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Goldie Pants - 42


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[:D][:D][:D] M-a ajutat Metal ca era o operatiune periculoasa, nu m-a lasat pe mine sa merg. Trebuia sa mergem toate dupa Propretaru', dar Metal pt. ca e un gentleman [olala], s-a oferit[pup]. In sfarsit putem sa rasuflam cum trebuie [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDQn5fu87fY[/tube] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvYygjcMDdQ"]You are the cry that turns to laughter, the sweetness and the morning after[/url], Mrs. Purple Jackson [url="http://www.abc-whoisit.blogspot.com"]Never can say goodbye...[/url]
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neatza[8D][8D][8D] [olala][olala][olala] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DVzBsnTWPE&feature=channel[/tube] [olala][olala][olala] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZHmt7o9u34&feature=related[/tube] [olala][olala][olala] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7lNx3JO4bE&feature=channel[/tube] [olala][olala][olala] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txCD7HzVpU8&feature=channel[/tube] [olala][olala][olala] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XGX9TQOldo&feature=channel[/tube] [olala][olala][olala] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKHo5a_O5Rk&feature=channel[/tube] [alcool][alcool][alcool]o zi frumoasa[flo][flo][flo][pup][fuga] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9TqO_TYCrw&feature=related"]Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race[/url] [flo]
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[8D] Hello [:D] Ce darnica esti Ionaaaaaa!!!!! Intoarcerea Propretarului te-a adus in starea asta euforica? [alcool][alcool] Oana, sper ca ai scapat de sub cheie si te poti bucura si tu de revenire[8D] si de lipsa de egoism a Ionei[8D] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvYygjcMDdQ"]You are the cry that turns to laughter, the sweetness and the morning after[/url], Mrs. Purple Jackson [url="http://www.abc-whoisit.blogspot.com"]Never can say goodbye...[/url]
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play-replay [flo][flo][flo] mey belet de voie...sa zic ca poci sa schimb ora pe el...da nu reusesc cu neuronu sa tin pasu [alcool][alcool][alcool] nu-i bai, am vazut derect indirect intrarea lu propretaru...el eeeeeeee [pk][pk][pk][pk]....la Metalu o sa ma achit de datorie...daca ne-a ajutat, si a facut efortu pt noi....cat despre propretar, azi vi l-am lasat..ca am avut bisnisuri de rezolvat.... [alcool][alcool][alcool] da maine e al meu, sa dezbat cu el cheria mea si taxili ce le am de achitat[olala][olala][olala] mey vaz ca iaste rost de aplicat neste reguli p'aci....stabelite de miss DD acu ceva vreme. o mai las inca 24 ore...sa nu zica despre mine ca stau cu lupa pe camesha ei galbina....de la CT [:-@][:-@][:-@] fetili..seara asta ma retrag ca am neste sedinte private de rezolvat, insa nu uitati de supravegherea din aluni...is cu okii pe voi ionaaaa...generosite-ul tau e de la vetamine, sau de la cursu ala de lady? ca sa stiu cum si cat sa gust din ce ai pus [olala][olala][olala][olala] parpal nu scoate drujba, ca la Metal ii trimet numai neste...flori..atat [olala][olala][olala] si alea virtuale...daca asa preferi JoAnn sper ca esti in parametri..vad ca dupa cafele..te retragi spre privat...asa ca mai bine iti servex limo ca sa stai p'aci pe langa casa...la vedere [flo][flo][pup][pup] [flo][flo][flo][pup]
Smile, what's the use of crying/You'll find that life is still worthwhile/If you just smile (Smile - Michael Jackson)
[url="http://ioanaalbulescu.blogspot.com/"]Dintr-un colt de realitate...[/url]
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Intoarcerea Propretarului te-a adus in starea asta euforica?
