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Cu cat ar trebui platita o mama casnica?

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http://swz.salary.com/momsalarywizard/layoutscripts/mswl_newsearch.asp What Is Mom's Job Worth? (Salary.com) Are you wondering what mom should be paid for her work as mom? Salary.com has now valuated the "mom job" of both the Working and Stay at Home Mom! We consulted Stay at Home and Working Moms to determine the top 10 jobs that make up a mom’s job description. If paid, Stay at Home Moms would earn $134,121 annually (up from 2005’s salary of $131,471). Working Moms would earn $85,876 annually for the “mom job” portion of their work, in addition to their actual “work job” salary. We found the job titles that best matched a mom’s definition of her work to be (in order of hours spent per week): housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO, and psychologist. New job titles that made the list in 2006 include psychologist, laundry machine operator, computer operator, and facilities manager. The job title of nurse fell out of the top 10 this year. Now moms and their families can use The Mom Salary Wizard to create their own “mom paycheck”. The tool allows moms and their families to price the “mom job”, based on location and mom's personal hours worked in each of the 10 roles. Users can create a hypothetical mom paycheck and mom pay stub, which can be printed and emailed to family and friends for Mother’s Day. Doamne'ajuta!
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Au uitat sa mentioneze couple therapist(de cite ori discuta cu sotul), sauna operator (de cite ori face dus), trash remover (de cite ori duce gunoiul), taster (de cite ori gusta mincarea), buyer, (de cite ori cumpara cite ceva), financial analyist (de cite ori plateste chitantele), fashion designer (de cite ori coase un nasture), postal office worker (de cite ori duce posta), baker (cind taie piinea), doctor (de cite ori da o aspirina), nurse (de cite ori face un ceai), plumber (cind desfunda chiuveta)...etc...etc, A L’amore che move il sole e l’altre stelle. [url="http://www.desprecopii.com/chatnew/Desprecopiichat/PaginapersonalaView.asp?nickname=Andrada"]Camera lui Marcu[/url]
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Ati putea traduce cineva articolul in romana? Nu de alta, dar si eu sint o mama casnica, si as vrea sa stiu ce salariu merit. [:D] ------------------ Numai bine, [url="http://bd.lilypie.com/kXnGp2.png"]Natalia[/url] si [url="http://b3.lilypie.com/D8AKp3/.png"]Vlad[/url] [url="http://community.webshots.com/user/Nataltza"]Poze[/url]
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Initial creeata de maru
http://swz.salary.com/momsalarywizard/layoutscripts/mswl_newsearch.asp What Is Mom's Job Worth? (Salary.com) Are you wondering what mom should be paid for her work as mom? Salary.com has now valuated the "mom job" of both the Working and Stay at Home Mom! We consulted Stay at Home and Working Moms to determine the top 10 jobs that make up a mom’s job description. If paid, Stay at Home Moms would earn $134,121 annually (up from 2005’s salary of $131,471). Working Moms would earn $85,876 annually for the “mom job” portion of their work, in addition to their actual “work job” salary. We found the job titles that best matched a mom’s definition of her work to be (in order of hours spent per week): housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO, and psychologist. New job titles that made the list in 2006 include psychologist, laundry machine operator, computer operator, and facilities manager. The job title of nurse fell out of the top 10 this year. Now moms and their families can use The Mom Salary Wizard to create their own “mom paycheck”. The tool allows moms and their families to price the “mom job”, based on location and mom's personal hours worked in each of the 10 roles. Users can create a hypothetical mom paycheck and mom pay stub, which can be printed and emailed to family and friends for Mother’s Day. Doamne'ajuta!
va intrebati cu cat ar trebui platita o mama pentru munca ei? Salary.com a evaluat "jobul de mama" atat pentru mamele care lucreaza, cat si pentru mamele casnice. Am consultat mame casnice si mame care lucreaza sa determinam topul celor 10 joburi care fac parte din fisa postului a unei mame. Daca ar fi platita, o mama casnica ar putea castiga 134 121 $ anual ( plecand de la salariul din 2005 de 131471$). O mama ce si lucreaza ar trebui sa castige 85876$ anual pentru partea de mama a muncii ei, in plus peste salariul ce-l primeste de la slujba pe care o are. Am descoperit ca joburile care descriu cel mai bine munca unei mame casnice sunt ( in ordinea nr de ore facute pe saptamana): menajera, educatoare, bucatar, operator pe computer, operator pe masina de spalat rufe, om de serviciu, manager, sofer, CEO si psiholog. Joburile ce au intrat in 2006 pe lista sunt: psiholog, operator pe masina de spalat rufe, operator pe computer,si manager. Slujba de asistenta medicala a picat anul asta din topul 10. Acum mamele si famiile lor pot folosi The Mom Salary Wizard ca sa creeze propriile fise de salariu. Asta permite mamelor si familiilor lor sa pretuiasca slujba de mama, avand la baza locul si cate ore mama petrece lucrand in cele 10 slujbe. Utilizatorii pot crea fise de salariu, cecuri care pot si imprimate si trimise e-mail familiilor si prietenilor de Ziua Mamei. PS: Scuze pentru traducere, nu e f literara, facuta in viteza. Doamne'ajuta!
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Sincer, am toata admiratia si tot respectul pentru cele care pot "sta" acasa. Proasta alegere de verb in expresia asta, cand numai de stat nu ai timp, nu vi se pare. Eu recunosc ca ma frustreaza teribil sa bucataresc, imi place sa gospodaresc, dar dupa un an de stat cu copilul am turbat. Pur si simplu simteam pe la 6 luni ale lui fiu-meu ca pica peretii pe mine, mai aveam un pic si vorbeam singura. Jos palaria doamnelor ca reusiti si sa cresteti copii si sa tineti casa si sa ramaneti intregi la cap. Aveti tot respectul meu. Raluca, leoaica cu [url="http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/ralcatis/album?.dir=/9588"]Pui Nazdravan[/url]
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