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Sex bebe?!?!

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De vreo 3 zile tot incerc sa deschid subiectul asta si dintr-un motiv sau altul nu reusesc sa termin,asa c-am s-o iau pe scurtatura![:D] Ultima noastra pata pe creier e sa facem bebe no.2!Uite-asa din senin ne-a venit..ce sa mai asteptam??? Si ne-am gindit noi,daca tot o avem pe veve,de ce n-am incerca si-un baietel in runda 2?!?! Si-acu' vine "perla":am vrea sa incercam o "planificare" de sex dupa un tabelut de ala cum am mai vazut pe forum si pe site-uri,dar nu reusesc sa mai gasec nici unul.Inafara de ala trimis de Bobita(???)pe e-mail,in care am calculat pt.mine si pt.toate cunostintele si s-a potrivit... [:)]Stiu ca-i relativa chestia si daca cumva nu iese noi nu ne suparam;dar de ce sa nu-ncercam???? Stie cineva unde pot gasi astfel de "calculatoare"?Poate confruntind mai multe iese ceva... [:)]...[:x][:x] Irina & Veve cea cumintzica foc![:D]
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Pai gasesti calendare din astea pe toate siturile pt. bebei-vezi babycenter sau thebabycorner.Cred ca este unul chiar si pe situl acesta.Se numesc chinese chart sau cam asa ceva.La mine s-a potrivit la amandoi bebeii-dar la varsta mamei ,de ex. daca ai "25" ani plus cateva luni-sa iei in considerare varsta rotunjita-adica 26. Bafta multa la bebel!:-0 Ortansa-de 2x mamica
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Nu stiu daca te ajuta informatia de mai jos. Prima metoda a fost eficienta pentru mine. "Basically, there are different natural methods being advocated for pre-selecting a boy or girl and they are based on different principles on how they might work. These are: Timing Method The main advocates for this method of sex selection are Shettles and Rorvik. They believed that the male sperm (Y sperm) are smaller and therefore can swim faster than their female rival (X sperm). They also believed the alkaline or acidic environment of the vagina affects the male and female sperm differently. Their hypothesis is that couples should have intercourse as close to ovulation as possible to have a boy because the alkaline environment favours the survival and swimming ability of the male sperm and therefore are more likley to reach the egg first. For conceiving a girl, couples are advised to have intercourse at least 2-3 days before ovulation. This is because the acid environment of the vagina favours the female sperm and by the time ovulation occurs, most of the male sperm would have died giving a free run for the X sperm. Using this method, they claim up to 85% success for the selection of boys and 80% for the selection of girls. Dr Sophia Kleeman extended this method to couples having artifical insemination and found a preponderance of boys (70-80%) when this was done at ovulation. Dr Shettles' timing theory took a great knock when Dr R. Guerrero published a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine that indicated the sex of the baby not only depended on the time of ovulation, but also upon whether the couples were conceiving naturally or by artificial insemination. In his study, he found couples having artificial insemination at the time of ovulation produced boys 62% of the time whereas those conceiving naturally produced only about 45% boys. Hazel Phillips in her book (Choosing the Sex of Your Baby - the Natural Way) refined the timing method further by asking couples to take into account the husband's sperm count. For conceiving a boy, she recommends the husband to abstain from sex for at least a week or more so that at ovulation, the sperm count will be high making it more likely that a male sperm will reach the egg first. For conceiving girls, she advises the husband to have frequent ejaculations until several days before ovulation and then the couple should have intercourse 2-5 days before ovulation. By doing this, the sperm count will be low and the chances of the male sperm surviving in acidic conditions and fertilising the egg will be lower still. She claims in her book that couples who follow her methods for conceiving a boy or girl are successful over 80% of the time. Diet Method The advocates of diet in sex selection are mainly of French or German origin although there is at least one doctor in the UK who practices sex selection using this method. Early studies by