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Cei mai activi membri în acest subiect

Cei mai activi membri în acest subiect

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Ah unde locuim noi se vede doar din curtea comuna, tot așa când se plimba vecinii cu câinii. In partea din spate e curtea și o alee pietonala, se vede in casa dar de departe, sunt și pomi între casa și alee. Nu stau dezbracata prin casa in partea de jos :)). Deși lumea aici nu se uita in case, nu au treaba. 

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Miha, tb sa fie, ca eu din alea am. Ale mele se deschid in afara, de jos, asa putin...stii ce zic, nu???


Da, din astea ce se deschid așa nu voiam, dar nu fac altfel decât din PVC, al meu nu vrea din PVC. Se dau peste cap ale tale? 


Nu găsesc, doar sticla din asta de ziceam ca se curata singura, sau rezistenta la murdărie. Sti cumva de la ce firma? Producatoare. 

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Ant, ce e special pe geamurile alea? Folie? Sau ceva pelicula? Trebuie întreținută? Nici eu nu le spăl des, de doua ori pe an. 




Habar nu aveam nici eu dar uite cum se explica. Eu nu spal geamurile pe afara...never ever. Pe interior le spal ca bestiile respira, ling, latra si se murdaresc (nu toate, bineinteles). 


The first thing to note about self-cleaning windows is that they're not, in fact, "simple pieces of glass." They have a very thin outer coating of titanium dioxide, a white, powdery titanium compound best known for giving that dazzling gleam to paint, toothpaste, and all kinds of other bright white things. Now if titanium dioxide is, essentially, the white in white paint, it might seem ludicrous to splash it all over a window—something we naturally want to be transparent. But the coating really is ultra-ultra thin. We're talking about putting a layer 10–25 nanometers deep on glass that might be 4mm thick, which is like sitting a dime on top of the Empire State Building! It reduces the light passing through the glass by no more than about 5 percent. The titanium dioxide coating cleans through a double-whammy, two-stage process: it's photocatalytic (light-activated) and hydrophilic (water-loving). Titanium dioxide is a photocatalyst: it's a material that makes chemical reactions happen when the right kind of light shines on it. The right kind of light for titanium dioxide is ultraviolet (UV), the super-blue, high-energy part of sunlight that our eyes can't see, but that nevertheless can give us sunburn even on a cloudy day. When ultraviolet light hits the titanium dioxide coating of a self-cleaning window, electrons are generated. These turn water molecules from the air into hydroxyl radicals that make chemical oxidation and reduction reactions take place on the coating. In effect, the hydroxyl radicals attack organic (carbon-based) dirt and chop it up into smaller pieces that are much easier for rain to wash away. Since the reactions happen on the titanium coating, on the very surface of the glass, they attack the lowest layers of the dirt, loosening encrusted muck from the glass very effectively by chipping it away from the inside out (the opposite of normal window cleaning, where you effectively scrub the dirt from the outside in).

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ale mele parca se dau peste cap


Da, așa vor fi și ale noastre. Sunt ușor de spălat de dinăuntru, asta e avantajul.


Am găsit ce spui, la elitfönster. Asa ceva, nu? https://www.elitfonster.se/tillval-tillbehor/fonsterglas/


Ale voastre sunt și din astea de lasa mai putina caldura? Parca nu as vrea, îmi place iarna sa între caldura de la ferestre, vara tragem jaluzele. Dar asta as lua in considerare, ma gândesc.


O sa văd care e diferența de preț dacă merita din astea cu reflex, sa nu se vadă înăuntru.


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Habar nu aveam nici eu dar uite cum se explica. Eu nu spal geamurile pe afara...never ever. Pe interior le spal ca bestiile respira, ling, latra si se murdaresc (nu toate, bineinteles). The first thing to note about self-cleaning windows is that they're not, in fact, "simple pieces of glass." They have a very thin outer coating of titanium dioxide, a white, powdery titanium compound best known for giving that dazzling gleam topaint, toothpaste, and all kinds of other bright white things. Now if titanium dioxide is, essentially, the white in white paint, it might seem ludicrous to splash it all over a window—something we naturally want to betransparent. But the coating really is ultra-ultra thin. We're talking about putting a layer 10–25 nanometers deep on glass that might be 4mm thick, which is like sitting a dime on top of the Empire State Building! It reduces thelight passing through the glass by no more than about 5 percent.The titanium dioxide coating cleans through a double-whammy, two-stage process: it's photocatalytic (light-activated) and hydrophilic (water-loving). Titanium dioxide is a photocatalyst: it's a material that makes chemical reactions happen when the right kind of light shines on it. The right kind of light for titanium dioxide is ultraviolet (UV), the super-blue, high-energy part of sunlight that our eyes can't see, but that nevertheless can give us sunburn even on a cloudy day. When ultraviolet light hits the titanium dioxide coating of a self-cleaning window, electrons are generated. These turn water molecules from the air into hydroxyl radicals that make chemical oxidation and reduction reactions take place on the coating. In effect, the hydroxyl radicals attack organic (carbon-based) dirt and chop it up into smaller pieces that are much easier for rain to wash away. Since the reactions happen on the titanium coating, on the very surface of the glass, they attack the lowest layers of the dirt, loosening encrusted muck from the glass very effectively by chipping it away from the inside out (the opposite of normal window cleaning, where you effectively scrub the dirt from the outside in).


Da, așa citisem și eu, ca e o pelicula pe geam, mersi de amănunte, foarte interesant. Știi cumva dacă trebuie sa intreti pelicula asta, trebuie reînnoită, așa zicea al meu, cică așa a citit. 


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