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asta e partea canadiana a povestii: B.C. sect prays for commune members at raided Texas ranch Leader unaware if any children seized are from his community Last Updated: Monday, April 21, 2008 | 8:06 AM ET Comments6Recommend14CBC News The leader of a polygamist sect in British Columbia says he doesn't know if any children from his commune are among the 400 taken into custody from a similar sect in West Texas this month. A Texas court heard Friday during custody hearings that Canadian children are believed to be among the 416 youths seized by child welfare workers from the Yearning for Zion Ranch, near the town of Eldorado. Winston Blackmore, the spiritual leader of the commune in Bountiful, B.C., said while he's had no contact with the Texas sect for six years and is unfamiliar with its members, he is concerned about the seizure of the children. "Any parent should be concerned about every child, whether they are Canadian or not," Blackmore said during a rare interview with the Canadian Press. "A lot of those people are our relatives and our friends and I'm concerned about them. I'm sure sorry that [the raid] happened." Hundreds gathered in the community's temple on Sunday to pray for those in Eldorado, with some of the cars in the parking lot bearing plates from Alberta and Idaho. The Yearning for Zion Ranch is owned by the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a breakaway Mormon sect. Built by polygamist leader Warren Jeffs, the sect came to West Texas in 2003 and includes about 1,000 followers in Bountiful. Allegiances in the southeastern B.C. community are said to be divided between Blackmore and Jeffs, who is in jail in Arizona awaiting a second trial on charges of incest and sexual conduct with a minor. At the order of Judge Barbara Walther, a mobile genetic lab began taking DNA samples Monday at the shelter where the children are being kept in order to determine parentage and whether sexual abuse may have occurred. Parents will be able to submit samples Tuesday in Eldorado, closer to the ranch. State officials will begin to relocate some of the children once DNA sampling is completed. Child welfare officials claim the children seized in Eldorado were abused or in imminent danger of abuse because the sect encourages girls younger than 18 to marry and have children. Experts have told the court that many of the women in the sect had children when they were minors, some as young as 13. A Phoenix reporter covering the case, Mike Watkiss, said it's been alleged children within the sect have travelled back and forth between the U.S. and Bountiful. "It's long been suspected that when media or the law enforcement officers start looking for a child [who] may be in distress, that they are often spirited across the border to Canada and vice versa," said Watkiss. British Columbia Attorney General Wally Oppal has said he was informed by officials in Ottawa that some of the children seized were Canadians. Authorities raided the compound on April 3 after receiving reports a 15-year-old girl had married a 50-year-old man and given birth to his child. Officials have not yet located the girl, now 16, who called authorities to say her husband abused her. Doamne'ajuta! [url="http://community.webshots.com/user/TribulOstacheV"]POZE[/url] http://maru-incotro.blogspot.com/
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dupa cum spune si in articol, e vorba de o ramura extrema mormona, care isi facuse stat in stat in Texas, presa de mult rascolea povestea asta, mai ales dupa ce liderul lor, Profetul lor a fost pe lista Most Wanted a FBI si a fost prins anul trecut parca. L-au cautat astia si aici in Canada. Fiind vorba de o comunitate inchisa, si poligama, casatoriile sa faceau aproape intre rude, barbatul casei are si 8 neveste, sotii-surori cum se apeleaza ele intre ele, si aveau si cate 50 de copii. Autoritatile americane s-au sezisat cand fete de 14 ani si chiar mai mici au fost casatorite dupa voia profetului cu barbati de peste 50 de ani, si cum scopul lor este de a face copii, imaginati-va... Sunt bogati, au afaceri foarte intinse, capul afacerilor e profetul comunitatii, biserica ia mare parte din profit si decide cine si cum si unde primeste contracte, de munca, care face bani... Doamne'ajuta! [url="http://community.webshots.com/user/TribulOstacheV"]POZE[/url] http://maru-incotro.blogspot.com/
