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Goldie Pants - 42


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hello [flo] fetili[:D] purple[flo] bune vitamine[pk][pk]. daca e pe votate, atunci sa fie nr. 3[:D] oana[flo] o sa incerc sa dau mai des pe aici, daca asa e rost de limonada[pofta][pofta][:D] lisa[flo] cum mai merge afacerea cu delicatesi??? iona[flo] fetili o duminica frumoasa[flo][flo][flo][pup][pup] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpYTzKFgsHY[/tube] [olala][olala][olala]
[gravired]15+ viitoare mami de gemeni
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neatzaaa[pk] joann[flo] afacerea merge f bine[pk][pk] cererile si consumul iaste tot in crestere[:D]..se pare ca nu se pot desfasura alte activitati fara delicatesili mele[:D][:D][alcool] iar oferta...na, tre sa fie in ton[8D][8D][8D] asadar[trombon] meniul special al zilei eeeee[olala][olala][olala] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xMSTqVuMoo&feature=player_embedded[/tube] [olala][olala][olala][pk][pk][pk] purple[flo] crezi ca e ok delicatesa[olala][olala][:D][:D] e stimulatoare in producerea de vetamini?? sau mai trimit si un supliment?[:D][:D][:D] oana[flo] mi-a trimes killeru[olala] un set de condimenteee picanteeee[olala][olala][olala] nu spui prin ce mijloace s-au efectuat transportu si plata[olala][:D] ca e sicrete[8D][8D][8D] dar musai sa le folosesc la urmatoarea delicatesa[pk][pk] iona[flo] ce faci? ce-ai mai visat aseara[:D][:D]??? in rest, io[8D] si baietii mei[olala][olala][olala][olala] va dorim o duminca frumoasa[pup][pup][flo] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZv7qMevpaw[/tube] [olala][olala][olala][olala][olala][olala][pk][pk][pk][pk][harp][harp] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7CX3DA5NIk&feature=PlayList&p=D1C36AF4E9D5BFFB&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=62"]"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation. The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vX1q_464vQ&feature=related"] Long live[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00MbOVO0scQ&feature=related"] THE KING[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNLcEEgXRLU&feature=related"]- MICHAEL[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slxYSVXOE9w&feature=related"] JACKSON!!![/url]
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mey lisa...nu-i bai...schimb la schimb, vad ca am fost pe aceeasi lungime de unda, ca si eu m-am intalnit intamplator o ba, cu BJ al tau...si ne-am conversat putin, mai mult nu spun, ca sa nu ne furati ideile [pk][pk][pk][pk] [:-@][:-@][:-@][alcool][alcool][alcool][alcool]
Smile, what's the use of crying/You'll find that life is still worthwhile/If you just smile (Smile - Michael Jackson)
[url="http://ioanaalbulescu.blogspot.com/"]Dintr-un colt de realitate...[/url]
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iona vad ca ai luat cu asalt vecinu si rar apuc sa mai ajung la el si sa fie singur, adika sa nu fii tu acolo . mey neobosita esti
oana[flo]cum poci sa-i arat ce buna sunt la[bascket]?[8D] dacat.... jucand[bascket][alcool] nu?[:D][:D][8D] papal[flo] daca e pe votate[:D][:D] votul[pk] merge catre vetamina 3[olala][olala][olala][8D] lisa[flo] te intrebi ce fac?[:D] mai bine nu-ti raspund[alcool] ca poate vrei si tu[:D] si nu am cum sa-ti tremit[pk][pk][pk] ...de visat...am visat....ce as vrea sa visez[alcool][alcool][:D][:D][:D] JoAnn[flo] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SeMb_3Sl0o&feature=related[/tube] [olala][olala][olala] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9TqO_TYCrw&feature=related"]Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race[/url] [flo]
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[8D] Azi, 20 iunie 2010, cadou de first Sunday of August va ofer o [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eYTHnDsMBI&feature=player_embedded"]"vetamina speciala"[/url]. Sper sa va faca bine la pshio-minto-etc [olala][olala][olala][olala] si va doresc 20 iunie frumos, cu ocazia a "first Sunday o August" [roker][roker][roker][roker] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvYygjcMDdQ"]You are the cry that turns to laughter, the sweetness and the morning after[/url], Mrs. Purple Jackson [url="http://www.abc-whoisit.blogspot.com"]Never can say goodbye...[/url]
