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Multumesc la toti si l-a toate pentru vorbele bune. Adevarul este ca la sfarsitul zilei desi sunt epuizata cand vad ca ceea ce scriu este citit imi da puterea de a ma aseza din nou in fata calculatorului si de a va povesti mai departe. Chiar daca la biserica mergeam doar cand simteam nevoia nu stateam prea mult deoarece nu-mi placea aglomeratia si faptul ca trebuia sa stau in picioare pentru cateva ore. Asa ca intram in zilele din cursul saptamanii cand se intampla sa trec pe langa o casa a Domnului. Ma asezam pe unul din scaune si privind in jur meditam la trecutul si viitorul meu. Unde gresisem de ajunsesem aici? Ma apropiam cu repeziciune de 30 de ani si nimic din ceea ce-mi doream nu aveam. Care era scopul meu in viata? Ce vroiam? In aceste momente am realizat ca drumul meu sa schimbat si nu mi-am mai urmat dorintele personale punand starea materiala mai presus de ceea ce doream. Din acest motiv am ramas impreuna cu fostul meu sot. Faptul ca incepusem o afacere impreuna mi-a dat certitudinea ca o vom duce bine din punct de vedere financiar , ca vom avea o casa frumoasa, o masina si alte nimicuri pe care le vrei in fiecare zi. Zi de zi , usor - usor, celalate dorinte le tot impingeam in fundul sacului si nu le-am mai lasat sa iasa la lumina pentru o lunga perioada de timp pana cand in cele din urma sacul sa rupt si nu am mai putut sa-l peticesc. Vroiam sa fiu iubita , vroiam sa fiu sotie, vroiam sa fiu mama. Doar aceste trei lucruri ma putea face fericita. Asa am decis sa imi ascult inima si sa las naibii rationamentul care ma tot indemna sa pun pe primul plan banii si abia apoi dragostea. Am inceput o lupta cu mine. Nu aveam cu cine sa discut deoarece nimeni nu-mi cunoastea situatia mai bine decat mine. Primisem un telefon de la australian care imi spunea ca isi va amana calatoria in Romania pana la o data necunoscuta dearece murise fosta lui soacra (asta-i buna!) si trebuia sa stea acolo ca sa-si sprijine moral fosta sotie. Mai ce noroc pe capul lui. Cati au norocul sa asiste la moartea soacrei. L-am aprobat si am pretins ca nu ma deranjeaza dar deja l-am sters dupa lista. Se pare ca ori avea prea multe probleme ,ori era doar un visator sau cine stie ce pramatie. Nu i-am spus sa nu ma mai sune pur si simplu l-am lasat sa vad ce va face pe viitor. Bineinteles ca l-am luat si pe Grig la purificat. Era adevarat ca sapte ani de zile imi purtase sambetele si ca nu renuntase nicioadata si sunt sigura ca nu ar refuzat sa se tavaleasca cu mine chiar si casatorita fiind. Asta insemna ca daca as fi fost cu el nu ar fi contat asa de mult si oricand ar fi gasit o alta mai proaspata decat partenera lui si fara prea multe remuscari s-ar inplica intr-o aventura. De fapt asa cum mi-a spus asta a fost unul din motivele pentru care sotia lui a divortat. Chiar daca arata asa bine si era manierat , foarte placut in societate si mi-ar fi placut sa fiu cu el m-am hotarat sa nu continui relatia cu el. Stiam ce fel ma va privi, stiam ca va fi dezamagit dar mai bine sa tai craca de la inceput decat sa o las sa creasca. Mai ramanea Necunoscutul care ma cucerea cu fiecare e-mail. Incepusem sa muncesc ca un robotel care stie ce are de facut dar gandurile imi erau departe. Eram ca o Ileana Cosanzeana inchisa intr-un castel ce se gandeste la Fat-Frumos. Desi nu-mi exteriorizam sentimentele si trairile probabil se putea citi pe fata mea bucuria si speranta. Am sa redau aici cateva fragmente din scrisorile noastre. Vor fi in engleza si sper ca nu ve-ti avea nevoie de traducere. Daca da sa cereti traducerea si nu ma supar daca altcineva va dori sa o faca. Deasemenea nu am sa dau pasajele unde am scris despre noi. Am sa spun doar ca amandoi am fost foarte sinceri unu cu altul si am pus negru pe alb foarte multe detalii despre noi. Am urmat sfatul bunicului lui care spunea asa: My grandfather once gave me some VERY GOOD ADVICE: DO NOT MARRY SOMEONE FOR THE THINGS THAT YOU LIKE ABOUT THEM. THE MARRIAGE WILL BE TERRIBLE AND NOT LAST. MARRY SOMEONE FOR THE THINGS THAT YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THEM. FIND OUT WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THEM, AND IF YOU CAN TOLERATE AND FORGIVE THESE FAULTS, YOU WILL HAVE A LONG AND HAPPY MARRIAGE. My Dearest and Most Beautiful Lia!! How glad I am to receive each and every email that you send to me!! I believe that you have a great deal of strength and beauty inside, to go along with your considerable beauty outside! I feel very close to you now. I am VERY impatient to come and see you. However, I only just sent off for my passport and they told me that it could take up to SIX WEEKS for it to be approved and come back to me! The passport bureau is being very careful right now because of the terrorist attack in New York and Washington D.C. on 09/11/2001. Also when I make my reservation, it would be very prudent and a lot less costly for me to make the reservation at least 21 days in advance of travelling. It will cost me about $1000 - $1200 for the ticket IF I purchase 21 days in advance. Otherwise, the ticket will cost double or even triple that cost. I hope you understand my reluctance to spend that extra money. But it is so