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BUST-UP IN BOUNTIFUL Late October 2005, just off Interstate 25 in Pueblo, Colorado – 150 miles south of Denver, local police observe a late model SUV swerving through a stop sign. Police found money, cell phones and a donation jar in Seth Jeff's van. NEW: Read an update to this story.ON THE RUN: WARREN JEFFS The vehicle is stopped, its two occupants detained. Thirty-two-year-old Seth Jeffs is arrested for solicitation of a male prostitute. Nathaniel Steed Allred, twenty-seven, is arrested for prostitution when he admits that he had been paid $5,000 by Seth Jeffs for sexual services. Hidden inside the van police find a box containing $140,000 in cash, cell phones, $7,000 in prepaid credit cards. They also find a donation jar labeled 'Pennys For the Prophet.' Upon further investigation police establish that the two men are couriers on a supply run to assist a fugitive named Warren Jeffs (see photo above), the self-proclaimed prophet and supreme leader of a polygamous sect known as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS). The FLDS is a break-away Mormon splinter group that believes that if a man wants to find salvation, enter the celestial kingdom of God and possibly become a God himself, he needs at least three wives. It is rumored that Warren Jeffs has 50 wives. Warren Jeffs is also on the FBI's Most Wanted list, a fugitive who has been indicted on charges including two counts of sexual assault with a minor and conspiracy to commit sexual conduct with a minor. The 10,000-member FLDS church has been based in the twin cities of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona. The Canadian chapter of the FLDS is located in a community named Bountiful, located just outside Creston, British Columbia and headed by Winston Blackmore. A recent photo of Winston Blackmore skating with three of his children. TROUBLE IN BOUNTIFUL In 2003, the fifth estate's Hana Gartner sat down with the then-Bishop of Bountiful in an exclusive interview to talk about his life there, his 26 wives and 80 children, his faith, and allegations of child brides and of abuse in the church's chapter in Canada. At the time, the picture Winston Blackmore painted of Bountiful was of an idyllic, although secretive, existence. But, in three years, Blackmore's world has changed dramatically. Long considered a rival to Warren Jeffs, Blackmore was finally ex-communicated from the FLDS church for questioning Jeffs' predictions that the world was going to end. This split the Bountiful community into two, those choosing to follow Winston Blackmore and those that remained loyal to the new prophet, Warren Jeffs. The split has turned brother against brother, sister against sister, and ultimately family against family in Bountiful. Winston Blackmore is clear who is responsible for the situation, Warren Jeffs. "He has ruined our faith structure, he has ruined our marriage system. He has ruined our educational values. It is almost hypocrisy to consider that someone is the prophet, the president of a church and they literally spoil and destroy their people." Doamne'ajuta! [url="http://community.webshots.com/user/TribulOstacheV"]POZE[/url] http://maru-incotro.blogspot.com/
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TIMELINE: HISTORY OF POLYGAMY EARLY 1830s: Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormon Church, shares the principle of polygamy with an inner circle of church leaders. 1843: Smith discloses the principle of celestial, or plural, marriage. 1862: The first U.S. federal law is passed outlawing polygamy. 1885: Polygamists begin flight to Mexico and Alberta. 1890: As Utah vies for statehood, LDS church leader Wilford Woodruff issues "Official Declaration" suspending the practice of polygamy because it is contrary to the laws of the land. Many polygamists moved to Colorado City, Arizona. 1928: The first break-away sect of polygamists move to Short Creek, Arizona enticed by its isolation. 1924: The United Effort Plan is formally established to manage properties and affairs for the fundamentalists. 1944: Federal agents instigate raids on polygamists at Short Creek. Simultaneous sweeps are carried out in Utah, Idaho and other Arizona sites. 1953: Arizona law enforcement descends on Short Creek on July 26 and arrests 31 men and nine women practicing polygamy. Some 263 women and children are taken into state custody. It is a public relations nightmare. One that is not to be forgotten and makes Arizona and Utah reluctant to move on the polygamists again. LATE 1950s: Canadian polygamists in British Columbia align with fundamentalists in Short Creek. 1961: Short Creek is renamed Colorado City, Arizona. 1986: FLDS President LeRoy Johnson dies. Rulon T. Jeffs is named president. Winston Blackmore of Canada is named as a trustee. 1990: A number of women who fled from polygamy demand an investigation into polygamous practice at Bountiful. The Creston RCMP launches an investigation . FLDS leader Rulon Jeffs with two of his wives shortly before his death. 2002: Rulon Jeffs, FLDS leader, has a series of strokes. A few months before his death in September 2002, Rulon signs an order removing Winston Blackmore as a UEP trustee. On Sept. 8, Rulon Jeffs dies. He is succeeded by his son Warren Jeffs. Within six months of Rulon Jeffs's death, Blackmore has been ex-communicated, removed from the board of the Bountiful elementary-secondary school and his children and those of his followers shunned and forced to leave the school. Winston Blackmore breaks away from Jeffs and tries to distance himself from "purported criminal behaviour". 