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pentru toti iubitorii de folk romanesc [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDdpKCqsZV8&feature=related[/tube][flo] stie cineva sa cante la chitara ?? sotul meu isi aduce aminte acu din zilele de liceu ... vad ca se pricepe "Eu iubesc pe cei ce ma iubesc si cei ce ma cauta ma gasesc." http://www.dianabostan.evonet.ro/album%20diana%2017mai/poza-padure.html
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eram prin facultate si m-am dus si la dansuri ... mare lucru nu s-a legat de mine , dar ceva a mai ramas :) fiecare melodie imi aduce aminte perioade din viata mea , din fericire , am avut o viata frumoasa pana acum , multumesc lui Dumnezeu [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVpe2DyHJr0[/tube] imi plac versurile "Overprotected" [Spoken:] I need time (time) Love (love) Joy (joy) I need space I need me (Action!) Say hello to the girl that I am! You're gonna have to see through my perspective I need to make mistakes just to learn who I am And I don't wanna be so damn protected There must be another way Cause I believe in taking chances But who am I to say What a girl is to do God, I need some answers What am I to do with my life (You will find it out don't worry) How Am I supposed to know what's right? (You just got to do it your way) I can't help the way I feel But my life has been so overprotected I tell 'em what I like What I want What I don't But every time I do I stand corrected Things that I've been told I can't believe what I hear about the world, I realize I'm Overprotected There must be another way Cause I believe in taking chances But who am I to say What a girl is to do God I need some answers What am I to do with my life (You will find it out don't worry) How Am I supposed to know what's right? (You just got to do it your way) I can't help the way I feel But my life has been so overprotected I need… time (love) I need… space (This is it, this is it) I don't need nobody telling me just what I wanna What I what what what I'm gonna Do about my destiny I Say No, No Nobody's telling me just what what what I wanna do, do I'm so fed up with people telling me to be Someone else but me (Action!) What am I to do with my life (You will find it out don't worry) How Am I supposed to know what's right? (You just got to do it your way) I can't help the way I feel But my life has been so overprotected I don't need nobody telling me just what I wanna What I what what what I'm gonna Do about my destiny I Say No, No Nobody's telling me just what I wanna do, do I'm so fed up with people telling me to be Someone else but me What am I to do with my life (You will find it out don't worry) How Am I supposed to know what's right? (You just got to do it your way) I can't help the way I feel But my life has been so overprotected. [Thanks to im_so_devious15@hotmail.com for these lyrics] [Thanks to toogurly4u@hotmail.com, coolorange@smileyface.com, mmjsjl49@aol.com, Jessica for correcting these lyrics]" dragi prieteni, ce melodii va aduc amintiri frumoase ? sfaturi http://www.dianabostan.evonet.ro/Figure%201.htm
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