hard to wait!! I am eager to see you! Is your spoken English as good as your written English? You really write English VERY WELL. I am VERY VERY IMPRESSED with your command of my native tongue. I think this was all part of God's rich plan though. If all the things in my life...and all the things in your life didn't happen the way they have happened...and at the time they happened...we wouldn't have ever known each other. You wouldn't have been looking for me on the internet and I wouldn't have been looking for you either Has it only been 7 emails? It seems like I know you so much better than that!!! I feel very close and loving towards you my sweet and beautiful Cornelia!! We aren't going to worry about that 15 email stipulation that I made at the beginning of our correspondence. I would get on a jet and come see you tonight if I could!! Please write me a long letter as soon as you can. I will probably check my email 100 times between now and when you write me again!! Hello My Dearest and Most Beautiful Darling, Is that Greeting too syrupy sweet? I look at it and I think that it is, but I decided "what the heck!!!" Also, it is from the heart, no matter how syrupy it sounds. The high point of my day is receiving your letter. Thank You for writing so often and such nice long letters!! I believe that the man sets the tone for the married couple. I also believe that the man is 90% responsible for the success of failure of a man/woman relationship. For a relationship to be successful requires EFFORT and COMMUNICATION!! And the man is responsible for expending some effort, motivating his woman to WANT to expend effort; he must listen to her, and hear what she is saying even when she isn't saying anything at all. If she isn't saying anything, that is really bad and he MUST reach out and discover what needs and desires of hers he has neglected. Any and all bad things in life can be overcome by the couple if they are willing to work together, suffer together, share the good times TOGETHER!!! I want a Life-Partner!! I am fast falling in love with you my darling Lia. I think I will be hopelessly enmeshed in the coils of your love after we spend our vacation together in May. I have such high hopes that we will hit it off perfectly when we finally meet!! Scrisoarea mea cu greselile de rigoare Hello my love .. Maybe you will be surprize about this mail ... but I was thinking to you and I am feeling that I want to write to you ... is like when I am feel much close to you if I write a mail for you... I miss you .. and I must be patient and wait for 10.00 AM when the internet is not so expenceve to see if I get a mail from you ... so here I am .. missing you ... missing your words ... hope you are well .. and you miss me as much as I miss you .. or maybe more ... I reread your mails and i found questions which I did not answer ... Maybe you don`t remember .. but if you will read your mail you will see. I don`t know what to do .. just to answer to the questions ar to let my minde free and write what i am thinking and feeling ... I feeling that i can trust you and I can tell you everything whit out to be afraide that in one day you will take advantage of that .( you know that many people do that ????) I am in my lunch break , I have an sandwich whit cheess and tomato and a tea ...My office is very close of my apartment so I can came home to have lunch and sometimes I take the papers and I work at home .. but now is to cold and i will prefer to go back to the ofice ... Can I say ;" I miss you ..and I am thinking to you " againe and againe and againe ... Can I tell you that I ask my self if are you the one I am looking for ??? Can I tell you that I want to be you and in the same time I am afraide ( I have the intention to delete " I am afraide" but I will not) I promise to be honest I will be ... Last night going to bed I was thinking to you till a sleep ... have you do the same??? ....You are so far ... thinking that I will have poblem taking visa but I will be glad if in this time you will stay whit me here ... OHHHH I am thinking about the time we will spent togheter .. Do you know that I am very lezily in the morning .. that i like to sleep late (8.00 -9.00) of course in my free days ... and I am thinking that you will must to weke up to have breakfast and from bed i will smell the tost bread and after you will came againe in the bad and you will find me very soft, sweet and worm ... mmmm ... dreaming ... clouse your eyes ... Oh! ... I start to have hopes .. and dreams .... I must go .... have a nice day .... love ... Lia Hello My Beautiful and Sweet Girl!! Thank you very much for the spontaneous letter!! I am so happy that you sent it without waiting to get my reply letter first. I would have been put into a very bad mood if I didn't have a letter from you when I came home from swimming tonight! Your letters are such a joy for me, that I have become very spoiled these last 4 days that I have gotten an email from you every day!! You MUST write me at least once a day or I shall miss you too much and be in an ill humour!! Do you know that I could write you three or four long emails a day, but I didn't want you to know how much I think about you. I don't