2003: On March 5, the Utah legislature approves tougher penalties for men who take young girls as their plural wives. Child bigamy, or marrying a second wife who is under the age of 18, is punishable by 1 to 15 years in prison. On August 14, Hildale police officer Rodney Holm, who was wed in a spiritual marriage to his wife's sister, is convicted of one count of bigamy and two counts of unlawful sex with a minor. He is sentenced to one year in jail. On August 22, Utah and Arizona officials hold a summit in St. George to discuss polygamy issues. Warren Jeffs, head of the FLDS in the U.S. is now on the FBI's most wanted list.SEPTEMBER 2003: Bountiful is split between Winston Blackmore followers and Warren Jeffs followers. They go to the B.C. Supreme Court. Blackmore and his supporters lose control of the school and the school's society. It also means Blackmore loses access to over $700,000 a year grant from the B.C. Education Ministry. Winston refits one of the few buildings he owns in Bountiful as Mormon Hills School, which now receives $363,000 in government grants. He starts buying property just south of Bountiful across the B.C.-Idaho border to welcome FLDS members ex-communicated by Jeffs. He purchases 45 acres around Bonner's Ferry, Idaho. Warren Jeffs buys properties near Mancos, Colorado and Eldorado, Texas. The latter, a 2,000-acre parcel of land purchased for $674,515, is bought on behalf of YFZ Land Corp, believed to stand for "Yearning for Zion". The dormitory style buildings, each 28,000 square feet and a three-story temple, are at the center of the community. Utah's Attorney General Mark Shurtleff has decided to get tough on polygamy. On October 16, Utah's Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, backed by the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, announces his intention to investigate the Hildale police force and recommends decertification for all officers who have multiple wives. 2004: FLDS church leader Warren Jeffs ex-communicates 21 men, ordering them out of the community and stripping them of their wives and children. SUMMER 2004: British Colombia Attorney General Geoff Plant announces the start of an RCMP investigation into allegations of child abuse, forcible marriage and sexual exploitation. Idaho legislature forms an interim committee to investigate rumours of Mexican baby brides being sold to men in southern Idaho and allegations of border crossings by young brides for the community of Bountiful. APRIL 16, 2005: Winston Blackmore holds a polygamy summit in Creston, British Columbia and invites Attorneys General from Idaho and British Columbia. They don't attend. Winston appears to offer his followers more freedom. Fifteen of Winston's plural wives attend a conference in Winnipeg that focuses on sexual abuse in closed communities. The wives make national news by urging the federal government to raise the age of sexual consent to 16 from 14. JUNE 16, 2005: An Arizona grand jury indicts Warren Jeffs on two counts of felony child sex abuse for his role in planning and performing the marriage of a 16-year-old girl to a man that was already married. He could face two years in jail. Jeffs also faces 2 civil suits in Utah, one from young men expelled from the church and another from a nephew who has accused him of sexual abuse. Two U.S. courts determine he is trying to avoid being served with papers regarding two lawsuits against him and the United Effort Plan trust. One suit, launched last July by Brent Jeffs, alleges that Warren Jeffs, his uncle, began molesting him when he was five. Since Jeff fails to file a statement of defence, and the UEP trust also did not file a statement of defence, lawyers for Brent ask court to freeze the UEP trust. Utah authorities seize FLDS's biggest asset the UEP trust, registered in that state. It controls ¾ of Bountiful's land—all the farms, ranches, and homes. Utah officials remove the Board of Directors. Warren Jeffs is on the run, authorities believe he may be in Canada. Police found money, cell phones and a donation jar in Seth Jeff's van. OCTOBER 2005: On October 28, a deputy in Pueblo County, Colorado pulls over a SUV driving erratically around 3:00 a.m. What appears to be a simple traffic violation is the break the FBI have been waiting for. After obtaining a state search warrant, deputies examine the contents of the van and find a cardboard box hidden inside the vehicle. There they discover over $140,000 in cash, a collection of cell phones, $7,000 in prepaid credit cards along with documents and personal letters addressed to " The Prophet". They also find a donation jar labeled"Pennys For