German scientists found the concentration of potassium and magnesium can significantly affect the ratio of male to female worms at birth. High concentrations of potassium in the aquarium increased the proportion of male worm whilst lowering this concentration and increasing the magnesium content increases the number of female worms. This theory was tested and shown to be valid in animals as well by Professor Stolkowski in Paris. What he found was not so much the quantity of potassium that was important but how it relates to magnesium and calcium levels was the decisive factor. Subsequently, Doctors Lorrain and Gagnon in Montreal found in a retrospective survey on humans that sodium was also important for the birth of males in addition to potassium. Further studies by Dr Lorrain and Professor Stolkowski on women volunteers using the diet method of sex selection achieved success rates of 80% and 88% respectively. For a boy, you need to eat food rich in sodium and potassium. Foods suitable for a boy include meat, salted meat products, sausages, fish (dried and salted fish particularly recommended), rice, pasta, potatoes, beans and most fresh vegetables, peaches, apricots, bananas and most fresh fruits, white bread, croissants, fruit loaf, honey, jam and soup, tea, coffee and fizzy drinks. For a girl, foods rich in calcium and magnesium like dairy products should be eaten. These include eggs, milk or milk products, small amounts of fresh meat and fish allowed, no salt in food, tea, coffee, mineral waters, fresh fruit juice, wine, beer, yoghurt, rice, pasta, salt-free bread, ice cream and small quantities of fresh vegetables. The food diets above are taken from a book po****rised by Dr Francois Papa. The wife will need to be on the special diets for at least three months before trying for either a boy or girl. Dr Papa claims an 80% success rate for the baby of the desired sex provided the woman follow strictly his diet for a boy or girl. The Vaginal Douching Method Some doctors, including Dr Shettles, believe the Y sperm (male) prefer alkaline conditions whereas the X sperm (female) favours acidic environments. With this in mind, some doctors are still recommending the douching of the vagina with a solution of bicarbonate of soda for a boy or lemon juice (or diluted vinegar) for a girl 15-30 min before intercourse. The sodium bicarbonate will make the vagina more alkaline therefore favouring the conception of a boy whereas vinegar and lemon juice are both acidic thus favouring girls."
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Sper sa te ajute si asta.... Cristina Ancient Chinese Birth Gender Chart This is an ancient Chinese Chart used to predict the sex of your unborn child. Guaranteed 99% accuracy. The Chart was buried in a tomb near Beijing for 700 years. The original is in the Institute of Science in Beijing. All you need is the month the child was conceived, and the age of the mother at the time of conception. Cross reference age of mother at conception with month of conception Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 18 f m f m m m m m m m m m 19 m f m f f m m f m m f f 20 f m f m m m m m m f m m 21 m f f f f f f f f f f f 22 f m m f m f f m f f f f 23 m m m f m m f f f m m f 24 m f f m m f m f m m f m 25 f m f m f m f m f m m m 26 m m m m m f m f f m f f 27 f f m m f m f f m f m m 28 m m m f f m f m f f m f 29 f m f f m f f m f m f f 30 m m f m f m m m m m m m 31 m m m m f f m f m f f f 32 m f f m f m m f m m f m 33 f m m f f m f m f m m f 34 m m f f m f m m f m f f 35 m f m f m f m f m m f m 36 m f m m m f m m f f f f 37 f f m f f f m f m m f m 38 m m f f m f f m f f m f 39 f f m f f f m f m m f m 40 m m m f m f m f m f f m 41 f f m f m m f f m f m f 42 m f f m m m m m f m f m 43 f m f f m m m f f f m m 44 m f f f m f m m f m f m 45 f m f m f f m f m f m f Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
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...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! va sa zica testati opinia publica[:p] [/quote] Multumesc mult, Cristina!Vreau sa le combin sa ad la care se potrivesc datele[:)] Angelutooo!te-am dus de data asta!daca nici acu' nu nasti... [img]http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/mica/monkbum.gif[/img]..[:D]Pupicei!! Irina & Veve cea cumintzica foc![:D]
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