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Andrada, depinde ce fel de piele este si ce fel de pata.

Se curata diferit finished leather fata de unfinished leather.


Mildew stains. Mix 1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) rubbing alcohol with 1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) water. Moisten a cloth with the mixture and wipe the affected area. Leave to dry.


Ink stains. Spray the affected area with hairspray, then wipe it off with a clean cloth. Ink can be extremely difficult to remove, so you may need to consult a leather-cleaning professional.


Water stains. Allow a soaked leather garment to dry slowly and naturally. Keep the item away from heat sources, and restore its softness with a leather conditioner after it's dry. For soaked leather shoes, insert shoe trees and let air-dry.


Grease stains. Blot excess grease with a clean cloth. Sprinkle talcum powder or cornstarch on the affected area. Let sit for at least 4 hours, then wipe off the powder.


Protein (Blood, Urine) Stains. Blot excess moisture with a clean, damp cloth. Allow item to dry slowly, away from a heat source.


Gum. Rub with a plastic bag of ice cubes to harden the gum, and then pull off the gum. For any residual gum, heat the area with a hair dryer and rub off the gum with a clean cloth.


Salt Stains. Mix a solution of 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water. Moisten a cloth with the vinegar solution and dab on the affected area.


Discoloration. For leather garments, gloves and bags that are discolored, use a leather spray designed to restore color. These products are sold at shoe repair shops; choose the color that most closely matches.



Baby Gator

FineArt gallery


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Miere daca ma poti ajuta si pe mine?! Ma tot uit on line ptr un baby k'tan. As vrea un carrier ptr bb dar unul care sa mearga de la bebelas si am inteles ca astea: Chico, Bjorn nu s chiar bune ptr newborn. Baby K'tan ul asta vad ca poti sa bagi bebelasul inauntru (el nu tr sa si tina caputul). Tu ai asa ceva?


Don't throw with stones if you live in a glass house.


corina mama Ralucai




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Corina eu am avut carrier pt Aidan si nu mi-a placut deloc pozitia in care ii forta picioarele sa stea, asa ca mi-am luat un wrap.

Uite cum sta Aidan in el, foarte confortabil si pt el si pt mine si tine cont ca aici avea vreo 8 kile, cu un newborn e infinit mai confortabil. Exista pozitii specile in care poti sa legi esarfa asta, pt ca practic este o esarfa, f f lunga si un pic elasteca, pe care o poti lega in diverse moduri.




Edit: vad ca ceea ce cauti tu e asemanator cu wrap-ul, doar ca il porti pe o parte.


Baby Gator

FineArt gallery


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Multumesc Miere,am mai vorbit si eu cu alte mamici care tot asa ziceau ca acest carrier nu i f bun cand sunt f mici.In asta la care ma uit eu vad ca poti baga bebele de tot inauntru si apoi poti sa l pui ca si pe Aidan cand e mai maricel.




Don't throw with stones if you live in a glass house.


corina mama Ralucai




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Fetele care au mai facut pasaport romanesc copiilor in Romania...ce acte imi trebuie??

Pot sa il fac doar eu? Sau trebuie sa fie si tatal de fata??

Daca Radu imi da o imputernicire notarizata aici, in Us, e recunoscuta in Romania???


Sinzi , Radu si David [detectiv] psihologul

[cool] Davidid="size1">





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