the Prophet" As police begin to dig deeper into the case they realize that the two men in the car, Nathaniel Steed Allred and Seth Steed Jeffs were in fact couriers in the midst of a supply run to assist fugitive Warren Jeffs. NOVEMBER 2005: One of Winston Blackmore's wives faces deportation. Edith Barlow came to Canada 10 years ago to marry Winston Blackmore. She had five children with him. Her application to extend her visitor visa and for permanent residency in Canada under humanitarian and compassionate grounds is rejected. She has been ordered out of the country. Immigration Canada says marriage is recognized but a spouse cannot sponsor more than one wife. Barlow had appealed. Winston Blackmore talks to reporters in December 2005.NOVEMBER 4, 2005: Winston appears in a Utah courtroom asking for a seat on the UEP t
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Originally posted by maru
dupa cum spune si in articol, e vorba de o ramura extrema mormona, care isi facuse stat in stat in Texas, presa de mult rascolea povestea asta, mai ales dupa ce liderul lor, Profetul lor a fost pe lista Most Wanted a FBI si a fost prins anul trecut parca. L-au cautat astia si aici in Canada. Fiind vorba de o comunitate inchisa, si poligama, casatoriile sa faceau aproape intre rude, barbatul casei are si 8 neveste, sotii-surori cum se apeleaza ele intre ele, si aveau si cate 50 de copii. Autoritatile americane s-au sezisat cand fete de 14 ani si chiar mai mici au fost casatorite dupa voia profetului cu barbati de peste 50 de ani, si cum scopul lor este de a face copii, imaginati-va... Sunt bogati, au afaceri foarte intinse, capul afacerilor e profetul comunitatii, biserica ia mare parte din profit si decide cine si cum si unde primeste contracte, de munca, care face bani... Doamne'ajuta! [url="http://community.webshots.com/user/TribulOstacheV"]POZE[/url] http://maru-incotro.blogspot.com/
WOW!O adevarata mafie si ...(nu pot scrie,intelegi tu1)
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[:-)))] MARULE ma omori...nu poti sa faci si tu un rezumat....ai scris cotidianul de canada in intregime..[:D] tre' sa iau vacanta sa cetesc tot...zi care este deznodamantul? hai salut la toate! [url="http://andreanum.wordpress.com/2008/02/08/bagajelul-de-amintiri/"]Mata Emma lupta iar cu cancerul[/url] http://www232.rockyou.com/my_gallery.php?source=smgb&instanceid=84575297&islocal=true# http://www232.rockyou.com/show_my_gallery2.php?i
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of, principeso, am vrut sa va dau informatia toata. da, da stiu ca engleza ta e mai ruginita, asta e, nu poti sa e ai pe toate[:D] (tot nu mi-a trecut cu bautul la volan) vezi si tu ca am scris intr-un mesaj un rezumat. duminica au dat astia pe cbs parca un film facut acu cativa ani despre sotia unuia din bishopii lor care a fugit la Gentili, asa cum numesc ei societatea din afara comunitatii lor Doamne'ajuta! [url="http://community.webshots.com/user/TribulOstacheV"]POZE[/url] http://maru-incotro.blogspot.com/
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Tu, Lara, da Bivolaru avea si 26 de neveste? stii cum se culca cu ele? aveau tabel, panou, unde erau trecute fiecare nevasta si perioadele de fertilitate. Si care era in perioada de fertilitate aia avea acces la sot, dar in acelasi timp aveau grija ca nici una sa nu fie favorita... eu il mai necajesc pe Victor si ii zic ca daca ar fi avut atatea neveste, cum s-ar fi descurcat? Doamne'ajuta! [url="http://community.webshots.com/user/TribulOstacheV"]POZE[/url] http://maru-incotro.blogspot.com/
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marule, te-as baga undeva ..dar stiu ca nu mai incapi,mai ales dupa ce ai mancat un galon de inghetata[:D]...si daca scriai in ro "articulu" ala lung..tot n-aveam timp sa-l cetesc..io mi-s pe fuga. sa mor de ras [:-)))]ca pe baiatul meu nu mai pot sa-l imbrac decat cum vrea el si sa-l incalt la fel.uneori isi schimba 3 sau patru perechi de incalataminte pana se decide cu ce vrea...si inca nu are 2 ani..cum o fi cand o avea iubita??[:-)))]fudulu'mami. da mai marule si cum iti ziceam cu bautul.. ex la mine la servici de multe ori beam vin la masa de pranz..dat chiar de boshii companiei..ca sa vezi si tu de ce nu vreau eu sa emigrez din ve...trai neneaca.[:D] si serios daca lumea este asa de constipata si agresiva la volan...singurul agresiv este barbatul meu(la volan ma refer)ca de, el asa a invatat in tarisoara lui ca soferii tre sa injure si sa claxoneze[blabla] lali,ce e cu bivolaru? da ' sa nu-mi pui si tu un roman(ca maru) sa cetesc..fa-mi o descriere a personajului[:)] [url="http://andreanum.wordpress.com/2008/02/08/bagajelul-de-amintiri/"]Mata Emma lupta iar cu cancerul[/url] http://www232.rockyou.com/my_gallery.php?source=smgb&instanceid=84575297&islocal=true# http://www232.rockyou.com/show_my_gallery2.php?i
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