folding it. 18. When you know the phrase "three is the Hungarian truth". 19. When you do not speak with your mouth full. 20. When guys keep telling you that Hungarian girls are the cutest and prettiest and hope that you just believe it and they get laid. 21. When they wanna show off by saying that they know your capital: Bucharest and no, they are not joking! 22. When you go into a Chinese restaurant and order your Sechuan chicken with french fries, cucumber salad and ask for a few slices of bread as well. 23. When you have a funny accent in every other language you speak. 24. When you love Mákos Guba and you can't explain what MÁK is, neither GUBA to anyone.. and if you finallly can, everyone will think you're some kind of weirdo for eating that. 25. When catching a bus an old lady with lots of heavy bags runs by you and reaches the bus first, then sits down panting and complaining how old she is and how the stuff is heavy and young people are not well educated, etc. 26. When you start counting on your hand with one being the thumb. 27. When you can swear for 5 minutes straight, with one breath, not using the same word, ever. 28. When you know what 'lángos' is. 29. When you can show off your engagement ring, worn on the opposite hand. 30. When you know why the bells of every church ring every day at noon. 31. When you have difficulty pronouncing words started with "W" in English, but you're capable of creating long and meaningful sentences using only "E" vowels in you mother tongue. 32. When you would rather stand up in a tram/trolley when there are plenty of seats available. 33. When you have more excuses for the kontrollers than you have tickets. 34. When the train hasn't even left the station, but you are already eating your home made sandwiches (usually with half a paprika or tomato in it). And most likely include Wienerschnitzel. 35. When you call a 79 km long lake (the Balaton) the Hungarian Sea. And you are able to swim across it! 36. When you can eat ANYTHING deep fried (with breadcrumbs on it) and can make spirits (pálinka) of (almost) EVERYTHING, including paprika of course! 37. When you NEVER leave home with wet hair because you can get a cold and you ALWAYS bring your hair dryer when going abroad, and are astonished when people do not have one in their own homes! 38. When you sit always on the same place and chair, even when the (class)room is empty and "your" place is in the end of the room. 39. When zou cant tzpe on and english kezboard because y ans z are mixed up. 40. When you know the difference between s and sz. and also u and ü. 41. When you know what a pogácsa/dobos torta/kürt#337;s kalács/f#337;zelék/túrógombóc is, and love most of them. 42. When you understand cynism and sarcasm; you sometimes go cynical/sarcastic yourself. 43. When you kind of dislike Turkish/Albanian people even tough you have never seen one in your life - you have the strange idea that they must all be related to jumurdzsák and his evil lot. 44. When you are more creative in cheating then any other nationality. 45. When Winnie the Pooh and The Flintstones is actually much funnier translated into your language than the original. 46. When you go abroad and joke with the people there as at home and they just don't understand but get possibly hurt by your funny remarks. 47. When you are snobby and think that anyone who has not read Dostoyewski and Bulgakow is not an intelligent human being. 48. When your language has two words for love. 49. When you deeply believe that Budapest (or your hometown) is the most beautiful city in the whole wide word and -just to make sure- you swear for that before going up to the Eiffel tower. 50. When you know that "a copper angel whistling on a willow tree" is actually a swear-expression! 51. When you have Szaloncukor! On a Christmas tree! :D 52. When you have a nameday and no one foreign understands what that is good for. 53. When instead of a good fruit salad, you'd rather make Pálinka out of your fruits, (and you swear on its healing power - of course). 54. When you use fruit to make soup. 55. When you greet everyone with a kiss on the cheeks! - Even a guy to another guy. 56. When you know that all geniuses and celebrities have some relation with Hungarians. Or they just simply are Hungarians. 57. When you put ketchup on your pizza. 58. When you collect and take home spoons, glasses, blankets, magazines etc. from the ariplane. 59. When you can pronounce easilly long words like: megszentségtelenitéshetetlenségeskedéseitekért" and you even know it has a meaning. 60. When you smuggle in drinks and food in your bag when you go to the cinema, just to save money. 61. When you know that all parts of a pig are edible, and it takes only half a day, some friends from the countryside and 2L palinka to prove it. 62. When you put on makeup and fancy clothes even when going to the grocery store. 63. When you have guests, you make at least 2 kinds of soup (sweet and salty), 4 different main courses, and at least 2 kinds of cakes, even though you know it's way too much. 64. When you know what is the difference between "puszi" and "csók"! 65. When you think it's perfectly reasonable to take small kids (<1 year) for a walk when the outside temperature is below zero, because they need some fresh air. 66. When you know what a Hungarian orange is. It's slightly yellower, it's slightly sharper, but our own. 67. When you tell to every single person that the Rubik's cube was invented in Hungary. 68. When for every meaning there are about 5 words. 69. When any foreigner's passing mention of Transylvania will set off a twenty-minute rant about
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