think about you very often... ONLY about 1000 times a day!! I have killed my personal ads so that no more women will write to me. I have the dilemma of telling the other women I am writing with some regularity that I am no longer interested in them. How do you think I should do this? May I tell you that I am SURE that I am going to love you as soon as I see you in the airport and we exchange our first tender embrace, and our first gentle kiss? As for me missing you as much as you miss me? I don't see how that is possible!! I want to be with you so very much! I am eager to get to know you in person, because if you have all the fine qualities that your emails suggest that you have, I will FINALLY have found my soul-mate!! I will be complete for the first time in my life, my dearest, sweetest darling girl! You CAN trust me dear Lia. I will prove that to you a little bit when I come to see you for a month (I asked you how long you would prefer that I stay in the previous email). If we like and love each other as much as I hope, I will continue to be worthy of your trust and love more and more with each passing year!! I miss you more and more, my darling. I can hardly wait to be with you. I hope your next email gives me a time to call you...I am eager to hear your voice...I am sure it will sound like angels singing to me, sweetheart!!!! With all my love and affection... Este extraordinar cat de mult ne poate imbunatati viata tehnologia care exista in ziua de astazi. Astept cu nerabdare sa se invetenze si teleportarea ca sa putem calatori in fractiuni de secunda unde ne doreste sufletul. Desi totul suna atat de frumos si speram numai la bine oricand corespondenta putea sa inceteze fara nici o explicatie. Ce poti face cand cineva care este doar o adresa de email dispare? Acesta era unul din motivele pentru care cu mare emotie deschdeam computerul, ma conectam la internet (uneori dura si cate jumatate de ora sa ma conectez) si accesam adresa de email. Fiecare scrisoare imi dovedea ca el inca exista , ca inca se gandeste la mine...ca e posibil... mamica fericita a unui baietel!
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Super Lia, tare frumos mai "zici".Te-ai gandit vreodata sa publici o carte?Adunate toate aceste experiente ale tale cred ca ar iesi o super-carte.MAi tineti minte cand eram copii erau niste cartulii pentru copii in care erau benzi desenate pe episoade.Si asteptam cu nerabdare sa apara cealalta cartulie sa citim continuarea.Asa astept eu in fiecare zi sa citesc ce-ai mai scris, draga super Lia.Poate ti se va face mila de curiozitatea noastra si ne vei da 2 episoade pe zi[;)]. Pupici bebelusului tau, si tie[dual] ali
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Eu am plecat singura, intr-o seara limpede de august. A trebuit sa plec ca sa pot fi cu sotul meu, parintii mei nestiind ca suntem casatoriti. Parintii si bunica m-au insotit la microbuzul care mergea la Budapesta la aeroport. I-am imbratisat si apoi m-au urcat in masina, dintr-o data i-am vazut atat de palizi si batrani ca nicioadata si bunica mea parea atat de mica... Sotul meu astepta saracul undeva unde stia el ca ar trece masina cu mine, am trecut in viteza pe langa el si i-am facut cu mana si el m-a vazut si s-a uitat atat de trist si de disperat la mine si era atat de stingherit si slabut ca am simtit cum mi se innegureaza ochii de atatea lacrimi si ca nu mai pot. M-am imbarbatat stiind ca e spre binele nostru sa plec. Toata noaptea am calatorit cu masina si am privit stelele asa cum se vad din Romania si am incercat sa inregistrez fiecare detaliu al locurilor pe unde treceam. Cand am ajuns am locuit intr-un loc mult mai urat decat orice imi imaginasem eu, dar trebuia pt ca era ieftin. Mi-a fost greu sa ma adaptez la inceput, dar am reusit datorita oamenilor f sufletisti si placuti din universitatea unde sunt. Sotul meu a venit si el, lucram si studiem in acelasi loc, am trecut peste greutatile de inceput si asteptam cu mare dragoste venirea pe lume a bebelusului nostru cam in 8 saptamani. Totusi mai am un ghimpe in inima, dorul de tara de parinti si mai ales de bunica si frica ca nu o sa o pot vedea macar inca odata. Intradevar am ramas cu amintiri frumoase legate de tara, de mare de paduri si munti, de tineri, dar memoriile suferintelor care m-au facut sa plec sunt inca proaspete. m-au impresionat f mult toate povestile voastre si scrieti atat de frumos, allya [usa]
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Unde pot vedea si eu fotografia Super-minunatei-Lia? Ca citind cu sufletul la gura tot ce a scris, parca o cunosc de o viata. Vreau sa vad si eu cum arata aceasta fiinta care povesteste atat de frumos si a atrait atat din plin viata. Esti minunata, Lia! S-a mai spus si o spun si eu: scrie o carte. Vorbesc serios!
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trebuie sa fi logat cu numele tau si cu parola ta. altfel nu poti vedea astfel de informatii. Sper ca nu se supara admin ca am raspuns eu... GabiG si Francesca 1an2 luni Pe lumea asta exista un singur bebelas (copil) perfect! Si fiecare mama il are! http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/adigabi
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