[:D][:D][:D] nu doar [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGAFb9WuMAM&feature=player_embedded"]el[/url][olala][olala][olala] mai e si [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQmQ_N41NC0&feature=channel"]altii[/url][olala][olala][olala][alcool][alcool][alcool] egoism....[:D][:D] am fost acuzata[alcool][alcool] stie ea care e[flo][pup] dar va spun cu mana pe inima ca nu iaste adevarat[bang] de tot ce au vazut okii mei[wow][8D][:D] s-au bucurat si okii vostrii[wow][alcool][alcool][:D][8D][:D][:D] oana[flo][pup] e de la ....am ezemplificat mai sus[alcool][alcool][alcool][8D][8D] [flo][flo][flo][pup] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9TqO_TYCrw&feature=related"]Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race[/url] [flo]
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play-replay [flo][flo][flo] mi se scuza absenta de azi, da am fost ocupata cu propretaru...loong time no see him...[olala][olala][olala][olala] si a trebuit sa recupeream timpul, sa ajung la zi cu totul....[il][il][aerob][aerob][aerob] in rest, vad ca noua aparitie a lu propretaru v-o dat peste cap si sunteti cu noo speech, no comment...si speechless...toate in acelasi timp poate va mai reveniti asa [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1O4BtpNel8[/tube] [amoras][amoras][biz][loveyou][8**][8**][i][zana][zana][zana] [zz][zz][zz]
Smile, what's the use of crying/You'll find that life is still worthwhile/If you just smile (Smile - Michael Jackson)
[url="http://ioanaalbulescu.blogspot.com/"]Dintr-un colt de realitate...[/url]
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fetili[flo][flo][flo][flo][flo] oana[flo] io sunt speechless[alcool] recunox [bang]da nu din cauza de propretar... totusi...am sa-i pun pe baietii mei[olala][olala][olala][olala] sa faca o demonstratie de defilari hot[olala] cum numai ei stie[8D][8D].... ca apoi, ziceti iarasi ca nu-i mai recunoasteti daca ii vedeti...[:-@][:-@][:-@] iaca[olala][olala] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwcODkECIJc&feature=related[/tube] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2EBpyBnSus[/tube] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zALcfb4Fb1E[/tube] [olala][olala][olala][olala][olala][olala][bis][bis][bis][harp][harp][harp][harp] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7CX3DA5NIk&feature=PlayList&p=D1C36AF4E9D5BFFB&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=62"]"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation. The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vX1q_464vQ&feature=related"] Long live[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00MbOVO0scQ&feature=related"] THE KING[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNLcEEgXRLU&feature=related"]- MICHAEL[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slxYSVXOE9w&feature=related"] JACKSON!!![/url]
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hello[flo] fetili, harnice mai sunteti[pup], ati adus proprietarul inapoi, v'ati mutat in alt apartament, ati inceput sa platiti si chiria... la mine mai greu[bang][bang][bang] oricum, am auzit ceva de neste limonada pt mine[pofta], dar vad ca numai vorbe [:-@][:-@][:-@], ca io nu am gasit nik. io[:D] si baietii mei[olala][olala][olala] va salutam si dorim o zi buna [flo][flo][flo][flo][flo]
[gravired]13+ viitoare mami de gemeni
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neazta[8D] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdLuBlw2Fs4"][cafea][/url][olala][olala][olala][pofta][pofta][pofta][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRck0ZOOBRQ"][cafea][/url][olala][olala][olala][pofta][pofta][pofta][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUT6C2CKUPs"][cafea][/url][olala][olala][olala][pofta][pofta][pofta] JoAnn[flo] asteapta limonada[:D][:D][:D] fetele[flo][pup] sa aveti parte de o zi cu un soare generos[8D][8D][:D][8D] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9TqO_TYCrw&feature=related"]Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race[/url] [flo]
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play-relay [flo][flo][flo][flo] si ce presupui meu JoAnn...daca tu esti in silenzio stampa sa stau cu limonada asa pe masa...sa ma uit la ea cum se plictiseste???[:-@][:-@][:-@] no way.....nu iesti aci, nu se servesti nemic [olala][olala] iona buna cafea servesti [pk][pk][pk][olala][flo] parpal daca iti iei in serios rolul de cinderela....macar pe baieti mai lasa-i p'afara sa ii mai vedem [flo][flo][flo][pup]
Smile, what's the use of crying/You'll find that life is still worthwhile/If you just smile (Smile - Michael Jackson)
[url="http://ioanaalbulescu.blogspot.com/"]Dintr-un colt de realitate...[/url]
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