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neazta[8D][pk][pk][pk] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdLuBlw2Fs4"][cafea][/url][olala][olala][olala][pofta][pofta][pofta][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRck0ZOOBRQ"][cafea][/url][olala][olala][olala][pofta][pofta][pofta][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUT6C2CKUPs"][cafea][/url][olala][olala][olala][pofta][pofta][pofta] parpal[flo][wow][wow][wow][olala][olala][olala] nu stiam despre ce vorbeste BAD[olala][olala][olala] girl[flo] liso..astept urmatoarea delicatesa[alcool][alcool][alcool] oana[flo] inca nu m-am decis[:-@] daca o iau pe scurtatura sau nu[:D][:D][:D] [flo][flo][flo][pup] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9TqO_TYCrw&feature=related"]Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race[/url] [flo]
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play-replay [flo][flo][flo] mey da ce vetamine si delicatese se servesc p'aci [pofta][pofta][pofta] parpal...dupa cum am zis, daca nu existai, trebuia ceneva sa te inventeze [flo][flo][flo] lisa un lung replayyyyyyy ca vaz ca e la moda [biz][alcool][alcool][pup] iona despre scurtatura nu zic nemic, ca nu vreau sa imi arate parpal drujba. la mine, vrei, nu vrei, ajungi...ca doar treci dintr-o curte in alta [pk][pk][pk] JoAnn sa ai o saptamana fromoasa cu pitici cuminti [flo][pup] [pk][pk][pk][flo][pup]
Smile, what's the use of crying/You'll find that life is still worthwhile/If you just smile (Smile - Michael Jackson)
[url="http://ioanaalbulescu.blogspot.com/"]Dintr-un colt de realitate...[/url]
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citat din mesajul lui iona2005 oana[flo]cum poci sa-i arat ce buna sunt la[bascket]?[8D] dacat.... jucand[bascket][alcool] nu?[:D][:D][8D]
[wow]..de aici inteleg ca nu mai ai cu cine juca [bascket] = Sporty nu e acasa = unde e??????????????????????????/ Tin sa multumesc pe aceasta cale Lisei Bad pt delicatesa ultima noutate [olala][olala][olala] si Ionei Rock si Lisei Bad pt. transpunerea exponentiala extrasenzoriala a anumitor factori si elemente constructive, fara de care nu reuseam sa produc o asemenea "vetamina speciala"[pk] Oana Ebony, sunt o doamna, nu scot drujba...am oameni platiti pentru asta. Asa ca...stai cum esti si nu depasi calul [8D] Joann [flo][flo][flo][flo][flo], ca sa iti pui in vaza. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvYygjcMDdQ"]You are the cry that turns to laughter, the sweetness and the morning after[/url], Mrs. Purple Jackson [url="http://www.abc-whoisit.blogspot.com"]Never can say goodbye...[/url]
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[:-)))][:-)))][:-)))][:-)))][:-)))] calul e bine, e in siguranta....atata vreme cat nu ma urc pe trambulina [alcool][alcool][alcool][alcool] noapte senina sa aveti[pup][flo]
Smile, what's the use of crying/You'll find that life is still worthwhile/If you just smile (Smile - Michael Jackson)
[url="http://ioanaalbulescu.blogspot.com/"]Dintr-un colt de realitate...[/url]
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buna[8D] [wow] purple[flo] ma bucurez mult pen'ca delicatesili mele [olala][olala] iaste asa de productive[asia][:D][:D][:D] si ajuta la bunul mers al biznisurilor voastre[8D][8D][8D][8D] iona[flo] ca sa primesti[:D][:D][:D] tre sa dai[8D][8D][8D] ceeeee daaaiii????[:-@][:-@][:-@] oana[flo] succesuri maine [pk][pk] si....sa ne ai in vedere la difuzari[olala][olala][8D][8D][pk] [tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvAFp6bgv4s[/tube] [olala][olala][olala][olala][pk][pk][pk][pk][harp] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7CX3DA5NIk&feature=PlayList&p=D1C36AF4E9D5BFFB&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=62"]"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation. The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vX1q_464vQ&feature=related"] Long live[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00MbOVO0scQ&feature=related"] THE KING[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNLcEEgXRLU&feature=related"]- MICHAEL[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slxYSVXOE9w&feature=related"] JACKSON!!![/url]
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